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As A Solo Player So Far, I Miss Global/Side Channel

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I have been playing Day Z for about 2 weeks now, I loved when I first started because I could jump on SC or GC and ask the veteran players for help to any questions I needed. If I was bored, I could message people and see what everyone was doing and it made Day Z more enjoyable because I got to see how every other players adventures were going and could possibly meet up with people for help or to group up.

Now with no GC or SC I feel completely alone in game, I understand that it's sort of the point of Day Z (survive all alone). However, it also makes the game a bit more boring until I run into someone else or get chased by Zeds.

Can we please bring back SC/GC? It really made the gameplay experience MUCH more enjoyable for me and other players that I spoke to.

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You just need to find a group or something. There are a few channels with TS or equiv. that everyone can jump into anyway.

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There are still servers that have SC enabled.

Not sure of there names, but I know one of them is a UK server.

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Yeah I want to group up with people, but that's why SC/GC was so good.

I didn't have to go on TS to find people, I could just ask in game and save the trouble if the channel didn't have TS.

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Now with no GC or SC I feel completely alone in game

Your supposed to miss it, now get out there and try to talk to people (in-game) before shooting! :D

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With DC being something like 40m, communicating with an unknown player in-game is pointless because before that range shoot-on-site usually happens. IMO, if some form of a global channel is not allowed, DC range needs to be increased.

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I miss it too, but at the same time I'm glad it's gone. I think that the atmosphere is greatly enhanced by the lack of random chatter.

I think Rocket should implement a radio item that re-enables the text side chat. I play alot during the late evening and talking on TS alot is not really an option for me as my family is sleeping. Finding that radio would be one of the most rewarding aspects of the game, because finally, you'd have somebody to talk to while you were out and about.

I did get a chance to use the in game voice chat, and I have to say I was very impressed with how well it worked. It had pretty good range, and you could tell where the other player was based on their voice. The best part was I realized that if the dudes voices annoyed me or they were being a-holes, I could just walk away and not have to listen to them, which is not really a feature on TS though you can mute the person, it's not quite the same. I'm definitely getting a mic soon, because I felt like a tool trying to type to those guys.

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Considering the fact that I found a TS group through side chat, I do agree that it needs to be reimplemented.

But under highly regulated and restricted conditions.

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