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About SgtHydra

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  1. I've always felt the "drive around, look in open fields" method of finding crash sites to be a big drain on the game's immersion. How do survivors know there is a crashed helicopter out there without ever having seen one crash?
  2. SgtHydra

    i think bear traps are awesome

    You actually wouldn't do any real damage with that method. Gotta set traps in locations where people WILL walk through, like a road or along a wall, for example.
  3. SgtHydra

    i think bear traps are awesome

    Carebear here. Traps will encourage people to be more mindful of their surroundings. Check doors, thresholds, paths, stairs, around corners. I really hope they aren't too obvious, otherwise that will make them somewhat pointless. That said, there should be a limit on how many traps a single account can set. Maybe five. Or three. Or perhaps just one.
  4. SgtHydra

    Spray Cans

    Marking buildings as safe zones, marking trees as a navigable landmark, fooling nuubs into a snipable building, warning for bandits that your clan is on the premises and you'd best run off elsewhere... This has applications. Legit applications. Red = warning Blue = safe zome Green = landmark
  5. > Arma 2 mod > not having vehicles ISHYGDDT
  6. Considering the fact that I found a TS group through side chat, I do agree that it needs to be reimplemented. But under highly regulated and restricted conditions.
  7. SgtHydra

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You hardcore guys got it all wrong. Don't make zombies more difficult to fight. Make them more interesting to fight. I don't want this to be Left 4 Dead anymore than anyone else, but the addition of some "special" zombies would not hurt. Look, if I can't raid a single barn cause the walkers around there are OP as hell, that's bad. But if that barn is guarded by some novel sort of zombie, one that hunts or acts in a way different from normal zombies, then that's fun. The sort of stuff I'm thinking of is like this: a roamer zombie that spawns alone out in the woods, making sure no players (especially ones on low pop servers) are running around carefree when its supposed to be a zombie apocalypse; a spotter zombie that is completely deaf and relies on eyesight - it would have big red glowing eyes that shine like spotlights (like this, but, you know, a zombie) and, when it spots you, it beelines right for you in a tackle attack that knocks you to the ground (regular attack afterwards, tho); or a zombie that relies solely on sound and is quite easy to distract with bottles - but even a silenced weapon is like a dinner bell to them. I know what you're thinking. Too Left 4 Dead. We don't need this. The regular zombies are fine. But I'm sure it's not just me who tires of the "sneak, headshot, mop up" routine? Heck, I hardly fight zombies anymore. And with the normal walker sort, that's okay. They're boring. I'd like to have a boss zombie that I'd have to take out before daring to attempt sneaking in - or alternatively, make sneaking in more than just "go prone and stay prone." The pvp is great, but the pve has gotten stale. Needs spice, regardless of what ideas are implemented. I'm just giving examples of what I thought up. We certainly don't need exploding zombies or tank zombies or jumping zombies, but we do need zombies that have unique interactions with the player.
  8. I love how everywhere I go, I see the same advice. "go prone." "search barns." "use cover." As if nobody did already.
  9. SgtHydra

    Praise for

    Learn to play / adjust your play style? I've spawned 3 new characters since the patch' date=' and each of them has easily gotten basic starting gear together. The new zombie AI does make this playable, because running is now an option in the new patch -- as an unarmed civilian, you actually can run and hide in urban areas now (or at least I did, 3 times).Yes, one time I was killed by a bandit, but that was after I'd scavenged a revolver/food and I did walk into his flare, so it was fair. [/quote'] I'd hope that I'd have learned to play after three months. And I hope you do as well if you think walking into a flare was a remotely good idea.
  10. I certainly feel your pain, but still. Consider what it attempts to replicate, however poorly. The horde should remain, imho, but should not be endless.
  11. I've thought about it like a simulation of a horde coming at you. Like, a horde of a hundred or so. You can't have that just sitting around in a single town, so a fast respawn rate makes up for it. However, there should be a way to at least make such a situation winnable for at least well equiptted groups. You know, kill x amount and the respawn rate in that town dips to zero for five minutes. Give you time to either gtho or prep for the next wave.
  12. SgtHydra

    Praise for

    i have NEVER not found a gun in a barn Now that is a false statement if ever I heard one. I've only found weapons in barns around 50% of the time. Which I personally do not have a problem with on its own. You act like everything's 100% okay if only a person does this or that. Well I've played this game long enough to know most of the tricks and right now' date=' none of them get me anywhere but a death screen. There's hard and then there's unplayable. Day Z was hard prior to this whole no starter weapon nonsense and you shouldn't act like going back to the way things were would create some sort of massive problem or unbalance. [/quote'] in mot lying at all, in fact im playing right now, and i just found 2 double barel shotguns AND a crossbow .. all in 1 barn. so grow a pair and adapt to your invironment. IRL you would be dead and id be chillin with darwin ;) It's a RNG. Who cares what you can find? The point is that not everyone is able to find good loot just by looking in a single barn, meaning you should stop insisting that anything otherwise is the case. And, if you look at the spawn probabilities, you will not that it is certainly not 100% for anything. I've gone in barns with nothing but cans, and I ain't complaining bout that. Yes, I've found a fair share of weapons, but not every time. No, I can remember early on spending days with nothing but my trusty Mak - the wicked deity of random loot drops offering me no pity. And things really don't change far as I can tell unless you look in more diverse locales. Which is how it should be. You need to look everywhere for good loot, not just one spot. My gripe is fairly simple: new players have nothing. Old players who died have nothing. And yet you sit, on top your own spoils, asking why anything should be different. After all. You got your way by looking in a barn. Not much work, says you. The man with nothing says otherwise.
  13. You seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that there is a MAJOR difference between helpful' date=' constructive criticism and blatant whining/ranting/bitching/mindlessly bashing a keyboard with complaints. The reason people keep saying IT'S AN ALPHA is because nearly all of the complaints that get posted repeatedly are stupid, unnecessary whining - OR as posted as self-entitled, "give me this immediately, I demand my money back!" rubbish. If people have complaints or suggestions they feel as valid, why don't they form them as such? Example: "I've noticed that the difficulty in sneaking past zombies - even in buildings - is tuned a little too high. Is it worth considering lowering their aggro radius/sensitivity or raising the stealthiness of crawling?" "I can pick up various items such as empty Jack Daniels bottles. I suggest we are able to use these as melee, or even thrown, weapons. This would help new players and give them a survival tool much quicker, as generally these are easier to come by than a traditional weapon." The OP in this case is pretty decent. But the reason people are repeatedly saying "OMG IT'S A GODDAMN ALPHA" is because we're all sick to death of all the unhelpful, pointless complaining. :) [/quote'] But it seems to be the automatic response to any issue. The vibe I get here is something you'd expect on Bioware forums. Look, I enjoy Day Z and have had a blast the past three months, but it seems with every new patch, it gets less and less the game I once knew.