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dtrain7055 (DayZ)

KOS always!

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My 4th life ended last night at vybor airfield. I had already picked up everything that I needed and was working my way out when I saw someone else working through the buildings. There was still alot of good loot laying around so I decided to let him be, and sneak away. Right as I was about to sneak past the last hangar and make a break for the woods we ran into each other. I hesitated for a second, but he didn't. Now my good loot is his good loot. I can't be mad, as I just didn't act. I could have shot him in the back of the head and mitigated the threat... I also could have reacted better when we unexpectedly came face to face. My decision not to KOS and a moment of Derp led to my demise.


Doesn't matter though... My 5th life is going well. I spawned in at Svet, ran into the warehouses on the dock and found a pair of combat boots and a tactical vest. Beat feet for the police station with a zombie in tow and found a SKS and some .45 ACP ammo. Good fortune followed as I found an FNX45 in one of the cars. Across the street I found a splitting axe to split the annoying zombie chick, and ammo for my SKS. I found myself in pretty decent shape within 30 minutes of spawning. A backpack, a magazine for my pistol, and I will be heading as far away from the coast as I can. I may attempt NEAF... Even though I was recently killed at one, the adrenaline rush of working my through there was fantastic.

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I haven't died for a week. I was fully geared and equipped. I usually play as a lone wolf but this time I decided to play with another player. Went to meet him at Berenzino and I guy sneaked behind me and shot me without any warning.  :lol:  Don't regret at all, actually it was fun.

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Ok so wow... surprised I got this many people joining in. I wasn't loo mi ING for drama btw to that one poster I was looking for that role playing aspect... seeing as that's what this game or any game is all about. Ok so if people were wondering what has be of me I have a story. I was spawned in, just to the east of the NW airfield I was running through the field wide open but using what little trees I had at my disposal for some cover. I have my sks ready at all times now ready to raise at a moments notice. I have learned to be vigilant now, watching, looking, identifying possible sniper points and routs in which players might take. I look to the right of me and at my 3 o'clock two armed men running in the field looking to loot the small town also to my right. I then decided to stalk to keep them in sight, to make sure I have the advantage this time. I run to the town I and see them enter the police station. Seeing this I decide to run to my left behind cover move across the street and weave my way to the station coming from behind them. I was thinking this is it. I'm going to kill my first player let alone two of them. I then get some zombie aggro so I was forced to displace and Axe him down. Oh no! I lost sight of them I may no longer have the advantage. I then loop my way around the back of the station to see if they exited from the side door... they did so I now know they are moving west through town. I cross the street and cut behind a house and there they are. In the piano house running around so Un aware they are being watched, so unsuspecting. I lean the corner ADS. I see them, running around, right in my sights. As I think of pulling the trigger, thinking of all the KOS I have endured, all the rotten as people who deserve to eat a bullet. I start to pull the trigger but the strangest thing happened. I put my gun down and simply withdrew to the rear. I wasn't ready to get my first player kill today, not like this... no evidence that they were anything other than people just trying to survive. I was in no danger I had the jump on them, they had no idea. I just couldn't do it. So I guess I didn't join the KOS ranks after all. I didn't become another KOS story where killing them first so they don't kill is my first and only thought. Like so many others who got tired of it they joined in I can honestly say this day in dayz I became a survivor in more ways than one.

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Ok so wow... surprised I got this many people joining in. I wasn't loo mi ING for drama btw to that one poster I was looking for that role playing aspect... seeing as that's what this game or any game is all about. Ok so if people were wondering what has be of me I have a story. I was spawned in, just to the east of the NW airfield I was running through the field wide open but using what little trees I had at my disposal for some cover. I have my sks ready at all times now ready to raise at a moments notice. I have learned to be vigilant now, watching, looking, identifying possible sniper points and routs in which players might take. I look to the right of me and at my 3 o'clock two armed men running in the field looking to loot the small town also to my right. I then decided to stalk to keep them in sight, to make sure I have the advantage this time. I run to the town I and see them enter the police station. Seeing this I decide to run to my left behind cover move across the street and weave my way to the station coming from behind them. I was thinking this is it. I'm going to kill my first player let alone two of them. I then get some zombie aggro so I was forced to displace and Axe him down. Oh no! I lost sight of them I may no longer have the advantage. I then loop my way around the back of the station to see if they exited from the side door... they did so I now know they are moving west through town. I cross the street and cut behind a house and there they are. In the piano house running around so Un aware they are being watched, so unsuspecting. I lean the corner ADS. I see them, running around, right in my sights. As I think of pulling the trigger, thinking of all the KOS I have endured, all the rotten as people who deserve to eat a bullet. I start to pull the trigger but the strangest thing happened. I put my gun down and simply withdrew to the rear. I wasn't ready to get my first player kill today, not like this... no evidence that they were anything other than people just trying to survive. I was in no danger I had the jump on them, they had no idea. I just couldn't do it. So I guess I didn't join the KOS ranks after all. I didn't become another KOS story where killing them first so they don't kill is my first and only thought. Like so many others who got tired of it they joined in I can honestly say this day in dayz I became a survivor in more ways than one.

Beans you now have my respect back for gaming :) try getting on the mod for Arma 2 on Epoch sometime or Namalask they have roleplay server there

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You were KoS'd on "Friendly Severs" ? Good.


I love when people quote me like this... I'm going to go feed my ego somewhere else now. :)

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"don't get attached to gear" is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome. I say this because I sometimes do the same. I'll get my guy pimped out the way I like and then....be scared to go anywhere where people are because I don't want to lose my hard work. After you've died a few times and learned some of the map and where to go to get re geared, it becomes much easier to come back strong from kos. I can get killed and be back up and running quickly now, so I'm never really losing tons of hours and time. Another thing I had to come to grips with is that there is no firearm that is going to be the difference between you living or dying. I've had decked out M4's with all pristine attachments, Acog and red dot sights, enough ammo to exterminate a small town and guess what? Kos before I even get a chance to use it. My only goal with firearms now is a main and a back up. Doesn't matter what, whichever two I find first is what I roll with. Cloths? I no longer care. I pick up anything with muted colors (greens, browns, blacks) and have gotten my "essentials" list down to where I don't need huge backpacks. Part of learning the map is learning the houses. Once you know which ones have what you need, you can clear a town in a matter of minutes and come out with everything you were looking for.


My load out now consists of: 

main weapon firearm 

back up weapon firearm 

average 40-60 rounds of ammo. I never shoot zeds and never live long enough to use more than that. You can't walk 2 feet without finding ammo in this build. 

either fire axe or wood splitting ax for zeds

maybe a canteen, but I don't even need to use those anymore. No need to horde food / drink. Simply eat and drink everything you find and you'll never drop out of healthy / energized. 

at least 1 morphine or sticks for fractured leg


That's about it. Everything on this list is obtainable in EVERY town no matter how small, and easily found within 30 min to an hour. the morphine or sticks is what takes the longest to find usually. After this, I go looking for encounters with players. Often times it becomes me getting kos from some jerk I never hear or see, and I'm back to the first inland town I spawn near to get re supply... but sometimes you run into a friendly and get to keep your shit. 

Edited by Sistinas1973

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thats why i play hardcore, i think most people that play hardcore are not for the kos there, that are the people that liked to play the mod and are sick of 3rd person abuser, kos etc.. There arent so many glitcher (in fact upon my nearly 300 hours, i never found one guy glitched in a military building or somewhere else, but when i played with my friends on 3rd person i found alot of those, preferably in those military cells, hiding in glitched rooms, shooting in people, leaning trough walls etc.). I like to keep myself around the middle of the map, and visit small towns, getting gear slowly and try to look at people before interacting. I get  more friendly at least more wary people that dont shoot me directly, but that may be because i use shitty gear, bright colors and dont scream friendly ( if someone starts saying friendly several times, hes not usually friendly), i usually say hi and then back up in case the guys trying to shoot me, that mostly works, only died a few times, but thats mostly to bugs.

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be the change you want to see :)


Many people believe flouride is good for my teeth should i shut up and drink it?


People who get bullied should go out and bully?


All my MPs (members of parliament) take expenses on taxpayers money and charge all their luxuries should I do the same?

Victims of assault should go out and assault others rather than defending against that?


You are a hypocrit

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"don't get attached to gear" is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome. I say this because I sometimes do the same. I'll get my guy pimped out the way I like and then....be scared to go anywhere where people are because I don't want to lose my hard work. After you've died a few times and learned some of the map and where to go to get re geared, it becomes much easier to come back strong from kos. I can get killed and be back up and running quickly now, so I'm never really losing tons of hours and time.



That's key right now. On my current life, I was formidably geared up within 30 minutes. If it were harder to come by I might be more apt to join the KoS crowd as I'd be more keen on keeping my stuff, my stuff.

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My best advice is to look for people to team up with when you are a new spawn and have no gear.


Get the minimal you need to survive - like a bit of food - and then go on the hunt for a friend.  


People will KOS for three reasons that I can think of...


1) They just like killing people 

2) They fear strangers and want to kill you before you have the chance to kill them

3) They want to kill you for your equipment


By approaching someone with no weapon or equipment to speak of you rule out 2 and 3.  You also have less game time invested in your character so if you meet a "1" above then you can just try again quickly.  

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be the change you want to see :)


Many people believe flouride is good for my teeth should i shut up and drink it?


People who get bullied should go out and bully?


All my MPs (members of parliament) take expenses on taxpayers money and charge all their luxuries should I do the same?

Victims of assault should go out and assault others rather than defending against that?


You are a hypocrit


off-topic but what part of Leicester you in?

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There is not much to do in this game right now


1. Running

2. Looting

3. Helping

4. Killing


Now think for yourself what is the most interesting thing to do...

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I love how our first world lives have made us forget that the world every where else is a horrible crappy place to live. With roaming gangs that go around they kill and kidnap girls who go to school. Then you have the people who just want to survive till tomorrow so sometimes they do a little something they probably shouldn't have done. Then with our luxury we wish to go back and experience how we once used to live tribal and flighty scared and alone. Then we get all confused when the real world creeps in and we don't understand it so we complain. When we don't like the game "world" we come on the the forums and complain oh how us privileged few have fallen. For all of you that don't like KOS take all the time you spend on creating these threads/posts and instead do what our ancestors did unite and create society. Create a place and world that you want not by saying change KOS but instead change the hearts and mind and create a counter culture. Create rules and law with punishment this is the Wild West and before government came and policed us WE policed ourselves. Dean and Team have given us the world the tools and the means WE are suppose to create OUR world they just give us the environment. So do you want to be a man of privilege who happens to be in the wasteland or do you want to be a proud warrior of peace and justice for the Wasteland?


This is Three Dog saying ARRHH ARRHH ARRHHOOOOO welcome to the wasteland.

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