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Today I tried DayZ for the first time. I just bought a new computer and wanted to try DayZ.


I took the highest settings that I could (Graphics, Resolution and all of these stuff), and it worked smoothly.


I kept playing for something like 10 minutes and then my computer which is usually really quite, started to make crazy noises of fans.


I turned the game off and then turned my computer off. I opened him and everything was alright except the GUI (Graphic Card) - it was very hot, like burning.


My computer specs are:


Intel Core i5 4570 3.2 Ghz

Nvidia GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 770 2GB (Windforce with 3 fans)



Windows 7 64bit


I can tell you the other stuff in my computer but I don't think its necceserly.


Anyway my friend told me that he thinks it's because the game is in his ALPHA version and he's not optimized yet, you think it's that?

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Your specs deff look good enough to run the game on ultra.. I run it on an old computer an my graphics card is a Radeon 5550...So its outdated.. But it doesnt often make weird sounds and when it does it goes away after a min or two... Also, there are FPS drops when entering big cities...perhaps you did that at the time it made theese sounds?


But no it isnt well optimized whatsoever at this point and that COULD be it...but i got a feeling it isnt..


Next time you play keep your siding off the computer and watch it as you play to make sure nothing gets damaged or if something does youll see exactly what went wrong.

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That's definitely a hardware problem, your card is too hot. My specs aren't as good as yours, and mine runs just fine. You need to keep your card cooler.

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Hello there


It's almost certainly a hardware issue. The crazy sound you are hearing could well be the fans going into overdrive to cool the cars etc.


Ensure your PC has proper cooling on all the components and a good airflow.


The game may well be pushing your PC but its not the reason for the issue. Any equally demanding game will cause the same issue,





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It might be a driver problem, the last Nvidia beta drivers made my cards and cpu get really hot while playing DayZ, had to revert to the last stable ones.

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