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Grimey Rick

So how much of a thrill do you cheaters get when playing DayZ?

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"Personally I get quite a thrill out of...

WAIT." - uberleethaxrz


Wait, is that from Boy.Meets World? XD

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Honestly, how much fun can shooting people through walls be? Or when you get shot at, teleporting to safety? Do you feel empowered that you can do things legitimate players can't? Do you get a false sense of superiority by tracking players in your little ESP boxes? This game isn't even nearly the first game in which I've been exposed to cheaters, but it definitely pisses me off the most. These people who teleport up to a wall, talk shit pertaining to how they're going to kill you, teleport away, and then BLAM! Dead from within a building where you shouldn't have been able to be shot. This is easily the umpteenth time this has happened to me and my friends. And for anyone who wants to call desync... no. Just, stop. Desync was a viable excuse a couple of months ago, but this shit is rampant now.


I really like this game, but fuck, after 9jPaAGP.jpg, I guess it's about time I found a reason to stop playing for a while. =)

I may have less hours, but am no less frustrated than you are now, me, a group of friends get shot dead in NEAF but a 4 hackers with unlimited M4 ammo, that's why I'm also going to take a vacation to another game.....

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I remember they said the SA wouldn't have the same problem with hackers as the mod....

When was the last time someone nuked an entire Standalone server all at once?


Okay, then quityerbitchin'.

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Wait, is that from Boy.Meets World? XD

What really?  :| No. It's from 'The Breakfast Club'

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What really?  :| No. It's from 'The Breakfast Club'

Lol, I was born in '87 so naturally I think 'The Breakfast Club' sucks nuts.

But even I knew what the hell the .gif was from. People not being able to identify famous movies is weird to me, its like not being able to identify a color or a number or a continent. There are certain things everyone should know, amirite?

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900 hours? My advice see a doctor fucking hell.


I actually just hit 1000 yesterday.

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I actually just hit 1000 yesterday.

WOW 1000 in 6 months on a alpha which is what 30% feature complete ? your going to burn out a break may be in order we are going to need some decent bandits when the game finally goes gold.... ( i have  barely crossed 300 and i got it day1 but i have slowed down as i want to crank it out when its feature complete lol then mod the hell out of it " looks around dont burn me at the stake yeah i am a modder but also a purist dayz player lol.

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Oh, the tall short haired chixk was on that show too. Hard to tell in a gif.

I prefer History and Military channel, with a bit of the classic 80s and 90s (full house, boy meets world, chappelle show, ect)

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I actually just hit 1000 yesterday.



That is a crazy amount of hours in an Alpha game lol.

I managed to get 250 hours in Standalone but then i found Breaking Point and at that moment I chose not too play the Standalone again until they fix the fucking Zombies. I think it is kinda embarrassing for the Standalone devs that a mod for Arma 3 is currently better than the Standalone with better working zombies, gun play, less cheaters and updating more frequently (daily mostly).  Ive got probably 50 hours outta Breaking Point so far. Arma 3 has been the best money i have spent in a while especially with a 2017 mod and an Epoch mod due to come out for it very soon, im going to spend a lot of hours in it that's for sure.

Edited by JamesLennoxHood
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Breaking Point is pretty fun, I've been playing it on and off for a few months now. I just really can't get into the Arma 3 animations. Running is so bad. So, so bad. ;P


It makes Arma 2 look good in that respect.

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I think about this every time I see a hacker... I would get zero enjoyment out of proving you have no actual skill.

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I think about this every time I see a hacker... I would get zero enjoyment out of proving you have no actual skill.


it has nothing to do with the cheaters skill, and everything to do with making your skills and time spent worthless. 

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it has nothing to do with the cheaters skill, and everything to do with making your skills and time spent worthless. 

It still does involve lack of skill and lack of wanting to play the game the legit way. Resorting to cheating is the easy way out and people that get a rise out of it get no respect in the gaming community. 

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Question. Can I become a Vigilante hacker who only hacks to kill said hackers? I would use my knowledge of coding for JUSTICE!!!

I would love to see you teleport around the map hatcheting the faces off of hackers, buuuuutttttttttt one innocent death and I'd hope DayZ drops down the banhammer. 




Resorting to cheating is the easy way out


It's sad, because for $10 a month you can take the easy way out. I spend more than that in a month on random crap like chocolate bars.

Edited by LigerRider

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Return to your roots


Mod Revival 2014!!


Come kill me on US 434 .. . if you don't die to the zombies

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Ran into my first legit hacker the other night.  I mean, maybe I've encountered some before but this time I was recording and saw pretty much hard evidence of him simply teleporting in behind me.

That combined with the fact I was in a pretty out of the way place, fairly concealed, I'm sure this time it was the real deal.


Unfortunate for sure, but overall I mostly just encounter the dupers and wall glitchers, which are being addressed.  Hopefully these other things are are as well, but at least it's not on the scale of the mod so far.

Edited by Bororm

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I actually just hit 1000 yesterday.


You deserve that engraved 1911 just for that.

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I actually hate the gear dupers more than I hate the people who teleport and shoot through walls. There's some walking armories out there and 99% of the time they didn't get that way legitimately. It unbalances the game significantly. 

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Cheaters... My opinion...


I think most cheaters grew up getting very little attention.  Maybe they were bullied or picked on in school, maybe their parents just simply didn't love them.  Whatever the case, because they may have had trouble in their lives they feel the need to ruin other peoples experience.  They in fact enjoy killing someone by cheating.  You ask why is it fun, they always start off by saying "I don't know" followed by a it just is or something similar.   


In the end, they are just very miserable and unhappy people.  They unconsciously try to push this unhappiness onto others, but in the end they still go to bed unhappy and alone in this world.  They may even think about killing themselves sometimes.  So I instead feel pitty for them.  They are just miserable people seeking some kind of attention because no one in their life cares for them. 


And if you are a cheater reading this, you may be thinking pfffft that's not me... Yes this is you. 

Edited by ramsfan00
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Anyone who cheats/hacks etc you will always find is someone who is god-awful at the game, and most video games in general.


These people literally couldn't play the game correctly even if they wanted to, else they would be roflstomped by everyone they meet of whatever skill level. Thankfully they usually have individually short lived game lifetimes..

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pM1tEd7.jpg and haven't met a single cheater... Ok, I'm lying, but they are not the problem by now at least, because I always GO WEST and fuck EAST. I think there are two kinds of cheaters. Those who always play with cheats because they suck at video games and they feel powerful when a software does the job for them instead of using skill to kill a player. And there are those who just want to try it and drop it after a week or so, or after getting banned. I for example, used to go into prison textures (before it was cool) and got bored after a week or two.

Edited by MaxRain

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I myself have only 90 hours in the SA and already have died half a dozen times to dupers, teleporters in GM, unlimited clippers, and wall glitchers. This seems to be the norm for early alpha's and after falling victim to these pathetic tactics it just makes me sad. You have high hopes for a game and then you have people who just mock it and do there best to ruin others enjoyment. To me it tells a lot about the mentality and nature of these people and how there is no self control or regard for other people. The worst part of it is after they are banned they have the audacity to flood our forums with cries of the anti cheats wrong doings and plead for sympathy from the community. I have begun to grow a real hate for cheaters and if there was any way I could make them very uncomfortable in the game or real life I would. To me they are just plain stealing from us, our time and enjoyment. I really hope that in the future they get underneath this and weed them out almost completely. For now its to the west and will try to keep my head up on the matter.

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I just ran into another teleporter tonight.  Like, no mistaking it, clear as day.


This is sad news if it's becoming more abundant =(

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