ipls 0 Posted April 25, 2014 I just recently built my own computer for gaming and was thinking of getting into dayz, however there are a lot of different types now. I was looking at the breaking point mod but was wondering what your opinions are on this. Should i buy the standalone or wait and get the mod or am i best to go on epoch servers or something like this, thanks in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
preacherlr 614 Posted April 25, 2014 Both are great, However, Standalone is an Alpha at the moment, which means unfinished features etc. It's still a hell of a lot of fun though.If you buy Arma II and Arma II Operation arrowhead, You can play any of the DayZ Mods. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NagsterTheGangster 388 Posted April 25, 2014 I suggest the ARMA mod right now... offers more playability. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aamunkajo 110 Posted April 25, 2014 Mod if you want more content now and SA if you want new content to play with which comes up every now and then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ipls 0 Posted April 26, 2014 Thanks for the info, i think I'm going to go for the mod and wait a bit for the standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yogi92 50 Posted April 28, 2014 But remember, that Breaking Point is for Arma 3, original DayZ mod (and mods of this mod) is for Arma 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted April 28, 2014 I suggest trying them first there all really good, my preference is SA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
agentneo 337 Posted April 28, 2014 DAY ZStandalone is the best in my opinion, the devs are focused on a realistic and co-operative experience with threatening zombies and great attention to detail., every item is hand crafted and the character interacts with it nicely... breaking point is very good and worth playing, however it is far more of a PVP deathmatch, like wasteland, with their new factions system, also their dev. team stinks, they wont allow private servers, they wont even admit is needed, and they make the game to PVP with little danger from Zeds etc, and guns everywhere, the loot system and attention to detail is awful compared to standalone, also most of that content is stolen from day z mods Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenology 61 Posted April 28, 2014 DAY ZStandalone is the best in my opinion, the devs are focused on a realistic and co-operative experience with threatening zombies and great attention to detail., every item is hand crafted and the character interacts with it nicely... breaking point is very good and worth playing, however it is far more of a PVP deathmatch, like wasteland, with their new factions system, also their dev. team stinks, they wont allow private servers, they wont even admit is needed, and they make the game to PVP with little danger from Zeds etc, and guns everywhere, the loot system and attention to detail is awful compared to standalone, also most of that content is stolen from day z modsYou're kidding right the actual first DayZ Mod is way better than SA right now. Saying the mods are more of a PvP then SA is a utter lie. You see more KoS people on SA then the Arma 3 mod and original Arma 2 Mod of course detail and graphics are going to be less it was made before SA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
agentneo 337 Posted April 29, 2014 (edited) You're kidding right the actual first DayZ Mod is way better than SA right now. Saying the mods are more of a PvP then SA is a utter lie. You see more KoS people on SA then the Arma 3 mod and original Arma 2 Mod of course detail and graphics are going to be less it was made before SA.No i am not kidding. I think Standalone is way better than Arma 3: breaking Point., and miles ahead of the ARMA 2 mod even at this early point in alpha. Arma 2 DAY Z mod zombies are the shittiest AI i have ever saw. They are ten times worse than Standalone zombies that go through walls. Horrible janky ai that hits you from a mile away and constantly LAGS I have explained my reasons for this opinion already. Breaking Point is way more KOS than Standalone. i have played both since around Christmas. Breaking Point is specifically designed to be more like wasteland PVP mod, with factions, and guns everywhere, a bit like Overwatch mod, if you have ever played that. before the Breaking Point factions everyone killed on sight. In Day Z standaloine military guns and ammo is much less common, and is found in realistic loot areas. More people have less items and are more likely to co-operate, compared to on Breaking Point or other mods where they spawn with weapons and guns are much more common. Standalone has a nice balance especially with the loot- weapons are found in realistic locations, except i feel the piano house is too common and easy to find guns. The medical system is already deeper than anything we saw in mods, even at this early stage, and i can see the frame work for cooking looks incredible.As for the Arma 2 mods such as Epoch and Origins,. they promote team work and are closer to the game I like, but they have too much gear everywhere and are 'easy mode'. I think Standalone developers are striking a really key point with me that I agree, they want the base game to be difficult and the zombies to be a challenge. I cannot wait until we have hordes of super hard zombies that require team work and skill to kill. In Breaking Point the challenge is clearly PVP with the zombies been nothing but an after thought and completely ignorable and useless in game. The code in that mod is lazy and ripped off previous DAY Z mods such as Day Zero. All the animations for every movement are the same as a bandage. Yes , it has vechicles, but they glitch pretty much all the time, and their near impossible to find because all their servers are over filled. Day Z standalone allows people to rent a server which puts it miles ahead of a mod for Arma 3 which wont even allow people to rent a server. Breaking Point: The loot and items are just randomly whacked into Boxes, you never see a nicely placed item, its just in random boxes that look awful. If you don't understand how that completely breaks Breaking Point allow me to elaborate. If you work till say 5pm every UK and EU Server is filled at 65/65. If you have equipment or vehicle in a full server you will not be able to access it. breaking Point servers are constantly under desync and full at their limits. and if you get into a chopper with a crew of 5+ geared people the thing lags out and explodes. This happened 4+ times and to other crews we know. Their servers are broken and their admins haven't got a clue. On breaking point everyone now has a uniform (they dont even have to earn level 1) so you can instantly identify them as a friend of foe, or traitor. This makes it way more like Wasteland. In Day Z, everyone can create a unique uniform out of hundreds of combinations. This means you have that tense feeling of not knowing if someone is friendly or not . Character customisation is a massive plus for me, and makes it worth playing. Finally due to the uniforms, abundant weapons, and spawning with some half decent gear (level 3 ranger) Breaking Point doesnt give me adrenalin rush or fear of unknown. In Day Z Standalone I walk around tense, on the edge, and constanty adrenalin filled. The other points about loot spawning realisticly and the map development make Standalone far more immersive. As for things like vechicles and different maps, eventually user content will come to Standalone and just imagine an Epoc or Breaking Point with the Day Z Standalone's technology, it will be far better base game to use than the mods of arma 2/3. The recent aim acceleration fix almost puts the engine on a par with arma 3 , also. Edited April 29, 2014 by AgentNe0 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ipls 0 Posted April 29, 2014 Thanks for the extra info i probably will get the standalone to i just want to play the closest thing to the original days like when the mod was first out, is this what vanilla days is? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenology 61 Posted April 30, 2014 No i am not kidding. I think Standalone is way better than Arma 3: breaking Point., and miles ahead of the ARMA 2 mod even at this early point in alpha. Arma 2 DAY Z mod zombies are the shittiest AI i have ever saw. They are ten times worse than Standalone zombies that go through walls. Horrible janky ai that hits you from a mile away and constantly LAGS I have explained my reasons for this opinion already. Breaking Point is way more KOS than Standalone. i have played both since around Christmas. Breaking Point is specifically designed to be more like wasteland PVP mod, with factions, and guns everywhere, a bit like Overwatch mod, if you have ever played that. before the Breaking Point factions everyone killed on sight. In Day Z standaloine military guns and ammo is much less common, and is found in realistic loot areas. More people have less items and are more likely to co-operate, compared to on Breaking Point or other mods where they spawn with weapons and guns are much more common. Standalone has a nice balance especially with the loot- weapons are found in realistic locations, except i feel the piano house is too common and easy to find guns. The medical system is already deeper than anything we saw in mods, even at this early stage, and i can see the frame work for cooking looks incredible.As for the Arma 2 mods such as Epoch and Origins,. they promote team work and are closer to the game I like, but they have too much gear everywhere and are 'easy mode'. I think Standalone developers are striking a really key point with me that I agree, they want the base game to be difficult and the zombies to be a challenge. I cannot wait until we have hordes of super hard zombies that require team work and skill to kill. In Breaking Point the challenge is clearly PVP with the zombies been nothing but an after thought and completely ignorable and useless in game. The code in that mod is lazy and ripped off previous DAY Z mods such as Day Zero. All the animations for every movement are the same as a bandage. Yes , it has vechicles, but they glitch pretty much all the time, and their near impossible to find because all their servers are over filled. Day Z standalone allows people to rent a server which puts it miles ahead of a mod for Arma 3 which wont even allow people to rent a server. Breaking Point: The loot and items are just randomly whacked into Boxes, you never see a nicely placed item, its just in random boxes that look awful. If you don't understand how that completely breaks Breaking Point allow me to elaborate. If you work till say 5pm every UK and EU Server is filled at 65/65. If you have equipment or vehicle in a full server you will not be able to access it. breaking Point servers are constantly under desync and full at their limits. and if you get into a chopper with a crew of 5+ geared people the thing lags out and explodes. This happened 4+ times and to other crews we know. Their servers are broken and their admins haven't got a clue. On breaking point everyone now has a uniform (they dont even have to earn level 1) so you can instantly identify them as a friend of foe, or traitor. This makes it way more like Wasteland. In Day Z, everyone can create a unique uniform out of hundreds of combinations. This means you have that tense feeling of not knowing if someone is friendly or not . Character customisation is a massive plus for me, and makes it worth playing. Finally due to the uniforms, abundant weapons, and spawning with some half decent gear (level 3 ranger) Breaking Point doesnt give me adrenalin rush or fear of unknown. In Day Z Standalone I walk around tense, on the edge, and constanty adrenalin filled. The other points about loot spawning realisticly and the map development make Standalone far more immersive. As for things like vechicles and different maps, eventually user content will come to Standalone and just imagine an Epoc or Breaking Point with the Day Z Standalone's technology, it will be far better base game to use than the mods of arma 2/3. The recent aim acceleration fix almost puts the engine on a par with arma 3 , also.I don't care for Breaking Point much either way, but the original DayZ at this point in time IS better then SA SA has terrible AI as well, what you mean zombies can see me over 5 miles through a hill? Yeah right....besides that there's nothing to do in SA since it's so early in alpha and there's no vehicles or building or anything like that so all there is to do once you collect everything is PvP in the original DayZ mod you can do way more ATM so I just prefer the original over SA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenology 61 Posted April 30, 2014 HOWEVER Argent0 I think once SA is out of Alpha it will be better than the original mod 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenology 61 Posted April 30, 2014 Thanks for the extra info i probably will get the standalone to i just want to play the closest thing to the original days like when the mod was first out, is this what vanilla days is?Yes the original DayZ is the mod there are mods that add on to it as well such as epoch etc. so keep that in mind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
agentneo 337 Posted April 30, 2014 What is more to do in vanilla day z? I didnt play the mod until last summer so maybe I missed this golden vanilla age that is rumoured. I guess there was more zombies, tents and vechicles? All stuff that we know is coming. The reasons i like the standalone are kind of the whole systems, the medical system, inventory, clothing and loot is really good and I can make my own little 'missions' to do if I get bored. You make your own story in Day Z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenology 61 Posted April 30, 2014 What is more to do in vanilla day z? I didnt play the mod until last summer so maybe I missed this golden vanilla age that is rumoured. I guess there was more zombies, tents and vechicles? All stuff that we know is coming. The reasons i like the standalone are kind of the whole systems, the medical system, inventory, clothing and loot is really good and I can make my own little 'missions' to do if I get bored. You make your own story in Day ZWell depends Epoch had a lot of vehicles in it same with vanilla. You could make you're own base like literally make a massive fort out of concrete if you wanted to, Frankieonpcin1080p has a perfect example of this if you watch his DayZ series, there's more weapons, if you got enough gold and the admin allowed it you could get a jet tank or even a BMP, it all depended but there was so much, you could even join RP servers so people wouldn't just KoS they'd usually play their roles they had, I mean the list can go on but the golden age was amazing compared to SA I still find servers with all of that stuff too you just gotta know where to look, most of the veterans play vanilla DayZ with Epoch etc. because that's what they like more then SA since there isn't much, p.s. in the original DayZ with I think it's Epoch but I may be wrong there's a certain spot you can go and you can get a railgun the vets know what i'm talking about Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
agentneo 337 Posted April 30, 2014 (edited) I played Epoch for a few months when I got my PC and joined a team who had bases. I thought it was far too easy and even now I'll ocasionally pop on my mates Epoch server and it takes about 5 minutes to loot and sell stuff to buy a car and full gear. Its more like GTA than a zombie game, far too easy.l am seeking a hard core challenge with tougher zombiesAlso the admins are out of control, they can spawn any item and teleport anywhere. The admin on the server i played was friendly but he would still be a prick and randomly snipe us in a guillie suit sometimes Edited April 30, 2014 by AgentNe0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenology 61 Posted April 30, 2014 I played Epoch for a few months when I got my PC and joined a team who had bases. I thought it was far too easy and even now I'll ocasionally pop on my mates Epoch server and it takes about 5 minutes to loot and sell stuff to buy a car and full gear. Its more like GTA than a zombie game, far too easy.l am seeking a hard core challenge with tougher zombiesAlso the admins are out of control, they can spawn any item and teleport anywhere. The admin on the server i played was friendly but he would still be a prick and randomly snipe us in a guillie suit sometimesI never had problems with admins tbh but it all depends I mean yeah you can get stuff quick but if you play on Hardcore like I do it's actually harder then you think because you can't third person to see people with ghilles etc. some games I joined the admin had you give him the gold and he'd spawn the stuff in and it'd be a certain amount for each thing to make it tough to buy stuff as well so it all depends I guess 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites