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Thread in defense of banditry

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I too have played lots of PVP games, doesn't immediately give me an excuse to be an asshole, so what is your excuse?

Generally I believe it's a lack of imagination and social skills, perhaps coupled with a perceived need to counteract some childhood trauma, most likely related to bullying.


Either that or they're more heavily dyslexic than even myself and misread DayZ as Call of battlefield honor XIV.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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Can we please stop calling KoS/Banditry/Hero....ing "valid play styles" It's inherently meaningless....any play style is valid, as long as your not using hacks.

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Can we please stop calling KoS/Banditry/Hero....ing "valid play styles" It's inherently meaningless....any play style is valid, as long as your not using hacks.

No, any play style is not valid. This is a survival game, playstyles that don't improve or even consider the characters survival are not valid, hence the people making a mad dash for weapon spawns and then rushing for berezino to deathmatch are not playing any valid play style in DayZ: They don't care if their character dies 10 minutes after spawning, so long as they get a kill or two.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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Fixed that for you.


Also, just proved the stereotype of most murderers being cod kiddies. Congratulations, your group must be proud of you. I've also played all of the games you have mentioned, still doesn't mean that I murder people for fun.


Quake, Quake 2, Quake III Arena, Quake 4, most UT games, BF3-4, all of the COD since COD 1, DOOM, DOOM 3, Wolfenstein, Medal Of Honor, Counter-Strike + Source, TC GR, SCCT+BL, and OP-FLASH.


I too have played lots of PVP games, doesn't immediately give me an excuse to be an asshole, so what is your excuse?


Note - I remember MP on DOOM but I'm not sure.


PvP is a big part of DayZ whether you like it or not. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean I'm playing it wrong.


I'm playing with a bunch of people that i've met through DayZ. I'm on TS with them whether we roll in DayZ or any other multiplayer game. So I probably talk with people more during DayZ session than average wannabe hero.


As for more assumptions about rl stuff -  real mature.


See you in my crosshairs.

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PvP is a big part of DayZ whether you like it or not. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean I'm playing it wrong.


I'm playing with a bunch of people that i've met through DayZ. I'm on TS with them whether we roll in DayZ or any other multiplayer game. So I probably talk with people more during DayZ session than average wannabe hero.


As for more assumptions about rl stuff -  real mature.


See you in my crosshairs.

PvP =/= KoS.



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OP what are the "carebear" mechanichs they have put in so far?


Item damage is quite a realistic feature imo. And from your posts it seems to be working...." I cant unload a shotgun into someones chest if I want there gear".....that seems to be doing its job then. If you want the gear your gonna have to get closer and make a more precise shot. That gives the other guy more time to spot you....this makes the engagement more interesting for both sides.


Its risk vs reward....do you risk getting close for the gear or take the shot instantly. Anything that makes us think more and employ tactics is a good thing.


From my point of view 1:1 mouse input and the healing status are way more "carebear" than item damage :)

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PvP is a big part of DayZ whether you like it or not. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean I'm playing it wrong.


I'm playing with a bunch of people that i've met through DayZ. I'm on TS with them whether we roll in DayZ or any other multiplayer game. So I probably talk with people more during DayZ session than average wannabe hero.


As for more assumptions about rl stuff -  real mature.


See you in my crosshairs.

Never said I didn't like PvP, said I didn't like meaningless PvP. Oh, and I do enjoy PvP when it happens, but if I find out it's meaningless, it loses all appeal for me.


Besides, I have about 8 people I play with in total, and there are 5 I play with nearly daily. (1 lives in spain, other 2 live in the UK.)


And the only thing I may have said about any RL stuff is that you're a COD kiddy, and that isn't much. I am being rather mature. If you mean about what Scruffy said, then I had no part in that. I've never spoken to him.


Binoculars are in. I don't need to come anywhere near your crosshairs. If I'm willing to roll in a forest surrounding a wide open field for an hour and a half to get to a camping sniper sniping people on the way to NWAF, I have enough patience to completely avoid you anyways, as I do almost everyone I meet in the game, It's why I am a medic.


Oh, and....


PvP =/= KoS

Edited by Dr.Burd

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Never said I didn't like PvP, said I didn't like meaningless PvP. Oh, and I do enjoy PvP when it happens, but if I find out it's meaningless, it loses all appeal for me.


Besides, I have about 8 people I play with in total, and there are 5 I play with nearly daily. (1 lives in spain, other 2 live in the UK.)


And the only thing I may have said about any RL stuff is that you're a COD kiddy, and that isn't much. I am being rather mature. If you mean about what Scruffy said, then I had no part in that. I've never spoken to him.


Binoculars are in. I don't need to come anywhere near your crosshairs. If I'm willing to roll in a forest surrounding a wide open field for an hour and a half to get to a camping sniper sniping people on the way to NWAF, I have enough patience to completely avoid you anyways, as I do almost everyone I meet in the game, It's why I am a medic.


Oh, and....


PvP =/= KoS


I don't find PvP meaningless if it still brings me fun after hundreds of hours.


Slightly offtopic:

Binocs don't seem to be working weel ehen you're crouched or prone which makes them quite useless. Hopefully it will be fixed is stable version.


I don't have patience to camp one place for hours if there's nobody around. Plus I'm waiting for wind affecting bullet trajectory before I get serious about sniping.

So I'll guess we have a better chance of meeting in the forest.

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I don't find PvP meaningless if it still brings me fun after hundreds of hours.


Slightly offtopic:

Binocs don't seem to be working weel ehen you're crouched or prone which makes them quite useless. Hopefully it will be fixed is stable version.


I don't have patience to camp one place for hours if there's nobody around. Plus I'm waiting for wind affecting bullet trajectory before I get serious about sniping.

So I'll guess we have a better chance of meeting in the forest.


I'm always up in the north, usually I take my time to get to some place directly north of where I want to go before I run straight downwards to where I want to go and find a way in.


Also, binocs work when crouching for me, don't know what you mean.


Also, I can't snipe, lol. I'm too used to TF2 hitscan sniper rifle, and Q3A railgun. I've never been able to snipe outside of 400 meters and below, even on mod.

Edited by Dr.Burd

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How would you describe us then ?

Murderers ?

I kill people in game to ruin their progress I get some satisfaction from knowing they now have to start from scratch. I don't even bother looting their body anymore due to the item damage mechanic i just leave the body there as bait.

You can be a bandit without killing you know. And what you are is a KoSer. Not a bandit.
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In this thread we discuss the defense of a very valid playstyle and the bad game mechanics that the developers add that cater to care bears and that punish our playstyle.


Game mechanics that artificially try to change our playstyle but ultimately fail.



So go forth fellow bandits and display your distaste for crappy game mechanics that punish our playstyle such as items becoming completely damaged and useless when killing players.


And the countless other gamey mechanics that are in the game now or will be added in the future.


There are already plenty of threads about these "concerns", why add to the pile while acting like a complete troll. I forsee lock down in 3...2...1...

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After having another coffee and thinking for a while I have decided to reopen this, as some of the arguments being brought up are actually valid, considering KoS is not the same as banditry.


If you manage to keep it civil from this point on without any derail, it shall stay open. Carry on.

Edited by kichilron
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Everybody here is a big stupd poo hed mcbuttpoop


(And then the topic was closed.... lol.)


Still, though.


Bandit =/= KoS

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After having another coffee and thinking for a while I have decided to reopen this, as some of the arguments being brought up are actually valid, considering KoS is not the same as banditry.


If you manage to keep it civil from this point on without any derail, it shall stay open. Carry on.

Copa del le Culoh.

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If you like beating up little kids, Have fun on the coast. If you like to fight people your own age. Play with us at the airfield.


There is a name for people who enjoy hurting others or seeing them suffer or enjoy griefing others,


Schadenfreude: is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. it is a German word.


Other cultures call them a Sadist. Usually the scum of society.



Shameful joy. We've all played Deus Ex. :P

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No, any play style is not valid. This is a survival game, playstyles that don't improve or even consider the characters survival are not valid, hence the people making a mad dash for weapon spawns and then rushing for berezino to deathmatch are not playing any valid play style in DayZ: They don't care if their character dies 10 minutes after spawning, so long as they get a kill or two.

You're wrong. If it's part of the game it's valid. If it's a cheat or exploit, it's not. This is the way Dayz was intended to play. Your make-it-up-as-you-go along morals are not valid in this game whatsoever, because you didn't develop the game you are just playing it. This isn't CoD, but it isn't Little Big Planet either. If I want to shoot every living person I see and do awful things to them it's valid.I'm risking my stuff and using skill to get them just like you heroes are to protect people. Whether I lie in wait for a victim or whether you lie in wait for a bandit doesn't matter. We all choose a side and we all die in pain in the end.

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You're wrong. If it's part of the game it's valid. If it's a cheat or exploit, it's not. This is the way Dayz was intended to play. Your make-it-up-as-you-go along morals are not valid in this game whatsoever, because you didn't develop the game you are just playing it. This isn't CoD, but it isn't Little Big Planet either. If I want to shoot every living person I see and do awful things to them it's valid.I'm risking my stuff and using skill to get them just like you heroes are to protect people. Whether I lie in wait for a victim or whether you lie in wait for a bandit doesn't matter. We all choose a side and we all die in pain in the end.

When did I say it was little big planet? I love how when people can't come up with a proper argument against your point, they just invent their own and pretend like that's what you're saying. Now if killing someone helps you survive, do it... god knows I do, but running around like rambo, not giving a damn about survival is not what DayZ is about, if that's what you want to do then there are far superior games to get your enjoyment from.


This game is a post apocalyptic survival game. It is not Call of Duty, it is not Battlefield with zombies, players should be attempting to make their character survive through whatever means necessary for as long as possible: How many kills you have is not and never has been the point of DayZ, survival is.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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Why are we even arguing about this anymore? As soon as the bandit/hero system is implemented from the mod, anybody with bandit skins/gear/labels is going to get brutally KOS'd by everyone that isn't a bandit.

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Why are we even arguing about this anymore? As soon as the bandit/hero system is implemented from the mod, anybody with bandit skins/gear/labels is going to get brutally KOS'd by everyone that isn't a bandit.

Thank god its not gonna be implemented as far as i know

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I like how you tell me that 'go play little big planet' is a strawman arguement and without skipping a beat you repeat the same ol cliche strawman arguement 'go play call of duty'. If I could cause you carebears to lose an hour of your time and send you back to start on call of duty I would play it. As it sits this is a post apocalyptic simulator and people like me would be gunning down you weak cry babies all day when law and order breaks down. If you don't like it maybe you should go play CoD. At least when you die ypu wouldn't be flooding this forum with qq threads.

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My post apoc simulated character is occasionally driven over the brink and just murders everyone he see's. How's that work for you?

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My post apoc simulated character is occasionally driven over the brink and just murders everyone he see's. How's that work for you?

Sounds realistic enough to me. Add a corpse to the pile for me, friend.

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No, any play style is not valid. This is a survival game, playstyles that don't improve or even consider the characters survival are not valid, hence the people making a mad dash for weapon spawns and then rushing for berezino to deathmatch are not playing any valid play style in DayZ: They don't care if their character dies 10 minutes after spawning, so long as they get a kill or two.


The basics of PvP haven't changed since to most early versions of the mod. You still can kill anyone you want and take all their gear.

So far Rocket has no intentions of changing those mechanics. 


Then it is a valid playstyle. Like others mentioned everything but cheating/exploiting is fine.


I might repeat myself, but: just because you dislike the way other people play doesn't make your playstyle in any way "better". If you can't handle it look for servers with similar-minded people.

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