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Will this custom pc be able to run DayZ?

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Im building a PC soon and I wanted to know if it would be able to run DayZ my setup is:
CPU is Intel core i5-2500 3.3GHz Quad core
CPU Cooler is Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve bearing
Motherboard is ASRock Z75 Pro3 ATX LGA1155 
Memory is Crucial Ballistix 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866
Storage is Crucial M500 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk
EVGA GeForce GTX 650 2GB
Case is Raidmax ATX-298WBP ATX Mid Tower Case w/500w 
Optical Drive is LG GH24NSBO DVD/CD Writer
And my Operating System will be Windows 8(I probably didnt need to write that but just incase)

Edited by themanofthehour3561

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Is it possible to go up to a 650ti or 660ti with your budget?

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  On 4/21/2014 at 11:55 PM, themanofthehour3561 said:


Then absolutely do it. It'll last you longer, at the very least. A 780ti will do you wonders for years to come.

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  On 4/21/2014 at 11:55 PM, themanofthehour3561 said:



Then do it. Hell of a difference between 650 and 660

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  On 4/21/2014 at 11:47 PM, TheScruffyBandit said:

It will run as well as DayZ ever runs, but you'll get down to like 20fps sometimes.


No way, I only have a GTX 550ti and I'm quite certain that I never get near 20 fps. Of coarse if he's running a really high resolution monitor then maybe it might be slower than what I'm seeing. Given that he posted a modest rig I suspect that he's only got a 1080p monitor.

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  On 4/21/2014 at 11:57 PM, jeffroland said:

No way, I only have a GTX 550ti and I'm quite certain that I never get near 20 fps. Of coarse if he's running a really high resolution monitor then maybe it might be slower than what I'm seeing. Given that he posted a modest rig I suspect that he's only got a 1080p monitor.

I havent exactly decided what monitor to get

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  On 4/21/2014 at 11:57 PM, jeffroland said:

No way, I only have a GTX 550ti and I'm quite certain that I never get near 20 fps. Of coarse if he's running a really high resolution monitor then maybe it might be slower than what I'm seeing. Given that he posted a modest rig I suspect that he's only got a 1080p monitor.



Im running a 550 ti. Average 40-60fps. Big Cities I get minimum 20-25 fps typically. 


Here is a sample of my twitch streaming with it.. I repeat, streaming


..and here is a sample of just recording via Bandicam:


..in conclusion, I think your settings need adjusting. I also have a Core 2 Quad 3.0ghz CPU.. my GPU and CPU are combined, cheaper in cost than some peoples PC case.

Edited by lrish

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  On 4/22/2014 at 12:32 AM, lrish said:



..in conclusion, I think your settings need adjusting. I also have a Core 2 Quad 3.0ghz CPU.. my GPU and CPU are combined, cheaper in cost than some peoples PC case.

i have a Duo core @ 3.3GHz and a GT 610...i run DayZ Mod at 40FPS and the Standalone at about the same.

In cities it drops to about 20 FPS as always.


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  On 4/22/2014 at 1:19 AM, DURRHUNTER said:

i have a Duo core @ 3.3GHz and a GT 610...i run DayZ Mod at 40FPS and the Standalone at about the same.

In cities it drops to about 20 FPS as always.

So the PC im making will be able to run the standalone too?

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  On 4/22/2014 at 1:21 AM, themanofthehour3561 said:

So the PC im making will be able to run the standalone too?

hell yea!

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  On 4/21/2014 at 11:57 PM, jeffroland said:

No way, I only have a GTX 550ti and I'm quite certain that I never get near 20 fps. Of coarse if he's running a really high resolution monitor then maybe it might be slower than what I'm seeing. Given that he posted a modest rig I suspect that he's only got a 1080p monitor.

:rolleyes: Well, my friend with a 2500k and two 760gtx in SLI gets 20fps (exactly the same FPS I get with a much slower 955BE and R9 270)  in major cities but since you obviously a fine upstanding gentleman you couldn't possibly be full of sh*t, how very perplexing.


You're aware of course that server side performance is currently a massive bottleneck on client side FPS, correct? What's that? You aren't?! Then Let me educate you: It really doesn't matter what system you're playing on currently, your minimum FPS will be heavily bottlenecked by both server performance and poor client side optimization and yes, you will have FPS in the low 20s in heavy load environments.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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  On 4/22/2014 at 1:19 AM, DURRHUNTER said:

i have a Duo core @ 3.3GHz and a GT 610...i run DayZ Mod at 40FPS and the Standalone at about the same.

In cities it drops to about 20 FPS as always.

Yeah, I misread his post.. thought he was saying that he barely even gets 20fps.


Even with my modest, low-end rig I do just fine with DayZ.

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  On 4/22/2014 at 2:02 AM, themanofthehour3561 said:

Do you know what graphics I would be able to play the game on?

high probably

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  On 4/22/2014 at 12:06 AM, themanofthehour3561 said:

I havent exactly decided what monitor to get


Got an HD TV? Use that if so. Also, have you thought about getting the 2500k instead of the 2500? You can overclock the 2500k.

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  On 4/22/2014 at 1:36 AM, TheScruffyBandit said:

:rolleyes: Well, my friend with a 2500k and two 760gtx in SLI gets 20fps (exactly the same FPS I get with a much slower 955BE and R9 270)  in major cities but since you obviously a fine upstanding gentleman you couldn't possibly be full of sh*t, how very perplexing.


You're aware of course that server side performance is currently a massive bottleneck on client side FPS, correct? What's that? You aren't?! Then Let me educate you: It really doesn't matter what system you're playing on currently, your minimum FPS will be heavily bottlenecked by both server performance and poor client side optimization and yes, you will have FPS in the low 20s in heavy load environments.

Thank you, you've just proven my point that his desired specs are more than enough to play the game regardless of server side or software optimaztion, two things which he has no control over. So no, I'm not full of shit. And while I haven't used FRAPS or anything else to actually clock my FPS on my current Desktop, I can tell that even in towns that my FPS is super smooth. I'm comparing this to my old laptop which I actually did test with FRAPS on ARMA II that got between 15-22 FPS with a now shitty GTX 260m card.

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Here's what I recomend if you have it in your budget. Like colekern said, the 2500k is overclockable (any i5 series chip with a k after it is) and it will only cost a few $ more thant the 2500. The best modeslty priced Nvidia card on the market right now is the GTX 750ti which is priced only $30-40 more than the GTX 650, according to New Egg. Not only is this card faster, it uses about half the energy thanks to new technology. This means you don't need to spend extra $$ on a high wattage power supply, although I wouldn't change your current setup of 500w (you might want the extra power later for other peripherals)

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  On 4/21/2014 at 11:35 PM, themanofthehour3561 said:

#Storage is Crucial M500 12GB 2.5" Solid State Disk


I hope your gonna get a bigger hard drive ;)  or you wont be running anything, not even windows.  I guess you mean 120GB, but after formatting and adding windows you'll only have about 20-30 gb left.  Enough for dayz I suppose but not much for anything else.

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  On 4/22/2014 at 7:38 PM, jeffroland said:

while I haven't used FRAPS or anything else to actually clock my FPS on my current Desktop, I can tell

If I had a penny for every time someone said this when discussing computers.

  On 4/22/2014 at 7:59 PM, MONKAYPOO0 said:

I guess you mean 120GB, but after formatting and adding windows you'll only have about 20-30 gb left.  Enough for dayz I suppose but not much for anything else.

A 120GB SSD leaves enough for a quite few games, I used to use one before I put it in my laptop and replaced it with a 250GB Samsung. I'm only sitting at 125GB used now and I have tons of games installed, naturally I keep stuff like films and music on a different disk. Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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You know there is actually a stickied "does my pc run dayz" topic.. :P


That asside.. my 5 year old pc with just a ATI 4850 card runs DayZ... so yea xD

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