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[Mod/Admins reply] Hacked weapons usable?

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Are we the Regular player allowed to use the "Hacked" weapons we find on the Hackers.

Example I find a M40A3 camo which is not implented in DayZ but it is in Arma 2 , It got an icon and everything.

Will the User of the weapon get banned?

And are we allowed to use those weapons? since we did get it on the LEGIT way by killing / looting a body

Would like an answer from a Mod or DayZ Staff member to clear things up would prevent topics like

Hacked weapon ?

Also most of the Hackers have NVG's why cant we use those withouth any problem? since its also "hacked"

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even if you killed a hacker with a hacked gun, using his hacked gear makes you just as bad as the hacker making it unfair for others

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even if you killed a hacker with a hacked gun' date=' using his hacked gear makes you just as bad as the hacker making it unfair for others


I never did cheat to get that weapon which makes me a lucky guy with an overpowered gun .

So if i find a NVG and a guy doessnt have one makes me bad?

It's part of the game to get better gear then the enemy and win it because of the better gear and supplies lol

It's not liek that I will have a tank and you will have a bicyle

I just want to know if there are any punishments regarding using a hacked weapon WHICH YOU DIDINT HACK by some script or any programs.

Because IF YOU FIND A BODY with NVG's and a hacked weapon dont tell me you leave everything and hide the body because 100% of the people will take NVG's Rangefinders Food and other rare shit

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If a Hacked player had NVGs I would take those because they were in the game, if he had some hacked gun I would leave it.

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You can "use" an hacked weapon because there's no official way to know if it is an in-game weapon or an hacked one (it's not supposed that we're all DayZ Gurus knowing everything of this mod; i've ecountered ppl that still believe the L85A2 AWS is an hacked weapon!). The worst thing that may happens is that you'll see it disappearing from your inventory.

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how are new players supposed to know which guns are legit and which aren't? there is no official list. you're supposed to find that out by yourself.

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The worst thing that may happens is that you'll be banned.


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But you sure you want to risk it?

Not really thats why I hope a DayZ Staff member can post

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OP knows it's cheating to knowlingly pick up a hacked weapon, he just wants to know if he can get away with cheating.

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how are new players supposed to know which guns are legit and which aren't? there is no official list. you're supposed to find that out by yourself.

Yeah, it's kinda inbred-stupid that the DEVs haven't (in response to all these hacking screw-ups) released a list of APPROVED weapons & vehicles with accompanying pictures, so that players can be 100% whether what they're encountering in-game will/will not get them banned.

Arma2 multiplayer security/anti-hacking is a joke, the least they can do is provide a clear source as described above of what is allowed an what not.

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Let's put this in a real-world example.

Someone stole a television. They drop the stolen television and you wonder if it's okay that YOU take the stolen television because you didn't steal it, you just found it.

Explain it to a police officer and see how well it goes. It's exactly the same here.

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Let's put this in a real-world example.

Someone stole a television. They drop the stolen television and you wonder if it's okay that YOU take the stolen television because you didn't steal it' date=' you just found it.

Explain it to a police officer and see how well it goes. It's exactly the same here.


Except in the real world there aren't zombies running around everywhere trying to kill you in a game designed around survival, i.e. finding and using everything you can.

A better real world example would be, your friend steals a television and takes it home. He has it for a couple weeks before he dies. In his will he left you the television. You take it because it was left to you.

You will not be arrested and thrown in jail because your friend died and gave you a t.v.

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' pid='195331' dateline='1340712410']

Except in the real world there aren't zombies running around everywhere trying to kill you in a game designed around survival' date=' i.e. finding and using everything you can.

A better real world example would be, your friend steals a television and takes it home. He has it for a couple weeks before he dies. In his will he left you the television. You take it because it was left to you.

You will not be arrested and thrown in jail because your friend died and gave you a t.v.


Circumstance doesn't matter. Wrong is wrong. You won't be banned for "finding" a single hacked weapon. "Shit happens" is a really good saying. However, if it happens a dozen times, then it's an issue.

Same as police won't get too hot and bothered about you coming into some stolen goods the first time. But if it's a frequent thing, then it's an issue.

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Just use your common sense. If you *know* that it's a hacked weapon' date=' leave it.

Be advised: there is a list, been there for a long time.



thats kinda my point, there is no "common sense" when it comes to ingame items... a friend of mine started playing yesterday, how is he to know which weapon is legal and which one ain't?

dayzwiki does not count, cause its an external resource not everyone knows about / wants to use. and its not maintained by the stav. thats like using wikipedia in a college paper... as long as there isn't an official list a new player can never be sure if a weapon is legit or not.

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So if you find 1 or 2 weapons per 1-2 weeks which is completely common when walking in cherno you wont get banned but if you find way way more you prolly get a ban ?

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I think the best thing to do is err on the side of caution.

If you are unsure, check the wiki HERE; http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons

If it isn't in the wiki, leave it be.

But if you are quite happy to run around with hacked weapons (yes, I know, that you DIDN'T hack yourself, you found them...) then you are really not the kind of person to err on the side of caution, are you?

TBH it seems like you aren't getting the answer you want which is "yeah, sure, everyone is happy for you, use the hacked gun, enjoy", so you are going to go ahead with this fool's venture anyway, regardless of what anyone says...

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No lol..

I have not any hacked weapons at the moment but have tons of them but never picked them up but I think I want to use some of them also some really looked awesome

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The wiki, afaik, is not up to date and therefore not a comprehensive list of all legitimate weapons.

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As far as I am aware, using a hacked weapon will not get you banned immediatly.

However I hear these weapons will either:

Turn into Makarovs

Get you a warning from the devs (and a subsequent ban if unheeded)

So drop that shit like its hot.

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Well then the developers need to update it then, eh? Otherwise who knows what is legit anymore?

Of course; the game is being updated fairly constantly, so it should probably be updated once the content is frozen (which will be a loooooong way away, probably)

the best solution is; if in doubt, leave it.

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OP knows it's cheating to knowlingly pick up a hacked weapon' date=' he just wants to know if he can get away with cheating.


This, no offenses OP but it sounds so obvious.

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