teapot156 79 Posted April 19, 2014 I mean my first PMAG that I used to store loaded started to feed improperly after a year or so of sitting in a gun cabinet. Replaced the spring and it fed fine. Had the same happen with standard USGI mags. I started storing mine either empty, or with 5-15 rounds in.Well that sucks. I have only eastern block military surplus rifles and I keep them topped off and they still work fine. Did you purchase a replacement or was it covered by a warranty? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 19, 2014 Well i meant it would encourage server hopping in a sense that it would be daam near impossible to find the weapon + magazines for said rare weapon using legitimate means. Thus forcing players to server hop in order to artificially increase their chances of finding the rare mags for the weapon. But if server hopping were fixed/remedied, then it'd just be a rare-ass magazine, which is what I want for rare-ass weapons. Putting them in the same loot makes rare weapons less rare overall, through the inclusion of their magazines (and possibly ammo). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheScruffyBandit 382 Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) If its for a server/client performance issues than yes definitely. As it stands, I wouldn't mind if pistol magizines were more common. I like the decision process of dropping a weapon in favor of an inferior one because one may be more viable at the moment.the m4 and its magazines in general are too common by far & Pistol magazines should be far more common than they currently are. I'd make military 30+ round magazines fairly rare drops in barracks and prison buildings and spawn 10 round CMAGs in higher end civilian locations at a low % spawn rate. Edited April 19, 2014 by TheScruffyBandit 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted April 19, 2014 Well that sucks. I have only eastern block military surplus rifles and I keep them topped off and they still work fine. Did you purchase a replacement or was it covered by a warranty? I have a few spare mag springs laying around. But yeah, I do agree that there's a lot of hogwash about compressed springs wearing out. But in my experience, it is true. Could be due to my PMAG, as I hear the early springs have feeding issues. But it's happened on every mag I've stored full since owning a firearm. Still anecdotal, but I don't personally store my mags full for this reason. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teapot156 79 Posted April 19, 2014 I have a few spare mag springs laying around. But yeah, I do agree that there's a lot of hogwash about compressed springs wearing out. But in my experience, it is true. Could be due to my PMAG, as I hear the early springs have feeding issues. But it's happened on every mag I've stored full since owning a firearm. Still anecdotal, but I don't personally store my mags full for this reason.Now you got me wanting to half load mine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ugly (DayZ) 79 Posted April 19, 2014 Rule of cool. It's fun looking for magazines. My longest lasting character died due to lag and zombies, so as a fresh spawn, I scrounged around Berezino with a speed loader (.357), and and FNX45 without bullets or magazine. I found an SKS and had no bullets for it. So here I was, forced to enter each and every house and store I could find looking for compliant parts. I found a magnum which I carried around until I found a mag for the FNX45. Ive since ditched the magnum, have a strip mag for my SKS. These tough decisions would have been null and void if your suggestion was implemented. Howevere, I respect your dedication to realism. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lipemr 160 Posted April 19, 2014 The majority of the weapons in the game are rendered useless because of one simple misshap. They do not spawn with magazines or do not have a magazine in them. This small problem has lead to the prefered weapons in the game being weapons with either A no magazines or B internal magazines. weapons like the sporter 22, semi automatic pistols and others are rendered pretty useless . This makes no sense on multiple levels primarily because it makes no sense to find a weapon when looting and not finding ammo or magazines for the weapon nearby since these tend to be stored together. Until the game starts spawning magazines next to or in the same loot spawn as the weapon they will be rendered pretty useless. civilian weapons, yes. Military weapons are usually stored without the magazine in it, and in an outbreak, the one's left in the barracks/buildings would be the ones left in the storage. On crash sites, though, they should come loaded, and more mags should spawn in the zombies/bodies from the crash. They should be usually damaged, barely usable, tho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qww 287 Posted April 19, 2014 i like the fact that guns dont spawn with mags, i wouldnt mind if they sometimes did, as a super bonus, while id be dispointed if they completely removed the challenge of finding the correct ammo/magazine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gorvi 189 Posted April 19, 2014 I think weapons need a 25% chance to spawn mags. More mags for a location that makes sense. Police station, army base, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lipemr 160 Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) I think weapons need a 25% chance to spawn mags. More mags for a location that makes sense. Police station, army base, etc. IRL you have a much bigger chance of finding a civillian weapon with a magazine than a military one, as soldiers would take a lot of magazines with them to combat, and probably scatter them around, making them useless. Civillian weapons normally are stored with their magazine in it. military pistols should be an exception, as they're stored with magazines too. Edited April 19, 2014 by lipemr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheCourierVX 40 Posted April 19, 2014 Every pistol should spawn witha n empty mag in them 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gorvi 189 Posted April 19, 2014 IRL you have a much bigger chance of finding a civillian weapon with a magazine than a military one, as soldiers would take a lot of magazines with them to combat, and probably scatter them around, making them useless. Civillian weapons normally are stored with their magazine in it. military pistols should be an exception, as they're stored with magazines too. Most people irl that I have known safely store the clip away from the gun. I think it should all depend upon location. Weapon lockers may have guns with clips where a house may have an gun and mag separate. Not always the chance, but weapons with clips should be rarer then guns without. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 19, 2014 Most people irl that I have known safely store the clip away from the gun. I think it should all depend upon location. Weapon lockers may have guns with clips where a house may have an gun and mag separate. Not always the chance, but weapons with clips should be rarer then guns without. heh I store my guns with loaded magazines and one in the chamber. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gorvi 189 Posted April 19, 2014 heh I store my guns with loaded magazines and one in the chamber. Depending on intended use. If its used for readily available defense, storing the weapon loaded is only logical. When being stored for long term is more what I'm relating too. That is where chance would come into play. Example would be, farms may have a loaded shotgun or blazer where a inner city house would have a higher chance to be unloaded. City housing could have a better chance at loaded pistols than hunting weapons, where farms would be the opposite. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted April 19, 2014 Just because "it does not make sense" does not mean it can be/can't be in the game. I don't see any advantage in weapons spawning with ammo/magazines/clips gameplay wise. The additional search for ammo and the lack of it just adds to the game and running around with a weapon without ammo adds to the suspense and may change how you interact with someone and vice versa. I don't give a rats ass about realism and authenticity if it doesn't add anything to the game and in this case, it doesn't. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 19, 2014 I don't give a rats ass about realism and authenticity if it doesn't add anything to the game and in this case, it doesn't. But it absolutely does atleast in the future it will. Right now there is very few weapons and magazines for them so having to go and loot for a specific mag type is not a problem. Imagine 2 years from now when there are 2 dozen rifles and 2 dozen pistols each with their own obscure magazine . Do we really need the loot tables full of magazine types or wouldn't it just make sense to spawn each weapon with a few empty mags in civilian houses and will full mags at crash sites. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cels 43 Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) I think there should be alot less ammo.. Personally I would have it be a pain in the ass to find a single round in a box.. I dont find it very "apocalyptic" that I have over 200 rounds of different kinds of ammunition. And thats not from server hopping. You would think in this kind of scenario, the hardest things to find would be ammo and food. Id rather people have to make ammo as well as gunpowder being difficult to find. edit: to those who are having trouble finding ammo, get off the beach. Edited April 19, 2014 by cels Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted April 19, 2014 But it absolutely does atleast in the future it will. Right now there is very few weapons and magazines for them so having to go and loot for a specific mag type is not a problem. Imagine 2 years from now when there are 2 dozen rifles and 2 dozen pistols each with their own obscure magazine . Do we really need the loot tables full of magazine types or wouldn't it just make sense to spawn each weapon with a few empty mags in civilian houses and will full mags at crash sites. Again where is the advantage in that? What does that add to the game? You aren't answering any of these questions.Also more weapons means it will be more of a challenge to find the required ammunition for your weapon and I myself always welcome a challenge.There is absolutely no reason to have weapons spawn with ammunition/clips/magazines except to make it convenient for the players. I rather players do not have that convenience.Also your "concern" with loot tables baffles me as that is nothing to be concerned about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted April 19, 2014 I for one have no trouble finding ammo... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted April 19, 2014 Again where is the advantage in that? What does that add to the game? You aren't answering any of these questions.Also more weapons means it will be more of a challenge to find the required ammunition for your weapon and I myself always welcome a challenge.There is absolutely no reason to have weapons spawn with ammunition/clips/magazines except to make it convenient for the players. I rather players do not have that convenience. In that case they should make the Mosin and SKS spawn without bolts, and the Python should spawn without a cylinder. Doesn't make sense, but makes it harder to get a working weapon no? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gorvi 189 Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) Again where is the advantage in that? What does that add to the game? You aren't answering any of these questions.Also more weapons means it will be more of a challenge to find the required ammunition for your weapon and I myself always welcome a challenge.There is absolutely no reason to have weapons spawn with ammunition/clips/magazines except to make it convenient for the players. I rather players do not have that convenience.Also your "concern" with loot tables baffles me as that is nothing to be concerned about. Or chance. I'd like the odd chance of finding clips in the gun with an odder chance of ammo. All with slightly better chances in logical areas. Police cars, bars, hunting shacks, etc. With containers introduced soon, I hope we get weapon lockers in police stations, prisons, amory, etc, which could have a decent chance of spawning guns with clips. Blame my d20 upbringing. Do we really need the loot tables full of magazine types or wouldn't it just make sense to spawn each weapon with a few empty mags in civilian houses and will full mags at crash sites. Don't take what people say so literally. Never implied crash sites (if returned) will guarantee spawning full clips. A random house could have a less chance to spawn a gun with full clip. The idea of certain areas having a better chance at finding a fully loaded weapon follows how the game plays now with high risk areas. TLDR: I would like clips to spawn in guns, but rarely. Edited April 19, 2014 by Gorvi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 19, 2014 Again where is the advantage in that? What does that add to the game? You aren't answering any of these questions.Also more weapons means it will be more of a challenge to find the required ammunition for your weapon and I myself always welcome a challenge.There is absolutely no reason to have weapons spawn with ammunition/clips/magazines except to make it convenient for the players. I rather players do not have that convenience.Also your "concern" with loot tables baffles me as that is nothing to be concerned about. This has nothing to do with ammo. Ammo should be as rare as it is if not rarer than it is now. This about some weapons being rendered useless at the moment due to the scarcity of magazines for said weapons . I have yet to see a single person with a ruger 1022 and that is a weapon readily found in the game and ammo for it everywhere. Why you might ask probably because magazines are insanely rare for the weapon. This is about making some weapons viable instead of pretty useless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted April 19, 2014 I for one have no trouble finding ammo... This has nothing to do with ammo. This is about spawning weapons with empty mags nearby if not in the same loot pile as weapons. Makes little sense to spawn a sporter 22 in a cabin in electro but magazines somehow being stored 4km away in a military tent. How did the magazine for this weapon get there ? why would a person keep this gun in his house then dispose of the magazine ? why would they not be stored together ? or the most important question. What is there to be achieved by making magazines spawn far away from the rifle or handgun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thesodesa 99 Posted April 19, 2014 The majority of the weapons in the game are rendered useless because of one simple misshap. They do not spawn with magazines or do not have a magazine in them. This small problem has lead to the prefered weapons in the game being weapons with either A no magazines or B internal magazines. weapons like the sporter 22, semi automatic pistols and others are rendered pretty useless . This makes no sense on multiple levels primarily because it makes no sense to find a weapon when looting and not finding ammo or magazines for the weapon nearby since these tend to be stored together. Until the game starts spawning magazines next to or in the same loot spawn as the weapon they will be rendered pretty useless. This might be an issue right now, since PvP is the only thing you can do in the game, and guns need to be tested as well, but once more features are added see no issue with the situation being reverted to the current status. A side note: It might be that civilians store their guns with the magazines/clips either attached to the gun or right next to their guns, but at least where I come from, the military, once they put their guns into long term storage, separate the magazines from the guns. I noticed this when I was turning in my RK62 when leaving the army. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlphaDogMeat . 493 Posted April 19, 2014 What is there to be achieved by making magazines spawn far away from the rifle or handgun. The same as not making can openers available within 2km of the coast. Oh dear, you actually have to work a bit for your loot instead of running straight into Berezino gunned up and trouserless? QQ me a fecking river. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites