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I tried to be a nice guy...

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But it just did not work, because he never even noticed I was there.


Experimental server US-03.. Im at the NWAF, its night and pitch black.. Im waiting out the darkness and eating some food. I see a spotlight of someone working the tents so I stumble my way there to say hi. So I wait a moment, I can see the guy knows what he is doing and is armed. But I do my usual and say, "Well hello there!" over my mic.. he stops for a second. Then moves on. So I type in sidechat.. "Boo!" Nothing. Not a single fuck given. Im like 20 feet away. About 1 tent at the most. I talk over mic again. He works some tents, still looting. So I move towards a tent he is bound to loot soon. Eventually he does.. as he enters the tent he looks right at me, but his spotlight spins quickly away and I doubt he sees me even though Im about 10 feet in front of him. He is focused on loot and nothing else. 


So I lock and load. Double tap to the head. Profit sawed-off and other odds and ends. 


Thank you "NotAGirl". Im sorry you were so focused that you did not hear me, see me, nor did you notice sidechat text that stayed up for 20 seconds on your screen. I would have probably just chatted with you had you responded in any way. But in DayZ my motto is: Dead Men Don't Talk. ;)


HE DID NOT IGNORE ME... that idea is implausible.

Edited by lrish
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nice life....

It probably had been for NotAGirl.. judging by the loot and overall items Im sure he had been alive for quite a while. A nice life indeed... 


the coast shall treat him well. :)




Oh! You were trying to be coy?.. lol

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Enough warning given but at the same time I guess that player was not much of a threat? Had he/she weapon raised?

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I usually shoot armed players if they do not communicate too. I assume that if they have a gun and made it this far they should already know what buttons to push to talk, but refuse to because they prepare an attack on me. I type a few things through text chat in different languages if voice doesn't work, if that has no effect then I'm likely to open fire. But in this case I think shooting this guy was not the right decision.


Once I saw player looting barracks in Balota, talked to him and typed in direct chat for like a minute, he just kept looting not noticing anything. I noticed he doesn't have a firearm, so I showed up and finally he paid attention to me. Turns out he was a nice guy, just couldn't hear me well and was careless enough not to pay attention to chat before he saw me. I gave him some rags he asked for and we went our separate ways.


Something's not right with direct communication, sometimes people understand me just fine, sometimes they say they can barely hear me. Same thing happens to me when different players talk to me. And usually you have to stand right next to a person to be able to understand what he says. I'd type more than just "boo" in chat to try to get his attention.


He either paid no attention to surroundings, didn't hear you and notice you typing, or actually saw you in tent but proceeded looting ignoring you. A lot of time I came across weirdos without firearms who just stared at me or ran past not being able to say a single word but not attacking me as well, so I just left them.

Edited by StopChewingMyLegDude

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That guy simply told you (by ignoring you) that you are annoying and he doesn't want you to bother him. You did what you did, it's a game, why would somebody judge your for killing anyone in a game... That would be just stupid. I would shoot right in the face if you would talk to me this way ingame. I don't like annoying people, especially heroes and suckers who call players "Bambies". Bandits in this game are the better people. While "heroes" are deciding who is a bandit and whos not, the banditst are killing everybody and are sure that nobody will kill them after being friendly to them. 


I don't even know why you would say "Hi" to that guy. You were waiting in the dark, waiting for other players to be friends with them or what? Lame, ofcourse you wasn't. You were there to kill some people. A friendly bandit? wtf...

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I have learned the hard way that if you come across an armed person who is not talking/texting, there is a good chance he/she is on teamspeak or skype chatting or listening to his group.


In this case you have to options:


1: leave the town quickly while not letting him/her track you.


2: If they are following you or tracking you( like finding him/her in the next town), this means they are giving your location to his/her friends and will hold you up once they get there....you must eliminate that threat and kill him/her.


I play friendly/hero style but i am not foolish.

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Experimental server US-03.. Im at the NWAF, its night and pitch black.. Im waiting out the darkness and eating some food. I see a spotlight of someone working the tents so I stumble my way there to say hi.


I don't know what the fuck do you people expect from bothering and annoying other people in a place full of loot, after playing DayZ for some time, anyone would know that when you interact with players in a PVP zone like the NWAF, it ends with one of you dead.


What the hell do you expect when you go say "Hi" to someone who's looting in a dangerous spot? Let's say you succeed in talking to him. You talk, okay, then what? You can't just turn your back to someone dangerously armed without risking getting shot and losing your stuff. 


When both sides think that way, one has to die, it was a dumb move.


He should've shot you for doing that there.

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Well, I´ve met that nice slowakian dude daytime @NWAF.


Both of us been armed but however we didn´t start shooting each other but start talking.

Whilst looting the tents together we got shot by another dude/dudette and being unable to spot the aggressor we decided to retreat in the depots.

Scouting the tents, the rest of the airfield without spotting anyone we went on direction south barrack/jail and lost each other (LOL).


OT: People not responding acting suspicious and thus must be aware to get attacked.

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You weren't trying to be friendly, you were being a bandit. Obviously he doesn't want to talk to you, and he could have easily chose to shoot you right there, but no, he decided to give you a chance and let you leave. HE was the person being nice. Almost everyone in DayZ would have just blown your brains out instead. I would. Who the hell goes up to a looter in a military area at night, armed, to say hi??

Edited by Space Milk
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"I tried not to annoy people"...


...."but it just won't work!"

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if they don't reply they're too sus to continue living next to you. 

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not cool at all....not cool

It not cool to shoot someone in a game? Why not.  :|


Enough warning given but at the same time I guess that player was not much of a threat? Had he/she weapon raised?




Threat or not, you just do not waltz around the airfield ignoring other players and using your headlamp with your M4 drawn...


..and walk away alive. You just dont. 

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I don't know what the fuck do you people expect from bothering and annoying other people in a place full of loot, after playing DayZ for some time, anyone would know that when you interact with players in a PVP zone like the NWAF, it ends with one of you dead.


What the hell do you expect when you go say "Hi" to someone who's looting in a dangerous spot? Let's say you succeed in talking to him. You talk, okay, then what? You can't just turn your back to someone dangerously armed without risking getting shot and losing your stuff. 


When both sides think that way, one has to die, it was a dumb move.


He should've shot you for doing that there.

I speak with the intention of letting them know my presence and what I plan to do. In most cases I say "hi, Im going to kill you okay? Get ready to defend yourself."


Because while I like PVP, its not PVP if you just shoot the guy in the back of the head. That's simply e-murder.


So all of you getting upset over someone killing another player in a game rife with death and PVP, and that player ACTUALLY gave the guy a fighting chance,  I have this to say to you: You're funny. :P

Edited by lrish
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It not cool to shoot someone in a game? Why not.  :|


He was minding his own business and looting, he didnt come to you and kick the can from your hands and spit in your spagetis. You are a bully that kills people for not saying hello. I hope I dont run into you in game.

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He was minding his own business and looting, he didnt come to you and kick the can from your hands and spit in your spagetis. You are a bully that kills people for not saying hello. I hope I dont run into you in game.

LOL.. well I hope we do now ;)

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i dont fire a shot unless i need to in dayz, although  im happy others do kill people for no reason, or there would not be so much danger in the game

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i dont fire a shot unless i need to in dayz, although  im happy others do kill people for no reason, or there would not be so much danger in the game



Since I've had time to ponder the general response to my being an "honorable KOSer", I have come to the conclusion that this game needs something..


Chernarus Eradication Force - All survivors are seen as a threat to outside humanity and must be terminated. Blood testing is too risky. All threats must be dealt with swiftly, and their bodies disposed of ASAP (hide body).


This is my new RP idea for DayZ, and those of you that fussed over my other idea of being an honorable KOSer helped me get there.

So thank you. I shall be killing everything that moves now.  :murder:

Edited by lrish
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dotn you think its risky though, just shooting people? if that person in the tents you shot had had a friend covering them, they woudl have shot you, and there could have been two people dead for the reason of

" he didnt reply when i said hello"

if you do keep "shooting anything that moves" i think you will be very lucky to have a long ingame lifespan

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You weren't trying to be friendly, you were being a bandit. Obviously he doesn't want to talk to you, and he could have easily chose to shoot you right there, but no, he decided to give you a chance and let you leave. HE was the person being nice. Almost everyone in DayZ would have just blown your brains out instead. I would. Who the hell goes up to a looter in a military area at night, armed, to say hi??

No, no, no and no, I don't agree. He spotted someone and tried to communicate with that person to make him aware of his presence. The person did not respond, like at all. Not even acknowledge the existance of OP. What would you do if you know there's some guy with a weapon running around in pitch black that you know is not willing to communicate? You get rid of him, before he gets rid of you. Simple as that. How people call this banditry is beyond me. Imho, there is no such thing as: "I'll just leave this guy wandering around on the airfield whilst im still here as well, praying to god he won't kill me". Like, you either come to terms with eachother or one has to die. If people keep taking risks like that in a game like DayZ, you WILL get fucked over. In the end, in my opinion your life is more important than being 'good', whatever that may be. 

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firing a gun is a risk in dayz, even if you shoot the "threat" on sight, there is no way of knowing they were alone, or that your shot wont alert another player


i think the only roleplay needed in dayz is stay alive,

Edited by qww

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dotn you think its risky though, just shooting people? if that person in the tents you shot had had a friend covering them, they woudl have shot you, and there could have been two people dead for the reason of

" he didnt reply when i said hello"

if you do keep "shooting anything that moves" i think you will be very lucky to have a long ingame lifespan

Its actually how I played in the mods, and in the SA over the past year and half. Im not saying Im good or anything, but I have been quite successful in attacking large groups, evading an ambush, surviving being shot, etc.. I dont think its worth playing DayZ if you're not willing to take risks in the game. Its what makes it so great, stepping out on a limb and risking a quick trip to the coast. Im looking quite forward to my new task. See I cant just shoot anything that moves. I have to then immediately hide their body to stop the spread of infection. ;) This will make things VERY INTERESTING for me indeed. 

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"if you made it to NWAF, in the dark, on exp and did not pay attention to your surroundings (inculding audio/UI} you deserve to be shot and killed"


however, buildings DO get in the way and block the sound transmission of DIRECT chat! this is confirmed by my friends and myself talking to each other around and inside diffrent rooms.

notAgirl may not have heard you, but still, fuck it.

you lived. you won.

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"if you made it to NWAF, in the dark, on exp and did not pay attention to your surroundings (inculding audio/UI} you deserve to be shot and killed"


however, buildings DO get in the way and block the sound transmission of DIRECT chat! this is confirmed by my friends and myself talking to each other around and inside diffrent rooms.

notAgirl may not have heard you, but still, fuck it.

you lived. you won.

That's really good to know.. Ill have to play around with it and see how it works for myself. Thanks!

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