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Want to: Produce Machinima, Need: Way to start DayZ SA in SP mode!

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Before anyone starts nagging, here is some information on what I do want to do and what I do not want to do:

  • I want to be able to record footage of towns
  • I want to be able to record footage of the countryside +- Might want to be able to have one or two zombies running around
  • I do NOT want to bypass any game mechanics
  • I do NOT want to encourage piracy or theft, I own two copies of DayZ SA and all I want is to record machinima footage without some bandit strolling along and ruining the fun

What I search is a way to start DayZ in a Singleplayer manner, emulated server environment or even a Dev Debug mode in order to being able to record stable videos. As you all may know, some servers run good, some have fps issues. A local running application will give me the stabilitie I need for my planned videos and as a sort of server admin I'd be able to get to places faster. I do not want to rent a server for this purpose because I know that admin abuse is serious buisiness and implementing a server to the hive that would give me everything I want and need for other official servers does not seem quite right in my opinion.

So I come to you, crafty DayZ players, maybe devs that find this and kindly ask if there is a way for me to "unofficially" start a round of DayZ that is in no way connected to the hive, just on my machiene, with no saves, so I can record videos without the guilt of abusing any mechanic that is abusable.

Are there any ways to start a dedicated server on my own machiene, that only I can access either by default or LAN settings? There is a LAN tab in the game thus I think the basics are implemented allready.

Would be a big help in my quest of doing some machinimas, town overviews and cinematic camera movements :)

regards, Pax

Edited by PaxtonMega

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There has to be a way, it was possible with earlier versions and it sure as hell is with current versions. The only thing I'd need for a start would be to be able to load up the map in an editor mode like the maps on ArmA 3

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I think the key word in Mike's post is legit.

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Could you not get your own server and password it, so you're ultimately the only person who could go on the server?

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You can port it to the arma 3 game but i beleive that is against the rules so is passwording a server if i'm correct. Try just getting on fairly early in the day and finding an empty server with good ping.

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Could you not get your own server and password it, so you're ultimately the only person who could go on the server?


That would be in violation of the server hosting rules.

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I do like to see some videos, and I can see the need for this. However, I don't know if it can be implemented now. Hopefully, a SP feature does happen.

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