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Spray Paint as a weapon?

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Just had an idea about using the regular cans of Spraypaint you encounter in the world be used as a self-defence non-lethal weapon. Not like a grenade but a short ranged stunning weapon.


For example, you find a spray can in a building and an attacker attempts to beat you down with either their fists or a melee weapon. Instead you use the Spray Can as a weapon and spray the attackers in the face, it's not quite pepper spray but it does blind your attackers for a period of time. A similar experience is like powerful soap in one eye's or if anyone accidently sprayed themselves in the eye with deodorant or hairspray. I'd imagine a similar effect is applied with spraypaint.

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For some reason, I think there would be more than just temporary sight loss taking spray paint to the eyes lol I like it though!

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I know rocket confirmed well be able to make improvised explosives with spray paints, but i like your idea.

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It also opens up avenues for other Aerosol type canisters which could be found in-game, an actual can of pepper spray for example could be found in police stations which give a constant long term blurring compared to other aerosol type spray cans like deodorant, aerosol lubricant and even spraypaint. 


Furthermore it achieve two other potential goals, the first being able to use "everything as a weapon" much like how the Dev's have said multiple times and will enforce the use of Masks as protection other than just a cosmetic coolness factor

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