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Books and mini-games

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There are a lot of posts which try to improve books in DayZ. I know it. But let me tell my opinion. So, let's start from idea of a game. It bases on real skills and everything what you do can be made in real life. This is a very basic and simple example: you have a car battery and you need to place it on the place (sorry for bad English) but you don't know how to do it. And you have a book which can help you with this problem. You are starting puting this battery. There will be a mini-game in this example hood opens and your camera angle goes where battery must be. If you have a book it opens in a coner. Than you puting battery by deagging it to the place than you have 2 wires they must be connected observing polarity. If you don,t know how to do it you are trying to find a solve in the book. This is a very easy example it can be harder (how to start engine on a helicopter). What do you think about it ?

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i like it but be rdy for the crap storm coming to this post, im all for it

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No, just no. Dean and the rest of the crew made it clear that he doesn't want mini-games or quick-time events.

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Ok, thanks didn't know it. But how to make books useful ?

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Ok, thanks didn't know it. But how to make books useful ?

You can throw a book when the throwing comes :D Also maybe you could burn books. Books are there so you can read them when really bored.

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Ok, thanks didn't know it. But how to make books useful ?


make them useful by reading them, if you don't want to read in dayz, dont pick up books. i do read books in game.

if only i could find another copy of  "the trial". i swear its so rare compared to some other books, or im just unlucky.

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