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Stoney (DayZ)

My DayZ SA Rant Review

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It will be interesting to see how/if Sony beats them to the punch. 2016 is a long way off.


They hope to have the game in beta by 2015.  Usually beta is just a bunch of tweaks and balance along with last minute additions.


This is one reason dean wanted to leave Project Lead at the end of the year, else his ideas might keep the game in development too long.

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They hope to have the game in beta by 2015.  Usually beta is just a bunch of tweaks and balance along with last minute additions.


This is one reason dean wanted to leave Project Lead at the end of the year, else his ideas might keep the game in development too long.

Shrug. I don't see any reason to play something inferior. I may stay with dayz or I may move on. This is the danger for bonhemia if there is real competition. I think there will be.

Isn't the sony game going to early access which for them is the equivalent of beta soon? Or would that be the equivalent of alpha.

My feeling is that the forgelight engine is basically going to beat the arma engine hands down.

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The character movement feels like a clunky PS1 game. Nothing about it feels right. The movement is not fluid in any way and does not feel nice at all. I like the general idea of the animations etc but none of it fits together nicely at all. It's like a puzzle that's been forced together. DayZ Mod feels by far, alot better to play in terms of character movement.




The detection radius for zombies has never really been a problem for me in DayZ or DayZ Mod, infact the zombies have always been pretty good. I didn't like how fast they used to run in DayZ Mod and how they just kept chasing you until the end of time, also the walking through walls. Besides that though there wasn't really much wrong with the zombies.


When I first played DayZ SA I was relieved with how great the zombies were. It seemed they had been improved massively. Besides the walking through walls I was very impressed with the zombies. Maybe a few more spawns could have been added but not much needed happening there.


I logged back into DayZ SA tonight and it seems the zombies have gone to shit. Excuse my french but they're probably worse than they were in DayZ Mod but there are just far less of them. The movement/animations etc are shocking. I think a revert needs to be done with them.




Nothing has been done to fix the FPS issues in DayZ SA. I appreciate the game is only in Alpha but it appears with a whole new engine the same problem still persists. You're doing something wrong. I would probably point the finger at the people who designed the buildings etc. Fix it!


I will continue my review as I find more things to rant about.. But besides these 3 major things which make me not want to play the game. Everything seems fine so far.




If you have anything to rant about share it with me!



Well, I think you are wrong on the first point, on recently returning to the mod the movement is as godawful as ever, but hey if you really prefer the previous generation of ARMA movement I guess thats up to you. The standalone really has improved it.


The zombies are obviously a work in progress.


I and everyone I play with has consistently better FPS than in the mod where stuttering (not really frame drop jsut weird stuttering) was a constant issue. 


I mean if you are going to review an unfinished product, I assume because you want it to improve, maybe tackle major issues like the player to player desync. Everything you mentioned is either redundant or performance based which for all we know is just your computer...

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Well, I think you are wrong on the first point, on recently returning to the mod the movement is as godawful as ever, but hey if you really prefer the previous generation of ARMA movement I guess thats up to you. The standalone really has improved it.


The zombies are obviously a work in progress.


I and everyone I play with has consistently better FPS than in the mod where stuttering (not really frame drop jsut weird stuttering) was a constant issue. 


I mean if you are going to review an unfinished product, I assume because you want it to improve, maybe tackle major issues like the player to player desync. Everything you mentioned is either redundant or performance based which for all we know is just your computer...

Character movement may be better in the SA but by a small margin. They are both horrendous. I agree that the FPS is fine and zombie AI is a work in progress (though I have very low expectation to what they will look like when they are finished) 

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Shrug. I don't see any reason to play something inferior. I may stay with dayz or I may move on. This is the danger for bonhemia if there is real competition. I think there will be.

Isn't the sony game going to early access which for them is the equivalent of beta soon? Or would that be the equivalent of alpha.

My feeling is that the forgelight engine is basically going to beat the arma engine hands down.


Alpha for them..


I suggest looking at VBS3, another simulation currently in production.  It is absolutely stunning.  I just can't shell out the $3000 price tag.  Arma got a lot of the tech though, and dayZ is next in line.

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Only a retard would review an alpha product, but w/e.

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Its retarded to point out that the zombie patches have gotten worse in some ways?  How the hell is this not important?

Edited by Inception.

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Only a retard would review an alpha product, but w/e.


Only a retard would post a comment as non-constructive as yours.



OP, these issues have been posted numerous times. We really don't need another topic.



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