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DAYZ EUROPA - The world's finest vanilla DayZ Mod server

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  On 7/5/2019 at 5:41 AM, shuter165 said:

DayZ Europa server have god performance, 100% Vanilla, responsive administration. The administration adheres to the rules of a pure game, the disconnect in combat and the other is severely punished.DayZ Europa server have god performance, 100% Vanila, responsive administration. The administration adheres to the rules of a pure game, the cobatlog and the other is severely punished. If you want to play a clean game and be sure that the server will not fail then Europa is for you. And also there are no wipes.

Looks like you pasted your masters message twice. They have very "interactive" administration, they have also had multiple wipes. I would only recommend playing here if your friends with the admins.

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Not you again. No, we ban cheaters and players breaking the server rules. 


Edited by vinyljunkie

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We have wiped the database (15th of December 2019) so all players are starting fresh again. Lots of action these last days, join the fun.


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  On 12/26/2019 at 10:30 PM, SEXZ said:

You yourself have been caught lying multiple times in the last pages in the attempt to make people you ban to disappear, such as dismissing a whistleblower by coldly lying: "We don’t have any forums. If you ever were a part of our community you would have known that." etc

vinyljunkie, we like your avatar, we love dayz, but you are the absolute worst example of abuse and its depressing that this is what the dayz mod community has come to accept as normal.

Nah man, I don't need to lie. At the time you were referring to forums we had been running discord for about two years. But if you prefer playing the word game, fine. 
But lets get some things straight here: I run a server. I pay for the server and have done so for over 5 years.The reason I do this is because I like DayZ Mod and want to provide a fine server to the community.
Then we get players like you, that doesn't add anything to the game nor the community. All you do is consume energy. You made a mistake on our server and cheated. That's why you were banned. And now you have spent the last two years making troll posts about how we are the bad guys, how the Europa admins are corrupt and how I am a liar. Why don't you tell everyone here how why you got banned instead? Isn't that what's the real issue here? We didn't cause that, you did. Own it.


Edited by vinyljunkie
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Edited by SEXZ

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Edited by SEXZ
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  On 3/1/2020 at 1:14 AM, SEXZ said:

I don't know this person, but I pity them for getting involved with Europa:


Checking out the mod community again and I see this is still going on today just as the lack of players at least  they all fit in one vanilla server . Are you Roberto ? Or someone who watched that video before it was unlisted. You should know that video belongs to father guys channel and is from 26 Jan 2018. He did not learn his lesson and continued wasting his time on toxic servers like us434 and then begged to be unbanned on Europa just to experience  it again what a stupid decision at least it seems he had fun with 6666 he was one of the "lucky" ones Vinyl never found out he was M-IX he was a bit lost there since he banned two people who were not even related but he did simply because they knew the truth and one of them had issues with him just like others from 434 had after him when they played his server,  even Garnix who was playing with me in UK420 went back to Europa after it closed despite being aware of what goes on there seems he is a bit confused these days . You have awaken the owner of the mod again but I see in this thread you are not even the first to do so, I am happy he has not forgotten about me he has been watching my old videos looking for something after 3 years seems he feels sympathetic towards other admins with god mode I exposed in a video 6 years ago what a surprise .  https://imgur.com/a/lTBh3Uq 

Edited by Supa Sand

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He is used to it. You are not going to get trough to anyone in the forums no one is left to care around here. The  same can be said about the player base only a few return from time to time usually those who played in the last few years and the new players who buy arma on sale help keep the average bellow the 100s they will play anything along with the regulars. There has not been a good patch in years nothing can revive the mod. Vinyl got what he wanted all the vanilla servers are gone and his server remains thanks to regular donations but to what cost ? The influence he had on developing lead to vanillas death, ask him he is proud of it of course he will say it was positive feedback and yet that still does not change the fact he has weak admins that abuse players regularly when something is stolen and were even forced to do so to be able to enjoy the game. Even to this day the new clueless ones who know nothing about the mod and can barely keep up with his long list of ever changing rules are still being preyed upon in his server. If they question him about certain situations he just says they do not have in game tools and shadow bans them if they go to far. Do not bother denying it Vinyl  I do not care about your excuses or cover ups I got what I wanted out of this game despite your pathetic attempts to get me banned on other servers now it is over. With luck you will be red pilling your own players soon.

Adjö  https://imgur.com/a/SCR3YY9 


Edited by Supa Sand

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In real life you are being tracked through everything you can imagine, this is done for your safety. Sometimes the special services are mistaken and you will find out about it, but you will never know about their successful deeds.


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  On 3/17/2020 at 8:16 AM, Supa Sand said:

 If they question him about certain situations he just says they do not have in game tools and shadow bans them if they go to far. Do not bother denying it Vinyl  I do not care about your excuses or cover ups I got what I wanted out of this game despite your pathetic attempts to get me banned on other servers now it is over.

Again, you got it all wrong. What you are describing above is you not accepting the facts, even when presented to you. I know this might be news to you but that´s how you run a server, if you want to be able to do it for a very long time. You get rid of players that have negative impact on the server community. You call it shadow banning but it really isn't. It's us taking care of business in the best interest of the server, not a small group of increasingly toxic players.

Thinking back I should have perma banned you back in the days when I called you out for trolling the first time. 

DayZ Europa started in March 2014, that's six years and we're still here. You're not.

Edited by vinyljunkie

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We’ve been hit by Corona!

Atleast so it seems as the server has been packed and maxing out at 50 players almost every day for a good couple of weeks now. It's clear people spend a bit more time at home at these times.

Thanks to all players playing and funding the server! I hope you and your families are well.


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Our DayZ Mod server has been packed the last month and great content is being made. Here's DayZ Europa regular Thoronir's latest video.
Check it, throw him a like and follow if you like it Video

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DayZ Europa is still very busy, we have wiped it and new rules are in place regarding where you can build a base.

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The server was recently wiped and is still very busy. We also moved to a new dedicated server with even better performance vouching for very smooth gameplay even when the server is full with 50 players. Also First Person Friday takes place the first Friday every month. We set the server to 1PP only for 24h.
Join the action at

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DayZ Europa server wipe 30/9 - No base building


We just wiped DayZ Europa and this time we will be running the server without base building as this has been asked for by many of you over the years.

We're excited to see the server fill up with players looking forward to play DayZ Mod as it was prior to the base building feature was introduced.
No more vehicles locked in to bases, no more barns locked up with gates and no more players sitting in their bases shooting at other players running by.

Also we have some exciting changes planned for the future that can be read in our discord.

Join the DayZ Europa discord:

DayZ Europa is funded by its players and has been online since 2014. If you want to help us in running the server for many more years to come, join our discord to become a DayZ Europa supporter, thank you!

Edited by vinyljunkie

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Server wipe today @ 19.00 CEST

Bases are back and we've added some new exciting changes: A new Dynamic Zombie Damage System, Base-Anti-Glitch, Gates Downgrade on Break-in.

Wanna know more? Check out our discord for the full announcement.


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And so at last we have come to end of the road and end the of our journey. On August 1st DayZ Europa unfortunately will have spawned its last Zombie and to celebrate a decade worth of vanilla DayZ Mod on Europa will we perform one final server wipe on Friday 7/7 18:00 CET. We hope you enjoy these last few weeks and that you take this final opportunity to play on our server, call your friends, get together and make sure we go out with a bang! We will be enabling side chat in-game for this final wipe and will have the same rules as on discord enforced so treat each other with respect, no salt mining, trashtalking or giving away other players position please.

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