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Bruce (DayZ)

Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

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Make it so you can't place them in towns. Go build a camp with them in the middle of the forest. Don't make it so someone can barricade a building and camp ever-respawning loot. Or make it so when someone barricades all the entrances to a building, loot cannot spawn in that building anymore until the barricades go down. I think these are two workable solutions. I see no other reason why a person would barricade an entire building unless they are camping at some loot or server jumping.

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they don't need to go they just need to be tweaked so they can't be clip into buildings.

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they don't need to go they just need to be tweaked so they can't be clip into buildings.

As well as far enough in front of an outside door that you can still get in. I don't mind them when I know someone is using them to funnel targets.

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But all u guys crying realize that u can just jump over it right?

Inadviseable at the least. You can break your legs and kill yourself by trying to vault over the wire, and most of the time it is placed in such a way that you can't vault over it because it is in a low door frame, or on an incline that makes you unable to go over.

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Its part of the game and it is realistic. If you do not like it then perhaps DayZ is not the right mod for you.

Some people are using a glitch to have unlimited wired fence.

If you think that using this bug to close an entire block/street/building is realistic, than maybe this game is not for you, sir.

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Yea have to agree the barbed wire is making this game almost impossible to play now. Almost every building that contains supplies on every server is blocked off. I realize this game is suppose to be a simulation but there is a point when it goes to far.

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Inadviseable at the least. You can break your legs and kill yourself by trying to vault over the wire' date=' and most of the time it is placed in such a way that you can't vault over it because it is in a low door frame, or on an incline that makes you unable to go over.


Hmm works as a charm for me and 3 of my firends, never found a barbed that i couldnt just press "v" to cross(even with low door frame or stuff like that ur character simply goes through the frame a bit like zombies do through walls), never broke a leg or had any trouble with it aside maybe from loosing around 100 blood from time to time when it foces u to cloose to the wall, but u can loose the 100 blood by standing to close to an opening door or simply walking up a lader.

TBH i dont really see the use for barbed wire too easy to cross, vechicles just go over it, the only time it can work is when u have broken legs, and even so, loot respawns so often if u only clear the spawn points that there is no need to rire anything off.

Oh i got it it! might be usefull in preventing players from crawling through the holes in the wall, other than that it doesnt work.

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I was at the NW airfield once and to get into the ATC I had to vault over some wire, upon landing my legs broke and I had to shoot myself with morphine before I could vault back over and go in the back way through the ladders.

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Ok, so as everybody knows, barb wire shouldn't have ever gone in the game. The only use for barbed wire is to keep people out of firehouses and trolling. Barbed wire doesn't do jack sh*t but troll because it can't even keep the f**king Zed out. Same with those metal campfire things (tank traps?), all people do is place them into the small gas stations and in doorways so nobody can loot. It is possibly the worst feature of the game, because litterly the only thing it is good for is trolling. I have seen over 9000 other threads saying the same thing, so I know i'm not the only person pissed off about this stupid ass feature.

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It wouldn't be so bad if barbed wire was able to be removed by toolboxes. At the moment, it's damn well impossible to even get the scroll option to remove it, so it's spammed all over the map.

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lol, you can remove it, you just need to look at one of the pieces of metal that holds the wire in place, "remove wire fence"...

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If you've seen over 9000 threads stating the same thing, POST IN ONE OF THEM INSTEAD OF MAKING A NEW THREAD.

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they should not be allowed to places near spawn areas (starter Towns in the south).

even with toolbox i couldn't remove the wire. with the current state of some server nearly all enterable building are now blocked by barbwire. How is a newbie gonna get his first weapon?

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They could easily limit the defenses to a set amount per player, or only allow them up for a limited time. Be patient, something has to be in the works.

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They should not be allowed to be placed in any city at all.

Only in wilderness for setting up a base and such stuff but not for blocking newbie areas.

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Have you not figured I out yet.

This Game is a griefers wet dream and with each new change it gets better for them.

I'm just waiting for rocket to introduce map locations markers of survivors just for the bandits.

I like the idea of the wire but it should not block players just slow down or block zombies.

Or maybe players can climb over wire but doing so causes bleeding.

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i didn't even know about barbwire but this goes with another one of my posts. I think barbwire and other ways to barricade are awesome ideas and they should keep them in cities for sure. it sounds like there should just be more counters for it. i think a good counter would be being able to climb through windows or other alternate ways to get in buildings. this way you can keep the strength of barricades but it would be hard to barricade a building completely.

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Make field defenses easier to target with your toolbox, problem fixed. Right now you need to point at the tiny spot for like 5 seconds before the option comes up, way too dangerous in a populated city.

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Jep Today I had to change 5 times server that i get out of church becos those fucking wires..wohoo thats REALISTIC

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Only real issue is that the hit box on the barbwire needs to be bigger and it's drop rates need to be less. I went through Electro's industrial area near the ducks and found about 13 barbwire sets in that one visits. That way to damn high. That same visit I found not a single tool box and nearly every house in Electro was blocked by barbwire.

Also those that say just "go get a toolbox", not always possible. Many occasions I've seen the market and other places total blocked of, and then the bastards blocks off all the locations where toolbox spawn as well. In fact several occasions I've found a blocked off toolboxes with no way to get to them. Right now the spawn rates on barbwire is to damn high.

And I refuses to server hop (I see it as a exploit) to get them so I normally just move on to another city. Despite what other say about just moving to other servers for any little issue you don't like (barbwire, darkness etc), we're suppose to have a "home" or main server we stay one, that the very idea behind why barbwire, sand bags, tents, cars, etc stay on one server. Moving server really isn't an option if this crap happens on your main server.

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If realism is the goal, then I should be able to hack up barbed wire with my hatchet, slowly dismantle it with a knife, or if I'm stupid shoot it up with my gun.

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