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Bruce (DayZ)

Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

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What about other ways to take it out? Like adding small explosives. As long as they can be remote detonated' date=' the noise should not be a huge issue. In fact, a selection of small clearing charges that can be found or made plus larger ones for destroying larger targets would be great. Maybe even some form of tripwire based IED's. People would run around a lot less if they thought they may trip over a wire and blow them selves up.


this is very interesting and could be done but i think to just solve the barb wire issue either a tool or making it easier to move the barb wire needs to be implemented. but the ied thing sounds awesome... but then again i think it may be a little drastic in a zombie apocalypse

What about something like RC cars or trucks. If you can find the parts, you can make one that works and strap a small bomb to it. Drive it down a main street and agro the zombies. Once you get a pack chasing, you stop and let them group around it. Then, BOOM! easy way to clear an area of zeds. At least for a bit. And sure would be entertaining to watch. Kinda stole the idea from Tremors 2.

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As if my character can't step over some barbed wire.

try stepping over barbed wire IRL and see wut happens

It certainly would not break your legs, which happens to me quite often. I do agree about the ridiculous placement of barbed wire, yesterday whilst playing I got to the church at Cherno and someone had put barbed wire in the door at a certain angle, where it was impossible to remove it.

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I think that toolboxes spawn enough. However I have to agree that it has to be easier to remove it. The "hitbox" is so hard to reach!

One of my new goals in the game is to remove annoying wire cutters in the game. After removing some in a firestation, I got an AK74u with 3 mags as reward =)

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Whine all you want about game mechanics because it does not suit you but it's still there.

So we've gone from "THAT'S JUST REAL LIFE MAN"

(he gave up on that)


"That's just how the game is man it's just like that and it will never change"

Because Rocket doesn't fix these types of issues all the time.

Good stuff.

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Its part of the game and it is realistic. If you do not like it then perhaps DayZ is not the right mod for you.

Right, it's exactly like in real life, therefore realistic. If you like to have something, you get a Barbed Wire and put it in front of the item you like, for example a swing. If there's no swing in this world just go to another world and maybe there is one, maybe there's no one. Put Barbed Wire in front of every swing in every world to prevent other persons from having fun.

Remember, you can not ever climb over a Barbed Wire in real life or put it aside with let's say some protective gloves. You can run into the Barbed Wire all Day long and you won't get hurt, because you can't really touch it, no matter how hard you try.

The day you actually leave your nerd basement you may consider talking about things being "realistic", boy.

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I have a toolbox and hav tried but can't find the "sweet spot". What is more fucking ridiculous is that it DOESNT EVEN KEEP ZOMBIES OUT, ONLY PLAYERS. It should be the other way around. How about this? You cant place wire fencing or any type within like 20m (or whatever else) of an enterable building.

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They either need to remove barbed wire from the game or make it to where you cannot set it up in or around buildings. I spent 10+ minutes running from zombies near elektro and every damn building i came across was sealed off by sandbags or barbed wire.

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How about if wire keeps the zeds out and players can traverse it by crouch-walking (not crouch-running), it represents the player carefully negotiating the barbwire. ( Like in the original prince of Persia with the spikes)

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How about if wire keeps the zeds out and players can traverse it by crouch-walking (not crouch-running)' date=' it represents the player carefully negotiating the barbwire. ( Like in the original prince of Persia with the spikes)


You don't even need to do that. It's not exactly barbed wire, it's C-Wire and unless you got a triple strand set up, which means two rolls next to each other with one on top, you can just step down on the shit nice and careful and step right over it. At worst snag your pant leg, the stuff is meant more as a deterrent more then anything. Or to hold up the enemy in a kill zone while he deals with it.

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The toolbox disappeared from my inventory around the same time the barbed wire epidemic started. I'm guessing some group has decided to troll dayz again.

not my picture, but look at this: crazy fucking wire

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Don't be so lazy, go to an industrial area and find yourself a toolbox. They drop like mad now. You can't kill a zombie without a weapon, you cant take down a wirefence without a toolbox. It is not fucking rocket science and there is no reason to whine/complain about it.

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Its not about lazyness, it's about sillyness. It kinda reminds me of the invisible wall method usually employed in linear FPS to keep players from crossing a level boundary, and we all just love those (see MW3's Sierra Leone level)

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No it is nothing like that. It is a tool to deny your competition entry or force them into a certain path of entry. Get a toolbox and stop whining ffs. Yea it is about sillyness, the sillyness of this thread...

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Its part of the game. Lets get over it.

Like fuck, its an engine exploit, stop spouting your rubbish.

@"Weedmasta": You clearly didn't read the thread, people are putting the wire down where you cannot get into a position to remove it, ignorance is bliss.

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Weedmasta, I agree with you on that part, there should be a tool to help deny access to certain areas, exactly for the reasons you mentioned, the "corralling" of a force to a certain point of entry, but atm, there are a lot of bugs and exploits that need to be fixed before starting to consider the correct implementation of that gameplay mechanic. I know that this is still in alpha and it is in this stage that those kind of mechanics get tested. I'm just saying that, atm, the mechanic is way too flawed.

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Its part of the game. Lets get over it.

You clearly are a server-hopper and non-constructive poison to the developmental community for this game.

I used to see a couple barbed wired / bagged areas after playing. But like any other exploit, it has become absurd. It's not even just the Firehouse / Supermarket/Deerstads anymore. It's ALL OVER. High yield medium yield low yield. If someone can incorporate it into their low-server-population-hopping routine, you will surely see barbed wire or bags.

It's not "part of the game", nor is it "realistic." Like someone else in here said, I too have set up barbed wire in real life, and there's nothing that obstructive and defensive about it.

The only time blocking off your own little area on the map would have been "realistic" and meaningful, is if you were only allowed on one server that loot didn't re-spawn on. That would mean people block themselves off for safety, because there would be no other benefit to blocking off things.

But now, it's not about safety, it's about exploitation. Sometimes I spend 20 minutes trying to find a way to get over barbed wire so I can camp the building and shoot players that spawn in it.

The players here aggressively logging on and saying that people are "bitching" and "whining" either 1) don't understand game logic and methodology for fluidity, or 2) are loot-blocking server-hoppers


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This has nothing to do with forcing players to take another route, the wirefences and tanktraps are deliberately used by serverhoppers to go loot unmolested. As long as you remove them with a toolbox from any direction, they need to go - they're not used as a feature but just as another means of exploiting right now.

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Its part of the game. Lets get over it.

Like fuck' date=' its an engine exploit, stop spouting your rubbish.

@"Weedmasta": You clearly didn't read the thread, people are putting the wire down where you cannot get into a position to remove it, ignorance is bliss.


Yeah he is an idiot.

It is an exploit and it makes it easier for players to server hop to collect loot from hot spots.

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not my picture' date=' but look at this: crazy fucking wire

that's actually kind of cool and I imagine the intended use. I wouldn't mind either if people actually used it to fortify a building while they're in it. but in that case they should remove it when they leave. in fact they should have to remove to get back out, since it would be blocking them in. but we all know that's not what's going on...

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It's just a matter of not making it permanent (destroy on logout), or getting a small tool (no need to drag a gigantic toolbox if you just want the wirecutter) to easily cut it and fix the bounding box for action detection (instead of that magic pole that exploiters manage to deploy inside walls or doors)

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Its part of the game. Lets get over it.

Like fuck' date=' its an engine exploit, stop spouting your rubbish.

@"Weedmasta": You clearly didn't read the thread, people are putting the wire down where you cannot get into a position to remove it, ignorance is bliss.


I have yet to see such a wirefence that you can't take down. Many people don't even know how to take one down let alone that they need a toolkit to do it. So they come on the forums and whine like retards. Show me a wirefence that you "cannot take down" I'll come on that server and do it for you...

I think these are great tools to be honest which add a nice variety to gameplay. It is like saying oh I can't snipe that guy because I have a handgun. Well you don't have the right tool to do the job. If you want to snipe go find a sniper rifle. Don't come on here that you can't snipe people with a handgun...

Removing them from the game will loose us a feature. Having them being deleted when the player disconnects kind of makes them pretty much useless.

And in before "you are a server hopper", no I am not a server hopper that uses sandbags, tanktraps or wirefence to server hop "safely" (and I love the idiotic assumptions of "only server hoppers use barbed wire")

I do however agree that they could be enhanced to make them easier to interact with though.

It's just a matter of not making it permanent (destroy on logout)' date=' or getting a small tool (no need to drag a gigantic toolbox if you just want the wirecutter) to easily cut it and fix the bounding box for action detection (instead of that magic pole that exploiters manage to deploy inside walls or doors)


You know that "giant tool box" goes into your gadget slot right?

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