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Quick And Simple Camo From The Go

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Alot of people ask me what i usually wear {as a fresh spawn} well il keep it plain and simple, i always dress my player in green, yep you heard it right, all green. the green in the game {basically what you can make your character wear on the main game screen} is perfect for the set-go. When you spawn in just dive straight in the woods/forest and you are a pretty hard to target.


For people who are concened about there skin toned {this is where the trolls enter} make you character have black skin {no im not being racist at all} and there you are complete camo. Prett easy really when you think about.


I have had many people say i was killed through the woods etc and when i ask them what they wetre wearing they always {well most likely} say 'bright red tshirt, blue jeans' thats where you go wrong.


Also when looting for clothing try and go for greens and dark colours as it will break tge outline of you body when you are heading into the woods again.


one last thing, dont ruin it by wearing a payday 2 mask...you can spot them things a mile off XD


Anyway just some tips for when you want make shift camo for a fresh spawn :)

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So i can already see where this goes... Instead of gasmasks bandits will choose black skinn since you mentioned the advantage of it. And It will end where it is now with the masks just we don't shoot gasmask wearing people but black, making this the ultimate rassist game lol.

Hope you recognized irony

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how can you chosse your gear as a freshspawn, while i press the respawn button, i get a random character



In the main menu > Characteres ? :)

Edited by zeroy99
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When you log in, instead of pressing play, or change server, press character. Set him/her how you want, then save as default and it will load that make up each time you respawn.

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I actually set my character to always start in grey. I spend most of my early time in cities trying to gear up quick, not minding if I die when I don't have much, but giving me a little bit of an edge in the concrete jungle. As I acquire loot and weapons I gradually find and pick up green/brown clothing so by the time I'm ready to hit the cross-country trails I am pretty much forest camoed.


There's not much point in starting off in green, IMO, with the game the way it is, with not much to find outside the major towns and cities. You may as well be urban camo, because that's where you're mostly going to be as a new spawn.

Edited by kander

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Yeah, I've had a green shirt and brown jeans as my default char since day one. I prefer to play as a white character purely because I'm white and I like my character to be as close to "me" as possible though.

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But every character wipe seems to force a character and clothing on us.   How do you get to choose your character clothes if half our respawns are from character wipes?   

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I go with all black clothing on my freshspawn.

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I've been having good luck lately mixing DPM vest, Summer hunter trousers, Brown hoody and a brown radar cap.


Provides good "long grass" camo, enough that people have walked past me within 10 meters and not spotted me, even on 3pp.


It's hard to go wrong with greens and browns, greens being more ideal for out of town and browns and greys being better around town, Just use common sense really... That said, I don't worry too much about my town camo, simply because I try and spend the least amount of time possible in populated areas.

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But every character wipe seems to force a character and clothing on us.   How do you get to choose your character clothes if half our respawns are from character wipes?   


Read the replies above you.

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Alot of people ask me what i usually wear {as a fresh spawn} well il keep it plain and simple, i always dress my player in green, yep you heard it right, all green. the green in the game {basically what you can make your character wear on the main game screen} is perfect for the set-go. When you spawn in just dive straight in the woods/forest and you are a pretty hard to target.


For people who are concened about there skin toned {this is where the trolls enter} make you character have black skin {no im not being racist at all} and there you are complete camo. Prett easy really when you think about.


I have had many people say i was killed through the woods etc and when i ask them what they wetre wearing they always {well most likely} say 'bright red tshirt, blue jeans' thats where you go wrong.


Also when looting for clothing try and go for greens and dark colours as it will break tge outline of you body when you are heading into the woods again.


one last thing, dont ruin it by wearing a payday 2 mask...you can spot them things a mile off XD


Anyway just some tips for when you want make shift camo for a fresh spawn :)


Thank you, nobody else had figured this out I am sure...

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Read the replies above you.

Sorry, you are right, i didnt know you could save as a default.  So that means even if the hive wipes chracter, the game will load your chosen default character?

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Sorry, you are right, i didnt know you could save as a default.  So that means even if the hive wipes chracter, the game will load your chosen default character?


AFAIK a hive wipe only wipes the database of your equipment. It's not likely to affect your game.

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Just to add that the Orange backpack is the better colour to have as it's a natural in the wild nature colour. (according to my wife anyway)

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Just to add that the Orange backpack is the better colour to have as it's a natural in the wild nature colour. (according to my wife anyway)


And yet you can spot it from "miles" away.

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