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meat pie

How do you shoot?

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Lol i was trying to break up the little war we were having up there with so humor. Now that i think about it i may not have gone about that correctly xD. Oops.

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Without remorse.



I shoot like this. xD




My Two favs  :beans:

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My Two favs  :beans:

But for real I shoot with zero *ucks given. xD I waste ammo like it's Dr.Pepper. 

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You can't it's so glitchy. Can't kill the ai even. use the rounds and shoot yourself. Carefully though as it may glitch.

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You can't it's so glitchy. Can't kill the ai even. use the rounds and shoot yourself. Carefully though as it may glitch.

I wouldnt say that shooting in this game is glitchy. I think the major part of your problem sits behind the mirror.

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A true Marine always goes for the one shot, one kill.


This is my in game motto as well. Well timed headshots save ammo and do the job without ringing the dinner bell for 150 meters around you. ;)

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But for real I shoot with zero *ucks given. xD I waste ammo like it's Dr.Pepper. 

If you live long enough to run out of ammo you had a good run

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Single fire mode, aiming down my red dot sight while slightly moving to the left and right.

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If you live long enough to run out of ammo you had a good run

I've been doing no-backpack runs a lot lately, means I rarely carry more than 40 rounds of ammo, sometimes as little as a couple of loose rounds if I've been forced into an engagement which lasted longer than I would have liked. By doing that it forces me to pick my shots and by having only a handful of rounds available, it's helping me modify some aggressive tendencies I have. If I see two guys running down the coast, being typical murderers, or a lone player who has gear I'd like to possess, I have put serious thought up the cost rather than just opening up or waiting in ambush.


It also helps encourage me to rob, rather than murder for equipment where possible and has taught me to either retreat or remain unseen if I feel the cost or risks are too high.


Honestly, I think the solution to KoS for this game may be as simple as make finding a few rounds of ammo stashed under a bed feel like you've hit the jackpot in Vegas, rather than people running around with 1000 rounds of 5.56 and a hundred or so of 45acp.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit
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By squeezing the left mouse button and hoping to the lord that the turd is the one who tried to shoot me moments ago but failed horribly. Or took out his gun when he saw me. 

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