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Rage post: instant death from 2 metre fall

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I was 12000 blood and very well supplied, was on office balcony the walls have no collision I went through them and fell off the edge (fell like what 2 metres?) and instantly died. first time i've felt really pissed off about dieing in day z, since I played full loot pvp games before.

PS: and while i'm posting can we PLEASE have legs unbreak over time, broken leg may as well just respawn you if you have no morphine (and NO that is not less realistic than morphine instantly healing broken legs you idiot).

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you idiot

Pre-emptive insults' date=' a sure fire way to ensure your post is taken 100% seriously.



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well from my experience posting in internet forums it was inevitable that someone would complain that it wouldn't be realistic , so I thought I had prevented that derail but aparently not. if you find the word idiot insulting you must be fairly new to the internet/world.

and back to topic it was probably a bit more than 2 metres but still. was this a bug? when I have fallen many times before due to buggy engine, it did not do 12000 blood damage.

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can we PLEASE have legs unbreak over time

Genius at work here.


and back to topic it was probably a bit more than 2 metres

If you fall from greater than two metres while carrying a large backpack full of heavy gear as well as a large rifle and side arm complete with ammo, are you really surprised that a fall/jump from that high up is going to injure your legs?

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If you fall from greater than two metres while carrying a large backpack full of heavy gear as well as a large rifle and side arm complete with ammo' date=' are you really surprised that a fall/jump from that high up is going to injure your legs?


No he's surprised it KILLED him.

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If you fall from greater than two metres while carrying a large backpack full of heavy gear as well as a large rifle and side arm complete with ammo' date=' are you really surprised that a fall/jump from that high up is going to injure your legs?


No he's surprised it KILLED him.

I get the feeling he died shortly after the fall given the bitching he does about his broken legs....just a hunch though.

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You could have banged your head?????? (Realism)

If you are prepared to fall and carefully drop you may subtract 2 meters from the distance fallen. Whereas if you are unprepared or tossed down head first the GM may add a couple of meters to your fall.

If you have Acrobatics or Judo talent (or any talent that teaches you how to break your fall) you may reduce the distance fallen by 1 meter. ;)

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can we PLEASE have legs unbreak over time

Genius at work here.


and back to topic it was probably a bit more than 2 metres

If you fall from greater than two metres while carrying a large backpack full of heavy gear as well as a large rifle and side arm complete with ammo' date=' are you really surprised that a fall/jump from that high up is going to injure your legs?


Depends how you land, that amount of equipment even soldiers wouldn't break their legs from, if you make a good solid landing (something you instinctively do but can be improved with training, that amount of weight wouldn't kill/break your bones, unless landing awkwardly.

That being said, you can break your leg landing awkwardly from a 20cm fall just wearing clothes.

The original impact you make will not be affected by your gear, the bag will be falling above your shoulders slightly do to the parabolic curve from a jump, the actual backpack will make you fall backwards afterwards but will not affect the kinetic energy transferred so quickly.

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If you fall from greater than two metres while carrying a large backpack full of heavy gear as well as a large rifle and side arm complete with ammo' date=' are you really surprised that a fall/jump from that high up is going to injure your legs?


No he's surprised it KILLED him.

I get the feeling he died shortly after the fall given the bitching he does about his broken legs....just a hunch though.

well your feeling is completely wrong, it was a 1 storey instant dead fall with 12000blood.

I get the feeling you are a douchebag troll who just wanted the derail this thread.

yes all that "bitching" = 1 sentence suggesting heal over time.

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