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Spontaneously breaking leg

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Does anyone know what could've happened to me. It's only my 3rd play and first 2 failed early on. I was finally getting some stuff together and could survive, or so I thought.

I'm scavenging houses and go prone for a moment to look beneath beds. Then I stand up and crack, fracture, your leg is broken.

No indication as to why or what or how. No zombies around, no other players that could've shot me, no awkward little steps to have tumbled off. I manage to drag my fully healthy hydrated and energized but fractured body over the doorway, which was almost impossible and manage to get outside. Crawl over to the hospital where I remember I left a morphine shot because I didn't have room in my backpack anymore and I already had a morphine. Arriving there I find out there's a few little steps in front of the entrance you can't climb up on with a broken leg... Wut...


Most of the stuff I had on me has magically been damaged. Morphine ruined, Saline drip ruined, my axe almost broken, pants ruined, bandaids ruined, rags badly damaged. My water bottle almost empty. These were all pristine and filled before this happened.


I think I'll quit playing for a while until some very necessary patches/updates have been made. Aside from having to worry for other players and more or less tame zombies, It's really crap if you just spontaneously fall over more or less dead without any reason whatsoever. Stuck in a town with nobody around and morphine just 5meters in front of you in the building. It's a bit too alpha >.< Enjoyed my time there while it lasted.

Edited by senjin

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You know you can crawl to the window or door, stand up and press the vault key and you should be able to step over/into the building. It worked for me last night after I was shot in berezino

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So you were trying to get an item under a bed crawled towards it, picked it up and stood up and broke your leg? The games glitchy, especially when it comes to walls, furniture, ladders and stairs. There are a lot of places to get stuck. My guess you crawled a bit too far under bed, stood up but somewhat glitched a bit in the bed, where you normaly shouldnt be able to stand up, hit by the bed and the floor.


you just got dayz'd - happens to all of us.

Edited by sm00tje

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It seemed indeed like the bed broke my leg. Didn't know that could happen. It was a bit cramped with a bed on one side, chair and cabinet in front and another bed to my right I think, me fitting in just between and I was rotating to get a view beneath the beds. So yea, most likely clipping into the bed while standing up did the trick.


I'll try getting in through a window in a few. Checking up on some other games atm. Thanks for clarifying.

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Osteoporosis my friend, may I suggest calcium supplements :P

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happened to me standing on top of a control tower at an air field.  Sucked.  I had an M4 w/ a RDS, fire axe, 2 handguns, and all the other cool stuff.  Attempted to do a rescue using my other account but it got killed on the way in (Sure are a lot of Zombies all of a sudden).  So I just rolled my player out on the strip and started shooting zombies until I was overwhelmed.


Just remember the glitches cut both ways: take some zombies for a hill run and see how many you can kill by just running up and down a hill.  So far my best conga line had 8 zombies.  The military ones are the hardest to kill that way, but they eventually die.  Who needs a fire axe when you have a hill?

Edited by eagerDog

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No one, not a single other person near me.. not even possible since i was the only person on the entire server.... I crouch down to look under a bed and get My Leg Hurts - You Are Dead.



Wtf is this wonky bullshit? I see some others have complained about it. I cant imagine it would be a difficult fix.

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*sucks in lots of air* ALPHER Bergz! :) You will see and experience alot of bugs and alot of them will kill you. lol

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"It's Alpha" cliche...... -_- 


its also a "Simple Fix" Remove the ability of being harmed by the environment until its fixed. Instead of wasting hours/days of peoples time. They removed night time to fix it... why not leg breaking to thin air and dieing from broken leg?!

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This is the way it used to be in the mod, if you crouch or go prone inside, expect to break your legs. Go up stairs? Break your legs. Turn too fast in a building? Break your legs. Open a door? Broken leg. Be on the wrong side of a gate opening? Dead instantly or flying space adventure with a broken leg until inevitable re-assertion of gravity.


It is a collision issue and it has improved dramatically since the early days.


I'm sure if the devs got a cheese burger for every "It can't be difficult" or "It should be a couple of lines of code" comment they read, they would all be long dead from heart attacks.

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shouldn't something like this be more of a priority? I mean really.... I can deal with being KOS from 900M away from some D bag  and LRS/Mosin I can deal with a bunch of guys holding me up and force feeding me disinfectant or injecting me with coke. But dying to something like this is pretty game breaking for me=/ I took my time and was always careful. Its ...disheartening 

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While it's disheartening, I doubt that the dev's would say it's 'not' a priority. It's probably something they are constantly working midst all the other bugs they are constantly tracking and trying to fix. 


For one the fact it's random and to my knowledge impossible to replicate (Reliably replicate anyway, as I imagine one of the biggest factors to causing the sudden leg-break death is lag and rare combinations) probably makes figuring out exactly what part of the code has the flaw extremely difficult to narrow down, out of the likely thousands of lines of code just involving physics, collision and damage. 


If anyone wants it solved faster do the usual paid tester thing: 


If I do X my leg breaks 100% of the time. Report it.

If I monitor the ping time and wait for a lag spike before doing Y my leg breaks 100% of the time and I die. Report it.

If I do Y and X during lag 25% of the time after 20 attempts to replicate caused my character to vomit a grenade, a live grenade. I died, but I heard from some people north of my location my heart is on a flight path to the moon.

If I do Z which is alot like X, nothing bad happens. 

But if I do Z and Y I break physics and the whole world turns to neon colored donuts.. the hell were guys coding?


But truth be told I imagine they already have it fixed; unfortunately fixing it broke twenty other things and fixing those caused another hundred and seventy five much worse bugs; which are all still in the process of being fixed.

Edited by AzrailCross
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shouldn't something like this be more of a priority? I mean really.... I can deal with being KOS from 900M away from some D bag  and LRS/Mosin I can deal with a bunch of guys holding me up and force feeding me disinfectant or injecting me with coke. But dying to something like this is pretty game breaking for me=/ I took my time and was always careful. Its ...disheartening 


I'd rather they prioritise, in no particular order, these before the very occasional clipping death:




Random Character Wipes




Loot Respawning





That stupid walk like a cripple when faced with a minor gradient thing


Also, Vehicles.


This is an alpha that is constantly evolving. Expect bugs and you will be pleasantly surprised when you don't get murdered by furniture, gates, mysterious black holes in the map etc.

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It's the "Anti Server Hopping" mechanic that auto-kills little slimeballs like you.


only person on the entire server.... I crouch down to look under a bed


You were crouching down looking under a bed? Probably in a barracks or jailhouse looting under a bunk. Psh.


And you were the ONLY one on the server? Dead giveaway.


That's greasy, and frankly, I'm happy you got what you had coming to you. Haha.

Edited by BadContrakt

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"It's Alpha" cliche...... -_- 


its also a "Simple Fix" Remove the ability of being harmed by the environment until its fixed. Instead of wasting hours/days of peoples time. They removed night time to fix it... why not leg breaking to thin air and dieing from broken leg?!

Tell me then, what line of code did kill you exactly?


Honestly, it's not that "easy" to create video games. Go make one, then come back, then you'll have the right to judge the development of the game.


It's time like these that make me wish Minecraft would have never existed and all this hype for early access games would never be. I remember a time when I beta/alpha tested softwares and these rants didn't exist on the limited access forums we went to.


Anyway, I wish we could get a patch that fixes all the bugs and implement all the features the final product will have right away, but that's not how life goes...



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It's the "Anti Server Hopping" mechanic that auto-kills little slimeballs like you.



You were crouching down looking under a bed? Probably in a barracks or jailhouse looting under a bunk. Psh.


And you were the ONLY one on the server? Dead giveaway.


That's greasy, and frankly, I'm happy you got what you had coming to you. Haha.


I severely doubt it's such a thing.


In other news, until loot respawn is implemented (heard it was, I've yet to verify in person), there's no point in joining populated servers, unless you like starving to death. Is it cold up there on that pedestal?

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On 4/10/2014 at 12:20 AM, agouti said:




I severely doubt it's such a thing.


In other news, until loot respawn is implemented (heard it was, I've yet to verify in person), there's no point in joining populated servers, unless you like starving to death. Is it cold up there on that pedestal?



Edited by BadContrakt

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shouldn't something like this be more of a priority?

No. If anything, the prioritizing should be on your behalf, to find something else to dabble in until this reaches beta at least, since you don't seem to grqasp the concept of alpha.


Maybe some BF4? Or CoD? I hear those games don't have the broken leg issues.

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Maybe some BF4? Or CoD?

I'd rather get my legs broken in real life than be forced to play either of those. Haha. Battlefield 4 was great in the beginning because all of the problems could be blamed on "it's a new game"


Not anymore EA... Not anymore.

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"Alpha"-comments are irrelevant, since it should be out of alpha if they put some work into it. Like the pathing and collision of zombies in a zombie game. It's a joke. Imagine if everyone would work this slow at their jobs. The world would stop turning :')

Honestly, it's not that "easy" to create video games. Go make one, then come back, then you'll have the right to judge the development of the game.

What a juvenile argument.It's their job, they should be able to do it. Edited by hiberNative

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I'd rather get my legs broken in real life than be forced to play either of those. Haha. Battlefield 4 was great in the beginning because all of the problems could be blamed on "it's a new game"


Not anymore EA... Not anymore.

true fuckin story. i have over 1000 hours in that train wreck, and havent touched it since shortly after dayz came out. even in alpha, dayz is still far more fun than bf4. kicking myself in the nuts on a regular basis over buying premium too, havent even seen the last 2 expansions. and as far as cod goes... BO2 was the last time i gave craptivision any cash, and that was only because i had to in order to keep playing with the clan i was in. bobby kotick can choke on the bag of dicks hes eating, for all i care.

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"Alpha"-comments are irrelevant, since it should be out of alpha if they put some work into it. Like the pathing and collision of zombies in a zombie game. It's a joke. Imagine if everyone would work this slow at their jobs. The world would stop turning :')

i hear they are looking for help in prague. why don't you go show them how its done, since you seem to have so much intimate knowledge of development cycles and team management?

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Wow nothing gets past you! Obviously it's "not such a thing"


I was just calling him out for being a server hopping grease head. Nowhere in the post did I say how good I was or how high and mighty I was, so you can take the pedestal comment and kick rocks buddy.


He was clearly server hopping, so I called him out. Simple as that. He made it so blatantly obvious.


EDIT: Oh and I forgot to mention... "No point in joining populated servers, unless you like starving to death."


Really? You have that much trouble finding some food? There are wells scattered everywhere, which any person with half of a parakeet's brain would know to go to the wells for hydration. As far as food goes, there are many towns to go around, even on in a server with 40 people.


If a looted out server poses a starvation threat for you, then you may want to reconsider your strategy for survival, seriously.

 So my buddies and I all spawned in some town on the east coast. Everything was looted. We all ran inland. Every building on the way was looted. We found a town. Entirely looted. We all starved to death. The end. I'm not a fan of this whole "sever hopping is bad" mantra. In the mod, things respawned, with the exception of helicopter crashes.Now, I'm not saying combat log, or any nonsense like this, but until loot respawn is reintroduced, I'll server hop all I please. And that's why you're on a pedestal, because you've deemed yourself above that, and decided that is low.

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i hear they are looking for help in prague. why don't you go show them how its done, since you seem to have so much intimate knowledge of development cycles and team management?

Because I work with logistics. I book shipments and see that they arrive on time. This is my profession, and I am good at it.

If I'd work with deadlines for games, I'd damn well make sure to keep up in that department, too.

This argument is like telling soccer supporters to go and play like Messi if they criticize him. HE IS QUALIFIED FOR IT.

Edited by hiberNative

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