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"My" vs "your" status messages

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Anyone else slightly annoyed that they went this route?  I know initially the status messages were written such as

"Your leg hurts"

"You feel hungry"

"You feel wet" etc

Which to me makes more sense and is preferable.


I don't know about anyone else, but I play the game as if my character is myself to some degree and not some separate entity that I'm just controlling (with the odd exception of when I get stuck in some animation I don't want and start yelling about how "my guy decided to fucken vault for no reason" or whatever).  It makes more sense for the game to be telling me I'm wet or whatever than for my guy to be telling me from that perspective.


I know initially the messages were written as the game telling you, instead of your character and then some bozo convinced Rocket to go the other route.


I suppose I'd just like an option, that way both sides could be happy, I know it's not any sort of priority but it'd be nice to have the choice because it does bring me out of the game just that little bit, and makes me feel like I'm controlling some little chatter box of a character who does a lot of moaning.

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Duuude, I've been annoyed by this too!

My clothes are soaked through.

You are getting wet.

You have eaten some Canned Tuna.

I am completely soaked.

I'm extremely hungry.

Pick one, right?!

My vote is for "You" or Your" on everything.

Edited by BlazinOne

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Anyone else slightly annoyed that they went this route?


Nope. I don't care at all.. I'm slightly annoyed with the zeds, that's all. 

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I'd rather have a game that isn't broken, like the removal of the pouncing ghost hyena zombie. Status messages don't bother me if they are functional.


The fuck is wrong with you lol.

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I don't think it would be hard to fix this. And I support it. I don't mind if it's in first or second person, but it should atleast be one of them and not both of it at the same time.

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I'd prefer it to be "my" rather than "you", because YOU are the character, and there the status messages are a simulation of what YOU would be thinking.


So if you were out in the rain, you'd think "I'm getting wet."

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The discrepancy between you and my is nothing more than simple lack of polish during the development cycle. It'll get fixed eventually, but honestly there are much more important things to work on first.

Edited by Hells High

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Anyone else slightly annoyed that they went this route?


In fact it drove me into a psychotic fugue and as a consequence I cannot remember the months of December 2013 and January 2014. Thanks, Bohemia. How can I immerse myself in a zombie survival sim if the developers can't establish a consistent set of standards for grammar?


In my opinion the developers should have gone down the e-prime route. e.g. "my leg appears to be functioning imperfectly", "it seems to me that I am exhibiting the signs of blood loss", "my clothes feel damp to the touch and appear to be tinted to the red end of the spectrum".


Really, it's all about priorities. An efficient, functional graphics engine can wait; DayZ is going to flop hard unless the status text is fixed.

Edited by AshleyP
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Anyone else slightly annoyed that they went this route?  I know initially the status messages were written such as

"Your leg hurts"

"You feel hungry"

"You feel wet" etc

Which to me makes more sense and is preferable.


I don't know about anyone else, but I play the game as if my character is myself to some degree and not some separate entity that I'm just controlling (with the odd exception of when I get stuck in some animation I don't want and start yelling about how "my guy decided to fucken vault for no reason" or whatever).  It makes more sense for the game to be telling me I'm wet or whatever than for my guy to be telling me from that perspective.


I know initially the messages were written as the game telling you, instead of your character and then some bozo convinced Rocket to go the other route.


I suppose I'd just like an option, that way both sides could be happy, I know it's not any sort of priority but it'd be nice to have the choice because it does bring me out of the game just that little bit, and makes me feel like I'm controlling some little chatter box of a character who does a lot of moaning.


For those who need their eyes checked.


I'd prefer it to be "my" rather than "you", because YOU are the character, and there the status messages are a simulation of what YOU would be thinking.


So if you were out in the rain, you'd think "I'm getting wet."


Right, I'm my character, so my character shouldn't be telling me what I'm thinking, I already know what I'm thinking.  The game should be telling me what's happening to me.

I get that some people like it that way too though, which is why I'd prefer it to be an option either or.  It doesn't seem terribly difficult to do.


Again, I'm talking down the line, for all the other people having a fit.

Edited by Bororm

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I have literally read every possible complaint known to man in regards to video games, but this one.. 


this one is special. 

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Yeah we want more pointless clothing items, don't bother with making the game a polished and finished product.


If you still haven't realised that there is a small team working on adding items regardless of what the rest are doing (i.e. bugfixes, AI etc.) then I really don't think there's much hope for you. Just keep spouting nonsense and hope for the best, I guess. :S

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OP, I agree wholeheartedly.


For my tin o'beans worth of input, I prefer 'You' to 'I/Me'. The latter is a little awkward and slightly patronising.

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I am in the middle of a research paper, and over the course of a month it has been fascinating to see where I have changed tense from present to past to future seemingly at random. There's a neat study, somewhere in there.

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If you still haven't realised that there is a small team working on adding items regardless of what the rest are doing (i.e. bugfixes, AI etc.) then I really don't think there's much hope for you. Just keep spouting nonsense and hope for the best, I guess. :S



They could release a steaming turd as finished product and people like you would defend it!

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Consistency in this would be great. With that said, it hasn't bothered me enough to even notice.


Seems like low-hanging fruit that would be pretty easy to rectify.


And ROFL at people saying "I'd rather have functioning zombies, thanks!" You are adorable!

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Hello there


Polish like grammar is usually sorted out towards the end of development.


Remember, these hints may not even be in game soon.


Yes, all issues are good to flag up, but to ensure they will be dealt with whack em in the bugtracker if you feel they are gamebreaking.





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They could release a steaming turd as finished product and people like you would defend it!


They could release the best game of all time and people like you would still complain... :)

Edited by Mos1ey
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The discrepancy between you and my is nothing more than simple lack of polish during the development cycle. It'll get fixed eventually, but honestly there are much more important things to work on first.

If the code is clean enough, it's a change that can be made in a moment. It wouldn't impact the schedule.

At the end of the day, the OP is offering feedback - exactly what these forums are for.

Edited by louist

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If the code is clean enough, it's a change that can be made in a moment. It wouldn't impact the schedule.

At the end of the day, the OP is offering feedback - exactly what these forums are for.

You are correct but that feedback is for something that is of minor detail.

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You are correct but that feedback is for something that is of minor detail.

True, but we haven't been given a mandate outlining what feedback we should be providing. The general purpose of the early access is have people compile a list of bugs, criticism, and feedback. This thread certainly applies.

Going into threads and attempting to shut them down by telling people the issues they raise aren't important enough to bother with just adds to the chaff these forums are already plagued with. The better option would to let the OPs say their piece and leave it at that. Let their point be raised, added to the list, and put aside.

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This isn't the topic section for bugs so if you wan't to report them, go to the right section. Those status messages are there for your protection. Everything that pertains to them isn't 100% implemented at this time. Once they are, you will need to respond to them accordingly. What I think is hilarious is my buddy that I play with. He always talks out loud on our skype about the messages. he's always saying shit like, "ugh, yea, I know my guy is wet...I know my guy is hungry...fuck." It's quite hilarious to listen to. 

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