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Congratulations... 1,000,000 Murders

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Crimson my boys killed you in a barn, thanks for the L85 and Machine gun bro. Well take them back to our 20 tent vehicle fleet fortified haven.


BTW heres the video of us killing you.

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Crimson my boys killed you in a barn' date=' thanks for the L85 and Machine gun bro. Well take them back to our 20 tent vehicle fleet fortified haven.


BTW heres the video of us killing you.


I'm commander shepard and this is my favourite post on the citadel.

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Impressive stat. And this would not include bandit on bandit kills I assume.

I suspect it will fixed by removing the "bandit" designation since without a meaningful humanity system it does not have any real relevance to the game at this point.

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Yeah.. I've killed one bandit and have been killed twice.

The one that I killed was in self-defense AND after they fired first. I don't kill people. If I want to protect a loot spawn that I am scouting, I will fire a warning shot. If they do not vacate, I will fire to kill.

Both bandits shot me without warning.

If I've been playing for three weeks and only have 1 kill, someone else is picking up the slack in a large way. I bet I'm not the only one. If you can't admit that bandits are a problem, then something is seriously wrong with you.

Sometimes you need to put limitations on things, even if it means adding an artificial system. Things will devolve into chaos, and it certainly has.

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You've been killed only twice and you're already whinging about bandits. Good lord.

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The problem with pk's isn't the fact that they happen. It's the fact that they happen so much that now people just shoot on sight. Especially now that no one can communicate in side chat.

In the past week out of the 8 lives I've had in game 5 deaths were to other players. 3 before I even saw them.

I don't fear the zombies.

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Oh My God

it's the apocalypse and things have gotten chaotic? whoa mang whoda thunk it?

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Oh My God

it's the apocalypse and things have gotten chaotic? whoa mang whoda thunk it?

People would not do in real life what they do in the game. Not even close.

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It's a game that will soon exhaust it's "celebrity status" and be a niche PvP mod on current trajectory.

Which is fine if that's what the designer was aiming for. Hopefully someone else can capitalize on the interesting idea of a zombie survival simulator, rather than "bandit-wars".

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The thing is, a good player - bandit or not - will not put themselves in a situation where they can be seen by another player. So of course a lot of kills occur from outside your field of vision. If you were looting Devil's and I saw you I'd put you down before you saw me because A: you're stealing all my floor beans and B: You'd logically shoot me for stealing all your floor beans.

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Oh My God

it's the apocalypse and things have gotten chaotic? whoa mang whoda thunk it?

People would not do in real life what they do in the game. Not even close.


In real life all acts have consequences, even if you killed someone, and no one saw, YOU will suffer your own consequences.

Beside been a psychopath, you can't kill people without turning your self into a madness lunatic.

So this chaotic game style isn't right because killing don't have consequences.

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In real life all acts have consequences' date=' even if you killed someone, and no one saw, YOU will suffer your own consequences.

Beside been a psychopath, you can't kill people without turning your self into a madness lunatic.

So this chaotic game style isn't right because killing don't have consequences.


How can we even begin to understand what someone in a world full of infected humans would feel when murdering another uninfected person?

Or not even in that situation, just normal everyday life, you think everyone will turn into a crazed lunatic psychopath the instant they kill a couple people?

I have my doubts about your claims. Sure, your typical decent human being will feel remorse ending someones life, no matter what the situation. But, I've felt bad having to kill people in-game before. So doesn't my feeling bad kind of ruin your whole argument?

And it's not so much my feeling bad, but rather I feel good when I interact with or even just see someone and not kill them. As do some others from the comments I've read.

Doesn't exactly prove anything in the way of PVP, but I didn't like how the realism card was being played here. We can't simulate reality, so expecting people to react in a realistic way is a pipe dream.

Edit: expecting a reply like "exactly we can't simulate reality, so turn off friendly fire!" or some variation of that. LOL yeah yeah, just because we can't simulate something perfectly doesn't mean we can't draw inspiration from it.

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In real life all acts have consequences' date=' even if you killed someone, and no one saw, YOU will suffer your own consequences.

Beside been a psychopath, you can't kill people without turning your self into a madness lunatic.

So this chaotic game style isn't right because killing don't have consequences.


I can assure you that in the real world there are enough people that are murderers but did not turn into a madness lunatic. Some of those murderes will face the consequences in court or meet an untimely dead from the hands of other criminals, warlords or raging mob.

The idea that someone who murders will turn into an lunatic in such a manner that it would visible to others is a dangerous idea because it is simply not true in most cases, it could be even a fatal mistake to think that.

Serial killers are barking mad, yet most of them could go unnoticed for decades while killing tens of people, Theodore Kaczynski (the Unabomber) is highly intelligent and had a obvious life of a loner, basically that of a lunatic yet it took years before the authorities got any lead on him, and that lead came from his brother who recognised his writing style.

The best thing Rocket did for this game was removing banditskin. If you have a problem with PK than you are not good enough in this game. If you want it easier, bad luck. Just like in the real world people don't run around with signs on their chest saying "Killer" or "Bandit".

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Real zombie apocalypse? Bring it. All the assholes and dickheads would kill each other in the first week. And there'd be no respawn. And I wouldn't swing 90 degrees to the side if one of your corpses had dropped where I needed to piss.

Eventually, the only people left would be those smart enough to band together and keep a low profile, and those rugged enough to handle living off the land. 90% of the fuckwits playing this mod wouldn't last the first 48 hours.

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See, what a majority of you fail to realize, is that when you do not dispatch (kill) someone you are risking your/the groups, operational security.

When you have fairly decent equipment, you do not want to lose it to anyone. If you say that you're willing to have anyone near you, that isn't "with" you or the group, you are lying. They pose not only a risk to transportation, manpower, weaponry, equipment, and logistics; they pose a legitimate threat to real-life friendships and trust.

The fact that you think that one asshole is just killing for fun is ridiculous. I will, however, admit that there are unfortunately individuals who do such things enthusiastically. More often than not, though, he/she is providing over-watch, or relaying reconnaissance/intelligence to his fellow group members.

The group I am in, collectively, has this mindset throughout every mission we conduct. We kill you in order to ensure that you do not compromise us or the mission. Call us assholes if you want, but we're still alive and in a group that believes in maintaining what we have spent hours/days acquiring.

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To be honest I'm surprised the DayZ infected even caused an apocalypse and subsequent decimation of mankind. There are so many more uninfected killing each other that I doubt there would have been an apocalypse at all with the zeds' current incompetence and the survivors' bloodlust.

To everyone saying there are many more non-PVP deaths than PVP, I say to you: glitches and respawns.

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The end result is the same. It basically means if you play Day-Z you'd better be able to handle probably the must cut-throat and unbalanced full-loot PvP game. As long as people know what they're getting it's fine.

But I think a lot of people expected a "zombie / survival simulation" and are in for a shock. If Rocket has some intention to keep these people playing stated intent and mechanic changes need to happen while he has a positive media buzz.

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To the people saying "hurr durr 5,000,000 PvE deaths", I am sure more than a few of those can be attributed to people constantly hitting Respawn until they spawn where they want, and probably some people who Alt+F4'd before death. There are a ton of people who murder for the sake of being a dick, but the heartbeat feature when it is fully developed will probably be the better solution to the bandit problem.

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The point of having zombies is to bring in players, keep them interested until they figure the true point of this game which is pvp. Yes? No? Played this couple weeks now, thats how I see it..

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Possibly, only one who knows that is Rocket since the design process seems enthusiastically ad-hoc.

Judging from the removal of the bandit skin and the heartbeat having a stupidly low range it's quite possible he's happy with lots of PvP/PK. It does help conceal the lack of content after all.

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I dislike all the PVP for the lulz and stuff.

It's neither a challenge nor is it funny to shoot unarmed/new/helpless people. If someone shoots at you first, kill that guy, that's legit.

When you start in the south, you will try to avoid PVP as much as possible. Getting up north, teaming up with some friends or random friendlies, also having a bit of luck on the loot spots you'll come across will soon bring you in a position where PVP is the only real challenge left.

I'm just experiencing this with my group. We got so much of food, drinks, medi, ammo and also found some decent weapons. Hunting knifes and water bottles would allow us to stay out of cities forever if we wanted to. No need for raiding supermarktes or such.

Right now it's like this.. many people will get to this point after playing some days without dying. Once the point is reached there's only one more challenge: Heading f.e. NW to the airfield, most probably to die in a shootout with bandits.

I dunno if we're really going to hunt bandits now.. maybe we'll just travel around till we've seen all of the villages and cities, then head to NW airfield to die there as there is no more challenge. I'll probably take a break from DayZ afterwards, hoping there will be more "end-game" things to do, maybe in 1.8? Would love that.

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DayZ: Now Over 1 Million Served!

I can really understand reading this thread how and why this mod/game is so incredibly polarising amongst its players. I have discussed this with my mates at length as we have talked about the sense of what the game constitutes. I feel that those who see there as being a lack of content may miss the point. This mod eschews most conventional 'content' because it is dependent on the players constructing a narrative and game for themselves out of the world that is there (I do think a hell of a lot more guns/vehicles/loot and some ability to construct stuff and control areas/build proper bases would help though).

The dark side of human nature (of the adolescent male variety predominantly) surfaces through a lack of constraint and so the bandits grief people. That's fair enough in a sense, the narrative they've constructed is that they're out to kill everyone in sight, that's their goal. Me and my survivor mates are mainly out to survive, loot and shoot zombies, as well as any bandit who attacks us. We don't fire unless fired on, but I get the sense that we're in the minority. That's fair enough too, we've made our game and we're living it. Honestly while I hate the bandits so much (especially their pussy carebear disconnecting and whining on these forums any time someone suggests something that might make their lives less stupidly easy) I acknowledge that the game wouldn't be the same without them. They're the cunts I can shoot on an ethical freebie and enjoy it!

To those who see zombies as being something that lures people into a game which is essentially PvP at its cores, well, its true in a sense. But the Comic and TV show 'Walking Dead' basically epitomise this theme as well. The overarching message from that interpretation of the zombie apocalypse is that ultimately if you know what you're doing, zombies are only a peripheral threat. The ultimate threat is what other human beings will do when removed from all societal constraint and this is something that DayZ in its own exaggerated fashion does embody beautifully.

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See' date=' what a majority of you fail to realize, is that when you do not dispatch (kill) someone you are risking your/the groups, operational security.

When you have fairly decent equipment, you do not want to lose it to anyone. If you say that you're willing to have anyone near you, that isn't "with" you or the group, you are lying. They pose not only a risk to transportation, manpower, weaponry, equipment, and logistics; they pose a legitimate threat to real-life friendships and trust.

The fact that you think that one asshole is just killing for fun is ridiculous. I will, however, admit that there are unfortunately individuals who do such things enthusiastically. More often than not, though, he/she is providing over-watch, or relaying reconnaissance/intelligence to his fellow group members.

The group I am in, collectively, has this mindset throughout every mission we conduct. We kill you in order to ensure that you do not compromise us or the mission. Call us assholes if you want, but we're still alive and in a group that believes in maintaining what we have spent hours/days acquiring.


I second this. I've seen how other survivors look at others with NVG's or shiny guns. however you do get the occasional survivor who is just happy to have not been shot at.

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For a game that Rocket clearly stated was 'not Pvp'.


Also, this is not a suggestion thread ....

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