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Destructible buildings

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Will they be implementing base destruction/building destruction when explosives get added into the game?

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Well it was in ARMA...and you can blow up gas stations in SA, so it appears so.

Edited by Geckofrog7
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Buildings were somewhat destructible in the mod.  For a while throwing smoke grenades could DESTROY a building if you threw enough (confirmed glitch, pretty sure it was patched out).  Satchel charges and the like also would destroy a building.  Unless heavy explosives are added I doubt we'll have to worry too much about destructible buildings.  Destroying a building would be the last thing on my mind to be honest as a thing to do.  Unless it was a warehouse FULL of zombies or something and even then I'd be more likely to barricade the door.

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Buildings were somewhat destructible in the mod.  For a while throwing smoke grenades could DESTROY a building if you threw enough (confirmed glitch, pretty sure it was patched out).  Satchel charges and the like also would destroy a building.  Unless heavy explosives are added I doubt we'll have to worry too much about destructible buildings.  Destroying a building would be the last thing on my mind to be honest as a thing to do.  Unless it was a warehouse FULL of zombies or something and even then I'd be more likely to barricade the door.

What about player bases?

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Well i think in arma 2  you could destroy buildings! Dayz SA should have it too! Hopefully :P Obviously this is not battlefield, but destruction's would be nice!

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What about player bases?

Still the last thing I would do.  IF I was in a player base it would probably be to steal something and I'd like to leave as little evidence I was ever there as possible.  Now a bandit base that just happens to have explosives on the other hand...


And yes, Arma2 does have destructible buildings (think they have 'prebuilt' destruction models, so no 'smart' destruction like in Battlefield (IE put a tank round through a wall and that wall goes down rather than the whole building) ).  The new/redone buildings may or may not have a 'destruction' model as they would be new from Arma2.

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Hum, didn't think this would be the case and it doesn't serve much purpose in this game but could be kinda cool to have Irish civil war style environment. Have the front wall of the building crash down onto the street and fight behind the rubble, would be very post apocalyptic (not as consistent with the zombie invasion though... ^^')

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