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When the producers include vehicles? (cars, boats, planes?)







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When the producers include vehicles? (cars, boats, planes?)









Hello there,


You will find your answer in here - it's well worth the watch:


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Basic Vehicles ( Small Vehicles /Bicycle / Motorcycles / ATV) in Q3


Advanced Vehicles (Cars / Trucks / Planes / Helicopters / Boats) in Q4

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Basic Vehicles ( Small Vehicles /Bicycle / Motorcycles / ATV) in Q3


Advanced Vehicles (Cars / Trucks / Planes / Helicopters / Boats) in Q4

so any idea when Q3 is?

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so any idea when Q3 is?


Q's are Quarters of a year. Do the maths. :P

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Q's are Quarters of a year. Do the maths. :P

oh, i did not know that, thanks!  :)

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I hope we get a 3 wheeler

Hope we get a sidecar for a two wheeler.

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are there still no cars ? 



greetz lucaser

No. They are In the works now though.

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I have a better question, which quarterly system is BI on? I've worked in quite a few business's and none I them seems to share the same quarters

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I have a better question, which quarterly system is BI on? I've worked in quite a few business's and none I them seems to share the same quarters

must be some kind of gaming development quarter, where the original date get pushed back repeatedly.

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must be some kind of gaming development quarter, where the original date get pushed back repeatedly.

I'm guessing it's some to the power of Pi BI quarter. Not that I'm complaining. I just wish they would stop using generalized industry terms.

(While I don't want this game to turn out like my following statement by any means) I think the most powerful end all statement ever made by a development firm was in relation to Duke Nukem Forever (aka the game that almost wasn't and never should have been) after years of when will it come out they simply posted a picture of Duke stamped "when it's done!"

I'd actually be more ok with that than oh yeah Q3 (which is generally holiday season btw) then suddenly it's "by the end of spring"

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