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Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

Causes for the existence of KOS  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. Why does KOS exist

    • I fear for my survival because he may kill me
    • It is easier to take his loot than find my own
    • I dont want to be watched
    • Competition for loot and supplies
    • I kill anybody for fun
    • People are assholes

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for fun, since there's nothing else to do atm.

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I killed because President Bush said so!

Oh wait, you mean ingame?

Well, old habits die hard i suppose. Oh, and i can't plant lovely rows of lilacs, daffodils and roses because rocket hasn't added flowers in yet...


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I don't think interacting with people i.e. exchanging stuff and pretending to roleplay in DayZ is fun at all. 

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To many ammunition for the weapons, we should run with only few bullets wondering to risk them. Solution is: many weapons but almost no ammo for them, more meele weapons, more postapo... This will work 100%

Edited by Ricochet Fist

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I chose assholes because being bored wasn't on there.

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I chose assholes because being bored wasn't on there.

I kill anybody for fun

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You didn't include the actual cause.


"Fuck all to do"

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Lack of Zombies. Make Zombies the real threat and people will rise up against them. KOS won't dissapear, but the more difficult surviving becomes, the more we will need each others help.

There is already a change on the wind with the new zombies. When weapon and or ammo spawns become more rare and shooting attracts two dozen zombies having a gun will also be a liability instead of a complete and total net advantage.


I can see two groups holed up in buildings, neither wanting to take the first shot for fear of picking up the majority of zombie agro.

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I also vote for "Lack of things to do" which for some reason isn't a poll option? So being as that's not an actual option, I vote for fear of death and assholes.

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Because people have been doing it since Dark Age of Camelot and the release of WoW...

Get over it.

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"Lack of other things to do," pfft! They could at least keep them captive and do weird things with their private parts.

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no laws total anarchy.....KOS would happen a lot in the real world if this shit went down I believe so I do think it has its place....its weird I really don't see many posts about it anymore I think most players have accepted it and moved on.

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no laws total anarchy.....KOS would happen a lot in the real world if this shit went down I believe so I do think it has its place....its weird I really don't see many posts about it anymore I think most players have accepted it and moved on.

KOS would happen but not to the extent that it exists in DayZ at the moment for several reasons. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but it's the truth.

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Okay, as "CoD is more expensive" wasn't that serious, here's what I think about it:


1. Zombies are annoying at the moment, but not that much of a threat. They deserve better AI, some bug fixes and some things done to the spawn mechanics. Firing a gunshot inside of a city should be very, very dangerous for the one with the gun.


2. Ammo is too common. There should be actions taken to prevent server hopping for gearing up, maybe something like " 'nother server, 'nother character". It should be a decision if firing a shot is really worth it or not. You have a gun? Great! You see someone wielding an axe? Also cool. The axe guy waves, then turns around and leaves? Totally okay. But now you have to choose: Shoot him, or let him go? At the moment players are going to shoot in 9 of 10 cases. If they have only 10 bullets and don't know when or where they find more, it'll be less more likely they'll waste their ammo.


3. Let server owners decide on some rules. There are lots of KoSers on these forums saying "Everyone can play how they want to play. And my playstyle involves KoS. If you don't like it, don't do it.". That's, in all honesty, is a bullshit argument, spread in every game these days. In MMOs it's "give damage meter" most of the time and the argument is "You don't need to use it, but give us the possibility". Result: In most of these games you aren't able to use all of the content without using a damage meter, because that kind of shit spreads and poisons the community. I've seen it several times. I've seen KoS in early DayZ mod, I've seen KoS in MMORPGs (long, loooooong before DAoC or WoW), I've seen damage meter elitism in many MMOs. In WoW, KoS was avoidable by not playing on a pvp server (in AO, for that matter, you often didn't have a choice... Just imagine the WoW-community's reaction over an endgame PvE world boss encounter deep inside of a PvP dungeon). With current server guidelines it's more like the damage meter problem. If you don't adapt to the KoS-playstyle, you're screwed and won't get anywhere far in this game. It would get a lot better for the "carebears" with whitelisted servers, but those are forbidden at the moment and will be at least until private hive servers show up. A way to make whitelisting less problematic for the game overall would be, indeed, " 'nother server, 'nother character". If you can't gear up on non-PvP servers, you won't impact pvp servers with that gear.




no laws total anarchy.....KOS would happen a lot in the real world if this shit went down I believe so I do think it has its place....its weird I really don't see many posts about it anymore I think most players have accepted it and moved on.



Yup... maybe in 'merica where everyone and his child has a gun. In most of europe, though, KoS would mean a lot of melee fighting, leaving KoSers at least wounded and more likely to die

Edited by TheSedated

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Because people have been doing it since Dark Age of Camelot and the release of WoW...

Get over it.

I used to love camping low level players in WoW who literally couldn't even hit you if you stood there and let them try. KoS was so much easier in that game.

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Because people have been doing it since Dark Age of Camelot and the release of WoW...

Get over it.

More like people have been doing it since Ultima Online and Asheron's Call, but I'm guessing those games were before your generation. I agree that people need to get over it, it really isn't a problem, it is simply part of a game with unrestricted PVP and looting mechanics. 

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More like people have been doing it since Ultima Online and Asheron's Call, but I'm guessing those games were before your generation. I agree that people need to get over it, it really isn't a problem, it is simply part of a game with unrestricted PVP and looting mechanics. 

Trumped. :) I was a couple years late for those games. More because I didn't have a PC, not my age.

But yes, KoS is not a new phenomenon. 'KoS lists' were a common thing.

Edited by Esolu
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"Lack of other things to do"



Perhaps you meant to write "Purpose of the game"?

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What is boils down to is that it is not real. Humans are actually very social animals who would tend to band togather in a situation like this.  Of course there would be bandity, as the man said to Daryl "why hurt yourself when you can hurt others?" but that is to be expected to a more limited way, not the extent we see here.  However that would more apply to a community.  Here we all wash ashore as individuals rather than members of a community or common cultural background.  That may explain the whole KOS thing.  I do more of the live and let live thing unless I am surprised, then it is shoot first, especially if I turn and see you in the fighting position.


That, my friends, is what a degree in Anthropology will do for you. 

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I think that another answer for KoS is that we cannot use our normal method of determining threat.  Humans and dogs (the only other animal that does this and the only other animal that will look where a human points) look at the human face for visual cues which we use to determine flight or fight, we lack this ability in a virtual world.

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Can't vote for "Most exciting PvP you can find compared to other games".

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