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Where do you get attacked as a new spawn the most?

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I am fully kitted out right now in DayZ and just hunting people at NWAF with my trusty Sporter 22 is begining to get boring. Where would you say as a fresh spawn you are captured, held up, attacked or any other hostile attacks happening the most for I feel like saving a few freshies.

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Elektro is the place. If you go to elektro to help people though, expect to be ganked by those you are trying to help.

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Elektro is the place. If you go to elektro to help people though, expect to be ganked by those you are trying to help.

I am wearing my motorcycle helmet so those fist of fury will not be killing me any time soon!

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You could always pick off the Kamy or Sol barracks rats. They sit there and kill freshies there because they are scared of the firepower waiting in Elektro.


I go there to hunt geared players, they normally mill about and panic when they start dying because they aren't used to anything shooting back.

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You could always pick off the Kamy or Sol barracks rats. They sit there and kill freshies there because they are scared of the firepower waiting in Elektro.


I go there to hunt geared players, they normally mill about and panic when they start dying because they aren't used to anything shooting back.


I've been hanging out along the road around Kamy and Sol.  Not really intending to kill anyone.  Just looking to meet people and see what happens.


What happens is these crazy gearless noospawn keep doing crazy shit!  I was talking to one guy with a shotgun on his back and he all of a sudden tried to knock me out with his fists.  My SKS punches harder.


Unfortunately, the commotion attracted the attention of two more passers-by and they were carrying long rifles.  So playing it safe, I had to quickly dispatch them.  Switching to pistol to finish off the wounded, all of a sudden I'm attacked by a fourth player with an ax!


So now I have to put him down as well!



What the heck is wrong with people?!

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The place between Elektro and Cherno is best.. sit there and wait on a high pop server. People will come by constantly. 


Its where I go when I want to do funny stuff involving unsuspecting players. (Seriously, how do people not notice me until Im like 5ft away? lol)

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on the road from kammy to electro




Good place to make bambi hunters pay.

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The real douchebaggy ones go to Solnichey. i would suggest going there. Just today I was on the Solnichey oil tank thing everyone suicides off of and a guy with a fully kitted M4 spawns in right beside me. Luckily, he is caught off guard and I punch him in the head twice. He falls with a resounding thump. I loot his gear and head for the hills.


Jasonperson: 1


Douchebag spawn killers: 0


Also, a lot of the ones in Solnichey are not accustomed to taking fire, so they're probably easy prey.

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Don't go to Elektro. That's a clusterfuck of shit. Saving a freshie there will only get you killed.

Head up to Kamyshovo. I've seen my fair share of Bambi killers when passing through there.

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I've been hanging out along the road around Kamy and Sol.  Not really intending to kill anyone.  Just looking to meet people and see what happens.


What happens is these crazy gearless noospawn keep doing crazy shit!  I was talking to one guy with a shotgun on his back and he all of a sudden tried to knock me out with his fists.  My SKS punches harder.


Unfortunately, the commotion attracted the attention of two more passers-by and they were carrying long rifles.  So playing it safe, I had to quickly dispatch them.  Switching to pistol to finish off the wounded, all of a sudden I'm attacked by a fourth player with an ax!


So now I have to put him down as well!



What the heck is wrong with people?!

lol i also try to punch geared people to death after i spawn, because, why not? it doesn't cost you anything to try. heck, you might even respawn to some cooler location. there's no reason to try avoid dying as a bambi.


pro tip; don't kill. shoot them to the foot. they are so pissed cos they can't instantly respawn.

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Kamyshovo road man.......geezus..so death much sadness!

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