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<Name> killed by <Name>

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Please, add this easy thing to Dayz SA, like the mod. When someone kills you.


<name> killed by <name>

for example:

Dayzguy killed by Zombie

Dayzguy has been died





Why add this??


Easy, when someone whit hacks kill you, you can know his name, and you can report him.

Please Rocket, Dean Hall, or who read this, help us (the comunity) to end whit this HACKERs. Heal us!!!


Thanks a lot for read!. see u.






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Edited by Guppy the DayZ Medic
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Not only would I like to see who killed,but also how!

So and so.... killed so and so by a 450 m shot from his Mosin

So and so.... cut so and so...in half with his M4

so and so...Nailed so and so... in the forhead with his .357


I would like to see a message like this just under...."you are dead" on the blackscreen

There would be no immersion killer that way for those that are soooooo..... immersive!

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There are many, MANY reasons this wouldn't work. Here's one:


I play with a clan. We have clan tags. Say I kill a member of a group, the rest of his group see that I have clan tags. They look on the player list, see that there are 3 other people with those tags. Boom, they now know exactly how many enemies they're dealing with. Works the other way too, we would see the tags (if any) that the guy we killed has.

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Please, add this easy thing to Dayz SA, like the mod. When someone kills you.


<name> killed by <name>

for example:

Dayzguy killed by Zombie

Dayzguy has been died





Why add this??


Easy, when someone whit hacks kill you, you can know his name, and you can report him.

Please Rocket, Dean Hall, or who read this, help us (the comunity) to end whit this HACKERs. Heal us!!!


Thanks a lot for read!. see u.







Someone shoots you from blind spot. OMFG HACKS REPORT REPORT.

Someone shoots you trought the crack in the fence. OMFG HACKS REPORT REPORT.


mjau no

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I don't see it as having a point. You can't see player names in-game ATM so there is no reason to show this when you die. You can't do anything with the information contained in the message so it just becomes a meaningless piece of 'meta-game' BS.


So, no.

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No, but i do think the current system of checking pulse should still tell you who died, because currently, when the player respawns it won't tell you who the dead player is.....

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There should be a 10 seconds replay that shows you how you got killed...like CoD.


The game that must not be named....... What have you done?

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There should be a 10 seconds replay that shows you how you got killed...like CoD.


God help you if you are not trolling.

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Not only would I like to see who killed,but also how!

So and so.... killed so and so by a 450 m shot from his Mosin

So and so.... cut so and so...in half with his M4

so and so...Nailed so and so... in the forhead with his .357


I would like to see a message like this just under...."you are dead" on the blackscreen

There would be no immersion killer that way for those that are soooooo..... immersive!


And I'd add this too:


So and so.... killed so and so by a 450 m shot from his Mosin. So and so who killed so and so was on top of the Berezino industrial building! *a huge beacon lights up on server on his location*

So and so.... cut so and so...in half with his M4. You can find so and so, the killer, inside the southern piano house in Svetlojarsk. LOL *a huge beacon lights up on server on his location*

so and so...Nailed so and so... in the forhead with his .357. So and so is out of bullets, btw *a huge beacon lights up on server on his location*


In case you haven't figured it out - no!

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That would kill the simulator part of it bud. However doing <name> was killed by <weapon> would be kinda cool. You might want to know what totally devastated you so you can go out and get one for yourself.

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I no longer run clan tags ever since the who killed who appeared on the mod.


It just isn't worth your opponent knowing how many of you there are.



And knowing what weapon killed you and distance is bad too. For the weapon, you see a friend die, then see someone rolling with that gun. You know that is highly likely to be the killer.


For the distance, you shoot someone, that gives them and instant radius to tell their friends/clan mates how far away you are.



Short answer:

Fuck no.

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I think it's a great idea. I reckon the person who shoots you should be awarded points for killing you too. Then we could add up all the points to find out who won.

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I think it's a great idea. I reckon the person who shoots you should be awarded points for killing you too. Then we could add up all the points to find out who won.


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