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Looking for most current map for DayZ SA

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As the title says, I'm looking for the most current map for the SA.


I know the maps on iZurvive and dayzdb, but they don't show the newest implemented addons. ie; cities, police stations, etc..

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the ingame map does, try that one.

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the ingame map does, try that one.


How do you access it?

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the ingame map does, try that one.


WHAT? Since when was there an in-game map? Are you telling me I have been playing for 200 plus hours under the assumption that there is no in-game map when there actually is?!?! What is this sorcery? 

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you have to find one on the ground...it may be in pieces and such.

 ahhhhhhh. Didn't know those maps were useful for anything. Where are they usually found? I seem to recall seeing one or two at a gas station.

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WHAT? Since when was there an in-game map? Are you telling me I have been playing for 200 plus hours under the assumption that there is no in-game map when there actually is?!?! What is this sorcery? 


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In the 100+ hours playing this game, I've only come across two of these pieces.


My question has been answered. Thanks for the posts that weren't trolls.

Edited by EnDz

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Look for them in gas stations and the broken container ship. I find them all the time, and it's my first goal in game other than food as it not only has the latest towns on it, it also shows the amount and names of players on the server. Also they spawn in police stations now. (I think, it had already been looted so maybe some moron dropped it XD)

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WHAT? Since when was there an in-game map? Are you telling me I have been playing for 200 plus hours under the assumption that there is no in-game map when there actually is?!?! What is this sorcery? 

yeah you loot em in pieces some are halves and some are quarters and put them together to make a whole - I now have a whole map on regular and HC

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 ahhhhhhh. Didn't know those maps were useful for anything. Where are they usually found? I seem to recall seeing one or two at a gas station.

I have managed over time to find a north and south half in zelenogorsk, some in the shops and some in the upstairs rooms but lately I have found em in polices stations that are everywhere now

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I found a W. Chernarus map and could not use it. Do you need to assemble the whole before you can look at it?

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as a bit of useful advice when using a map make sure you are in a safe place as you will be unable to respond to the game while the map is open and for a second or two after you close it, to use the map, drag it to the hotbar and press the corresponding number key to open it and press that number key again to close it. the map will not show your current location but you can double click on it to make notes that are active for your current game session. the detail is good with some things like bus stations marked and town names. happy map hunting. 

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I found a W. Chernarus map and could not use it. Do you need to assemble the whole before you can look at it?

no you can use the instructions posted above to hotkey any piece of the map.

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They also spawn in 3 story buildings with blue or green doors in any city that has them.


And to use map you need to put it in one of quick access slots.. 1..9

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They also spawn in 3 story buildings with blue or green doors in any city that has them.


And to use map you need to put it in one of quick access slots.. 1..9

oh yeah I forgot about that building - the red one with 2 rooms upstairs to the right they spawn in the first room on the shelf mostly I just find books there tho. also check the supermarkets I have found at least one piece in one of those but I have found a lot in the shops with the metal thing over the front window, check both the one with the hole ripped in the metal and the one with the solid metal (should be small double doors to the right of the covered window)

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Personally I find it somewhat silly the maps work in-game now.


Maps spawning in 1/8th fragments is pretty unrealistic.  It would make more sense to spawn full maps in different states of decay, with a chance to find a pristine version.  Maybe the less-than pristine versions would have sections missing or obscured detail, but it doesn't make sense to suppose someone cut up all the maps into 1/8 squares.  Also why would a map take up the inventory space as a can of food?  Maps take up basically zero physical space IRL.  


In addition to the plausibility problems, there are the practical problems; because they are absolutely useless in-game (much easier to just use dayzdb.com's map) and they occupy a precious inventory slot there is no reason to bother with them in-game.  They are just a useless items occupying spawn points.  


The Arma dedicated map slot makes much more sense to fix the inventory problem and moving away from the fragmented map to a full map in different states of decay would fix the collection problem.


This is of course a very minor issue that need not be bothered with atm.  

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Personally I find it somewhat silly the maps work in-game now.


Maps spawning in 1/8th fragments is pretty unrealistic.  It would make more sense to spawn full maps in different states of decay, with a chance to find a pristine version.  Maybe the less-than pristine versions would have sections missing or obscured detail, but it doesn't make sense to suppose someone cut up all the maps into 1/8 squares.  Also why would a map take up the inventory space as a can of food?  Maps take up basically zero physical space IRL.  


In addition to the plausibility problems, there are the practical problems; because they are absolutely useless in-game (much easier to just use dayzdb.com's map) and they occupy a precious inventory slot there is no reason to bother with them in-game.  They are just a useless items occupying spawn points.  


The Arma dedicated map slot makes much more sense to fix the inventory problem and moving away from the fragmented map to a full map in different states of decay would fix the collection problem.


This is of course a very minor issue that need not be bothered with atm.  

a dedicated map slot would rock - I find the map to be very useful and I don't burn valuable CPU driving that powerhog flash map. if you read the map description it states that it is a tourist map of the area which is the reason they are in pieces (not cut up by someone as you assume) they also come in quarter sections and halves, not 1/8th sections as you have suggested. hunting for maps is fun and gives you something to do besides shooting at your fellow survivors. 

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Oh maps ..... I remember when I needed you. I miss those dayz  :(

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Oh maps ..... I remember when I needed you. I miss those dayz  :(

yeah I still use it just to be sure of where I am going but its usually not required if I find a town - been to em all now so once I find one I get bearings really fast and head out on my way. would be nice if a play map expansion could happen, say something like namalsk but close enough to swim to or steal a boat to.... a girl can dream I guess.

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PSA! I just checked the dayzdb map and it has been updated - the new areas seem to be there but without their names - all the buildings are there tho.

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yeah I still use it just to be sure of where I am going but its usually not required if I find a town - been to em all now so once I find one I get bearings really fast and head out on my way. would be nice if a play map expansion could happen, say something like namalsk but close enough to swim to or steal a boat to.... a girl can dream I guess.

I could have someone else move my character to the middle of the woods somewhere and then me start playing and I could probably know exactly where I am and exactly what direction to run to get anywhere because I've ran through, flown over, and driven past every place on the map 87,000 times on DayZ and Arma 2. I do have an eidetic memory though.


It is not fun. I loved on the mod when someone would come out with a new map and I could actually experience being lost again as that is the best time in the game.

Edited by Weedz

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I could have someone else move my character to the middle of the woods somewhere and then me start playing and I could probably know exactly where I am and exactly what direction to run to get anywhere because I've ran through, flown over, and driven past every place on the map 87,000 times on DayZ and Arma 2. I do have an eidetic memory though.


It is not fun. I loved on the mod when someone would come out with a new map and I could actually experience being lost again as that is the best time in the game.

sadly I'm getting there all too quickly - I do hope they plan to extend the map farther north and west into the current debug plains at some point at least. I already know the real estate to the north where current expansion is planned so that will end up with me running country I already know to a new town/facility that I don't know but will after one visit. one would think you could still get lost in over 200 sq km of land - who knew it was so small in the end?

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PSA! I just checked the dayzdb map and it has been updated - the new areas seem to be there but without their names - all the buildings are there tho.


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sadly I'm getting there all too quickly - I do hope they plan to extend the map farther north and west into the current debug plains at some point at least. I already know the real estate to the north where current expansion is planned so that will end up with me running country I already know to a new town/facility that I don't know but will after one visit. one would think you could still get lost in over 200 sq km of land - who knew it was so small in the end?

Lol. I love too how when you first start playing it's like "WTF this map is so retardedly big! This is stupid it takes 57 years to run from anywhere to anywhere. Why they make this stupid shit so big!"


Now it's like "I spawned on South East corner of map. I'll be at NW airfield in 5 minutes." 

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