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Hacker Caught on Camera

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Pretty sure that's just a current glitch, not a hack. He's actually sprinting and 'hacking'- you with an axe :P Server side problem I think. 


Edit: Stable is glitchy as heck for me atm, lots of player animations are borked it seems.

Edited by Amias Free
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Pretty sure that's just a current glitch, not a hack. He's actually sprinting and 'hacking'- you with an axe :P Server side problem I think. 


Edit: Stable is glitchy as heck for me atm, lots of player animations are borked it seems.


you can see in the video that sometimes he hit the ground with his melee weapon, so if it was a glitch that should not happen than dont you think?

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Yep, I agree. It is probably completely "desynched". That should be another type of "invisible" player issue.

That and much more can happen and happens, and the glitcher probably wasn't even aware of it.

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you can see in the video that sometimes he hit the ground with his melee weapon, so if it was a glitch that should not happen than dont you think?

......why it shouldn't in your opinion?

Invisible players can be spotted by that. That's what I actually ask my friend to do to show his position when he gets invisible XD

Edited by Gugolas

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Someone else here have experienced this kind of glitch?

Not the same, lots of similar ones, lately. Anyway dealing with invisible players or bodies in positions that are not the client/server ones has been in the game since day 1.

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I have been attacked by the corpse and I have been the corpse.


On the affected persons screen, they are playing normally.

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Yes glitch his melee weapon hit the wall/ground because hes swinging an axe- why didnt the other guy just shoot him? just an fyi hackers wont follow environmental objects generally, like walls and open doorways

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better  (skip to about 6mins in - anything before it is just too painful to watch) -


^^^ this shit needs to be stamped on hard, people flying through the air? we we're told shit like this wouldn't be possible in STANDALONE..

Edited by Calibre
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^^^ this shit needs to be stamped on hard, people flying through the air? we we're told shit like this wouldn't be possible in STANDALONE..


No, we were specifically told that hacking would be a problem that would have to be fixed. I'm not sure who told you hacking wouldn't be a problem, the devs sure haven't.

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bs. my reading was that they pretty much gave a cast iron guarantee that teleporting would be sorted it was a fault of the mod, well i'm starting to see evidence of it again - that shit needs to be stamped on, no if's and's or but's about it.

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Oh yeah that hot new hack that everyone wants that allows you to slide along the floor face down. It gives you so much of an advantage....


Just kidding, this is blatantly a glitch rather than a hack.

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better  (skip to about 6mins in - anything before it is just too painful to watch) -


^^^ this shit needs to be stamped on hard, people flying through the air? we we're told shit like this wouldn't be possible in STANDALONE..

Amazing. These people must be rich though to do this crap, obvious stuff like that is probably easy to track.

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