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11 lessons for Bambie

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Perfect example of why 2) is a good rule.


I spawned and did not rip my shirt into rags. I was attacked by a zombie and my shirt ruined. I could not use it as a bandage and I bleed to death. The shirt is far more valuable as a rag then a form of protection.

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Deer don't technical go in a herd.

fukd it up


A group of deer are usually called a herd or in the case of roe deer they are called a bevy. Herd is a general term for most of the mammals that travel together.


A group of deer is called a 'herd' or a 'mob' of deer. Depending on where you live one may be more commonly used than the other. A herd
A group of deer is referred to as a herd or a mob. Did you know a baby deer is a fawn,
A baby deer is called a "fawn," and a group of deer are called a "herd." An adult male deer can be referred to as a "buck".
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Lesson for bambi: Protect mother.




I'm getting sick of the term "bambie". It's old, it's dumb, and it's annoying. Stop using it.




I was STAGgered that a FALLOW player would take offense to the term Bambii. Players of my ELK are sometimes called that and I personally liked the term the first time I HERD it. Don’t BUCK the system by being so MULE headed. Maybe in a new VENISON of the game things will change. I find the game very DEER to my heart and so DOEs my ANTLER.  Heck she FAWNs over it like it’s her CALF. So just MOOSEy along…nothing to see RED about.

This was ridiculous!

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Lesson for bambi: Protect mother.




I'm getting sick of the term "bambie". It's old, it's dumb, and it's annoying. Stop using it.



I'm all for the term "meat" as in Fresh.  

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Lesson "13" : kill on site, untill you learned your aim. Only be a hero when you know a game inside out.

Lesson "14" : never kill zombies, unless they are camping the ladder or stairs.

Lesson "15" : never trust anyone who says "I'm friendly" friendlies are so rare, that you will never see them, unless you are on low pop server and in the middle of nowhere, or in the far corner of the map. Friendlies are like fairies, you heard about them, but no one ever saw them.

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I can only teach players 1 lesson, the biggest threat in dayz is freshspawns. Don't EVER get near those animals unless you want to: A) Save them from bandits. B.) Murder them


If you'll choose option B, you'll most likely by murdered by another player who picked option A.

Edited by StanleyWasHappy

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I pretty much like the name "bambie". It sums up what you are at the moment when you start playing: A small, little deer, searching for food, water and stuff so it does not die. I like it to be a bambie!

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