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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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Since the recent patch, Zombies are an absolute joke.



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My experience of zombies since the patch:


- they can hit you when you're behind them

- they sometimes hit you without having displayed the 'attack' animation

- they are much harder to hit in melee (I need to do more practice, but the crawling ones are especially difficult)

- they don't seem to notice you as early as before (you can run right up to them without setting off the aggro)

- they sometimes decide to run off in some random direction after aggroing and not come back!

- zombie noises are constantly in your ears, all over the map

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The Zombies are more than a little silly now ,, they dont respond to sound but can see you from 1/4 mile away then chase you forever , when it doesnt hit you from 20 meters away or is just flat out invisible ,,, you kill it , walk 10 meters and it stands back up n starts chasing you again. its cool to have the zombies be more of a threat , but there has to be some kind of middle ground to find between passive and ridiculous.

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Yes, it's dumb. Yes it's frustrating. But if zombies have any level of difficulty other than 'Fetus' I love it. So, as an alpha placeholder for hardmode zombies - this is good for now.

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I am finding they hear gunshots just fine. Since melee weapons are extra hard to use now and you generally have another respawn in the area before you kill the first, gun is about the only hope. If you are alone and shooting, expect it to never end until you are dead. What is starting to annoy me is that they can find you even when a normal human being would have no chance. I had some follow me up a set of stairs, around a building, up a ladder and down around the other side of the ladder (it ran to mirror my location below from what I can tell) all without line of sight. I also had them running around to meet me down below on other occasions. With the limited ammo and other issues, it is getting very hard to have any hope when you are a fresh spawn! (just found that out dealing with hardcore for the first time in a long while)

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It's really not that bad considering they're not the finished product. 

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As long as the ultimate goal is for zombies to not spawn unrealistically so we can clear rooms.... And never see them spawn out of thin air.... We cant complain about the placeholder.

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They broke my arm, cause I kept having to chamber 1 bullet.

Wear as many layers of clothes, even gloves, helmet, glasses.. Etc.

If you wear a bunch of stuff they never break my arm or leg. Its almost an exploit of you wear enough crap.

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It's really not that bad considering they're not the finished product. 


3 good posts in before an "Alpher". Not bad lol xD I expected much worse.


I'd say my biggest issue with zombies other than the obvious major glitches would be simply that they can see you with the backs of their heads from ridiculous distances. THIS I am not a fan of. The other stuff I can generally cope with until it's addressed, but every damn time I see a zombie turn around from 300m away and run after me it just infuriates me. No idea why

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Wear as many layers of clothes, even gloves, helmet, glasses.. Etc.

If you wear a bunch of stuff they never break my arm or leg. Its almost an exploit of you wear enough crap.



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3 good posts in before an "Alpher". Not bad lol xD I expected much worse.


Its a placeholder feature. There's nothing inherently better about saying "yes its bullshit" over saying "its a feature that isn't done yet." They've stated over and over again that they are working out how zombie will spawn and how this will work. Constructive posts or ideas on what you'd like to see in terms of respawning zombies are more than welcome.

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Its a placeholder feature. There's nothing inherently better about saying "yes its bullshit" over saying "its a feature that isn't done yet." They've stated over and over again that they are working out how zombie will spawn and how this will work. Constructive posts or ideas on what you'd like to see in terms of respawning zombies are more than welcome.


Well in the case of zombies, I think we can all agree that it boils down to a knowledge of coding for making sure they work correctly. We know how they should work for the most part, so there's nothing more really to input IMO that hasn't already been covered, but I certainly can provide feedback. :D


My snark was aimed at this silly idea that saying "Liek 420 N0sc4pz Gyz3 te3h 1338 Ga1m am nawt FINUSHED YET!" somehow means anything to anybody here 99% of the time...I mean we all know the game is being worked on.


seriously....we know....

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Despite your post count I'm not sure you've been here long enough. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.


I speak in generalizations for the adults, sir.



I do not speak for the "OhEHERMEHERGHERDD WHERE IS DUN GAIM!" crowd

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"Liek 420 N0sc4pz Gyz3 te3h 1338 Ga1m am nawt FINUSHED YET!"




I'm noticing a pattern here ;P There are people in both camps. Just like you aren't lumping yourself in with those people there are two different sides of the "its still a work in progress" camp. I'm just trying to show that there is a difference between them, much like you.

Edited by Hells High

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I hope one day there will be no need to have any zombie respawn at all.


I look forward to the day where the game is so optimized that right at server restart the game spawns all of the zombies that are needed right from the get go.

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the current zombies in latest stable are the same shit like in the latest dayzmod :rolleyes:









Dean Hall, I hope you read my post... - YES I SAID SHIT! :thumbsup: :beans:

Edited by TiMEDANCE

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i have died numerous times because of the zombies and how they are almost invincible.


-they have the legs of sonic the freaking hedgehog. unless youre running downhill or have a weapon, you will never escape them.

-i hit one like 14 times in the face with a fire axe which used to be a 1 hit kill. i died from blood loss.

-they can melt through walls. MELT. THROUGH. WALLS. why the fuck hasnt that been fixed!?


i dont know why i posted this but it makes me feel better that i lost all that cool stuff and that random polish guy i teamed up with.

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Good. Now times the amount of infecteds by 10 then we have a zombie survival game not a cod deathmatch

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You can't really expect to hit it anything melee. Not the zombies fault, the attacks are broken atm. It's in the patch notes.

People die from zombies in zombie movies, zombie games, zombie literature and probably zombie musicals, if there is any such thing. That you die from them suggests that they work imo.

I like that zombies are dangerous, I just wish it was not due to melee being broken.

Haven't seen a zombie glitch through a wall since patch, but I did notice one I think was trapped inside the inaccessible part of a house model.

Edit: to escape, keep sprinting, run through trees for it to lose LoS, then keep sprinting and run through more trees. At least that used to work.

Edited by LeeVanSpliff

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-You can escape them, just keep running. Though in time that should be improved and we'll be able to lose line of sight to evade them.

-Not sure which version you've been playing, but in the latest they die with mostly just one hit from an axe, could be the server you are on is under heavy load.

-Again, the more load the server is under, the more likely it seems that zeds will walk through walls, they are working on this and the latest patch has made some improvements buts there's still work to do.

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You must be doing something wrong if your not 1-2 shotting them with a fire axe, did it 3 times yesterday. They have always melted through walls, deal with it tell its fixed. Oh my god you got killed by a zombie in a game about surviving with zombies. Its alpha little rants like these do nothing for feedback and just show how whiny you are.

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Considering there are very few of them in the game, I think its great that they are dangerous.. until more Zombies are added I would prefer they keep them deadly for now.


In any case, a player is still more of a threat than the Zombies are and I really think it shouldn't be like that.. players should be helping each other through the Zombie threat, which can help forge friendships and alliances. I'm still waiting for that day to arrive, when this will be the case.

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