Survivors, your destination?
MarchmelloMan, in General Discussion
Your destination
30 members have voted
1. As a location, what is your primary destination? (the place you try to reach first and stay the most longest)
NE Airfield3
NW Airfield4
Balota Airfield5
I just head inland and see what awaits me (more or less random route from one village to another)8
Another village/city2
2. What are you/ what is your attitude? (your style of playing the most often)
I am the most evil shit you will encounter. I will try to cripple you, shoot your legs and always KoS.1
I am a bandit who will KoS you, but I dont let you crippled on the floor.3
I will only KoS if you suprise me or if you already have a weapon in your hand16
I try to avoid KoS and always chat/talk first. If you are evil then, I shoot.5
I don't KoS and try to help new players or players in general. I only kill bandits.3
I avoid conflicts by any means. I just try to pve and run away from any pvp encounters.2