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Falling 1 story to your death.

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Everyone says that this is the most realistic game ever and talk about how real it is. No it's not if you want it to be more realistic 1 easy thing you can do is fix falling to your death. I the real world you have a 50% chance of living if you jump from 30 feet / 3 stories and landing on your HEAD. I get some thing aren't real just so we save time like fixing your leg that would take way to long to fix but honestly i am sick of dying from falling from 1 flight of stairs in the fire stations. Also i think there should be an option to commit suicide.

Reply what you think about the falling to death. 

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Stay in glowing healthy status and you won't have that problem. Shouldn't even break a leg if it's really one flight of stairs, I've done the same and it just ruined my pants. 


It makes sense for a small fall to kill you (or at least break a leg) if you've been injured and not in good health before hand.

Edited by Amias Free

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This doesn't really have anything to do with pure realism.


If you're sick of falling from a flight of stairs, only to die, then why don't you... I don't know.. NOT fall off of things?


But yes, the fall damage is silly. Plus, I don't like how it roots you to the ground for a second when you land. Needs some work later on down the line.

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People have died falling from less than ten feet and survived falling more than 3,000... kind of hard to get that into a video game...

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Everytime I fall it's one of two things it seems:


1. My leg breaks. Normal reaction..


2. My leg breaks, shattering into my throat as my body collapses from the force of the massive 6ft. fall, slicing my head clean off...



Edited by lrish
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I the real world you have a 50% chance of living if you jump from 30 feet / 3 stories and landing on your HEAD.

Did you test out that theory twice? :P

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This doesn't really have anything to do with pure realism.


If you're sick of falling from a flight of stairs, only to die, then why don't you... I don't know.. NOT fall off of things?


But yes, the fall damage is silly. Plus, I don't like how it roots you to the ground for a second when you land. Needs some work later on down the line.

Because you know i totally mean for my charter to do an action and for some reason start walking forward because you know i want to kill me self. Think before you speak...

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Because you know i totally mean for my charter to do an action and for some reason start walking forward because you know i want to kill me self. Think before you speak...


Aaaaand don't be so easily offended champ.


It's still your own fault for falling off of things. Know this. Deal with this. Recognize that I agree with you about the damage, but think that... if you have an issue with falling off of things in the first place... take steps to stop doing so.


If a certain action causes you to fall off, then don't do said action when in a position to fall off of something.

Edited by Katana67
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Mixed bag of results for me here. I've fallen 12" and broke my leg - and I've fallen off the fire station roof with nary a scratch. Need to fix this obviously, but in the meantime, watch your step....

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I the real world you have a 50% chance of living if you jump from 30 feet / 3 stories and landing on your HEAD. 

Now, how in THE HELL did I glance over THAT gem of wisdom?!

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Mixed bag of results for me here. I've fallen 12" and broke my leg - and I've fallen off the fire station roof with nary a scratch. Need to fix this obviously, but in the meantime, watch your step....

Trust me I know what you mean yesterday i was trying to kill my self and i jumped off the top of the school in berinzino twice and both times i didn't take any damage.

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Trust me I know what you mean yesterday i was trying to kill my self and i jumped off the top of the school in berinzino twice and both times i didn't take any damage.

First time I broke my legs was in a barn - off of the very bottom of the stairs. I proceeded to crawl up the stairs and fling myself off of the top area countless times to no ill effect. Had to crawl to the coast and off of a dock to kill myself. (Early on - didn't know about splints and morphine)

Edited by makomachine

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I know what you mean. I had the exact same thing happen. Measly 3 foot fall broken legs. I look up how to fix this, ok Morphene or Sticks. Great, off I go to the next city ... Took over an hour ... I get there, start heading towards a hospital for Morphene, Zed ... Dead.

/RAGE QUIT ... Then thought, fuck what an awesome game! :)

Yes, it's a bit silly to fall 8 to 10 feet and die, but I also didn't know at the time how Health worked entirely. Since learning that and keeping my health in check, haven't broken legs from a little 3 foot fall.

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First time I broke my legs was in a barn - off of the very bottom of the stairs. I proceeded to crawl up the stairs and fling myself off of the top area countless times to no ill effect. Had to crawl to the coast and off of a dock to kill myself. (Early on - didn't know about splints and morphine)


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I'm all about them adding a feature where you can hold the crouch button if you accidentally fall off something like 15 feet up where you can roll when you land a la Ocarina of Time.

Oh Zelda.... I miss that game.

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Everyone says that this is the most realistic game ever and talk about how real it is. No it's not if you want it to be more realistic 1 easy thing you can do is fix falling to your death. I the real world you have a 50% chance of living if you jump from 30 feet / 3 stories and landing on your HEAD. I get some thing aren't real just so we save time like fixing your leg that would take way to long to fix but honestly i am sick of dying from falling from 1 flight of stairs in the fire stations. Also i think there should be an option to commit suicide.

Reply what you think about the falling to death.

So where did you get this 50% statistic of living if you fall three stories on your head? Iknew a guy who fell out of the back of a truck going less than ten miles an hour and he died. It seems that you pull statistics out of your ass, well at least 50% of the time...

Perhaps your character wanted to commit suicide knowing that you were controlling him?

Edited by ptk

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I once fell about 25 feet and I was fine. A bit stiff but nothing broken and very much alive.


Then again I once fell 5 feet out of a van going 10 Mph and fractured my skull but I was only 7.

Edited by Sebidee

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Excellent way to get your point across. I'm sure your neurologist father is proud.

Doing great in school i have a job my life is on track so yes i would say so. 

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I haven't broken any bones in real life. I've jumped off of greater heights than in game. I haven't broken any bones in real life. Fall damage must have been programmed by some cripple in a wheel chair who obviously can't jump for himself or test the mechanics of gravity in reality for himself.


Unless the devs are just fucking with us? That would make more sense for the fall damage. Because full backpack or not, it doesn't matter.

Edited by M0RG0TH

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Doing great in school i have a job my life is on track so yes i would say so. 


And being mad dick on internet in a forum about video game. Don't forget that part!

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And being mad dick on internet in a forum about video game. Don't forget that part!

Funny because i am not mad i rarely get mad lol(: do not compare my feelings to yours we are different people.

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