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Awrgh A Hero

True or false? can you poison fruit with disinfectant spray

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Is it true or false???? Can you poison fresh fruit with disinfectant spray???? I've seen a vid on youtube, but I wanna know can you do it????



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There was a comment beneath the vid with stated it was all bs, so no proof. Who know the answer?

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Hello there


Rather than relying on third person info, why not try it out yourself?


Most of the fun is experimenting.





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Next patch:


Actions: Desinfectant spray can no longer be used on fruits.

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Yes I know but since iam a lazy Dutchman I like to ask it I like to ask it. But no one here knows for sure?

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Is this actually poisoning anyone though? The video shows him applying spray to it but does the spray actually cause poison. If the video showed him eating it and getting sick then sure but it doesn't.

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FYI I spawned in Kamyshovo whole town looted, decided to swing by the "hunters lodge" as I call it ( the large wooden lodge with blue trim always has food and some drink often as well ) of course the door was open but inside I found 2 not 1 but 2 packets of powdered milk (I should have thought about this at the moment I saw it) anyways I eat a whole packet and about 5 mins give or take later my screen starts flickering grey and my head starts bobbing from side to side like im being hit yet im clearly not and no dmg was taken, I didn't die but I assumed the packets were poisoned

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Not poison. The issue with dried milk is that consuming it dehydrates you. 2 of those and you were probably severely dehydrated especially if that's the first thing you ate on spawning since you spawn with low hydration anyway.

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Hello there


Rather than relying on third person info, why not try it out yourself?


Most of the fun is experimenting.





I can see it now. "Hey bob look a new banana! You go ahead.... you can have this one......"

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