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Rename to DayB (Bandits are scarier than zombies)

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So, in my 83 hours played, I've had to worry very little about zombies, even when they aggro in groups from 3 miles away; as long as I have a melee weapon (preferably a fire axe), I'm relatively safe from them. Bandits, on the other hand, I tend to die to as soon as I see them. Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that they have guns and DO NOT have any remorse. I know that the game is still in early alpha, and is still evolving, but it seems very odd to me that, in a game built around surviving a zombie apocalypse, one has to actually survive against other players, and not the zombies. I'm really hoping that there eventually be some sort of deterrent to running around blowing away every person you see.

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Don't worry, zombies will become much, MUCH more of a factor later on.

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So, in my 83 hours played, I've had to worry very little about zombies, even when they aggro in groups from 3 miles away; as long as I have a melee weapon (preferably a fire axe), I'm relatively safe from them. Bandits, on the other hand, I tend to die to as soon as I see them. Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that they have guns and DO NOT have any remorse. I know that the game is still in early alpha, and is still evolving, but it seems very odd to me that, in a game built around surviving a zombie apocalypse, one has to actually survive against other players, and not the zombies. I'm really hoping that there eventually be some sort of deterrent to running around blowing away every person you see.


i know the feeling, when you see someone in the distance it becomes a question of "hmmm...should i say hi? kill them? avoid?"  too bad we all cant just get along but i get the free will of the populace gives us reason to be wary of others.  of course i would love to make an elaborate post on my website http://soluni.enjin.com/ in a "instructive" sort of way, but right now im kinda busy getting other content up first.  you probably have a bajillion people you roll with, so traveling with someone during your play times relieves some of the pressure at least xD <3

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The only treat of zombie is dealing now is ruining everything in your t-shit slot, and cause bleeding and broke your arm with one atack. so you should be like "spider" from UFC/MMA

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Bandits, on the other hand, I tend to die to as soon as I see them. Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that they have guns and DO NOT have any remorse.


KoSers...not bandits...don't confuse them.

So it should be called "DayK"...has a nice phonetic sound to it...



i know the feeling, when you see someone in the distance it becomes a question of "hmmm...should i say hi? kill them? avoid?"  too bad we all cant just get along but i get the free will of the populace gives us reason to be wary of others.  of course i would love to make an elaborate post on my website http://soluni.enjin.com/ in a "instructive" sort of way, but right now im kinda busy getting other content up first.  you probably have a bajillion people you roll with, so traveling with someone during your play times relieves some of the pressure at least xD <3


With a lot of distance the option avoid should be very obvious.........................not.

Edited by Enforcer

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KoSers...not bandits...don't confuse them.

Well, I have yet to encounter a single "true" bandit, so for now I'm considering anyone who kills me a bandit, regardless of whether or not they try to take my stuff (which they probably can't most times because it's likely ruined from them filling me full of holes).

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Well, I have yet to encounter a single "true" bandit, so for now I'm considering anyone who kills me a bandit, regardless of whether or not they try to take my stuff (which they probably can't most times because it's likely ruined from them filling me full of holes).


To get killed on sight, you need to be seen.


Also, if you run at an armed man yelling friendly, he'll probably kill you. I would.

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To get killed on sight, you need to be seen.


Also, if you run at an armed man yelling friendly, he'll probably kill you. I would.


Well, most of the time they get the drop on me when I'm in a building scouting for loot, because I can't hear them approaching (either I can't hear footsteps for some reason, or they're masked by all of the rather loud ambient noise).


And if you don't announce yourself as friendly, then someone who might otherwise not shoot you most likely will (though, based on my experience, they might even claim to be friendly themselves and still shoot you). I'm sure there are people out there that wouldn't kill someone claiming to be friendly, at least not right away. Of course, if you're running straight at them, especially with a weapon drawn, it probably won't matter WHAT you say, they'll most likely see you as a threat and drop you. That's why you try to stay out of sight while announcing that you're friendly, or, if you can't, try to show it by lowering your weapon (some might say put it away, but that's really just an invitation for them to shoot you since you're not prepared to defend yourself).

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Well, most of the time they get the drop on me when I'm in a building scouting for loot, because I can't hear them approaching (either I can't hear footsteps for some reason, or they're masked by all of the rather loud ambient noise).


And if you don't announce yourself as friendly, then someone who might otherwise not shoot you most likely will (though, based on my experience, they might even claim to be friendly themselves and still shoot you). I'm sure there are people out there that wouldn't kill someone claiming to be friendly, at least not right away. Of course, if you're running straight at them, especially with a weapon drawn, it probably won't matter WHAT you say, they'll most likely see you as a threat and drop you. That's why you try to stay out of sight while announcing that you're friendly, or, if you can't, try to show it by lowering your weapon (some might say put it away, but that's really just an invitation for them to shoot you since you're not prepared to defend yourself).

yeah always shout friendly or something like that. Don't listen to these guys , bascially they play bandit style and verbally attack and shoot down people who want to play friendly. The funny thing is most of these players moan dramatically about banditting then change their mind and take a 'if I cant beat them I'll join them attitude' and then Kos themselfs. Pretty stupid! Man up, and try communicating before opening fire on innocent civilians. Obviously most of the 'kos'-ers are too scared to talk, lack basic communication/social skills, or are too afraid to loose their precious gear or risk been shot. Cowards, the lot of them!

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To get killed on sight, you need to be seen.


Also, if you run at an armed man yelling friendly, he'll probably kill you. I would.

Not likely, unless they enjoy murdering un-armed civilians. The Walking Dead is a great show for example if you watched recently you will see even people with weapons and who don't trust each other will band together to try and survive. its lone wolfs playing cowardly bandits that spoil this game for everyone. like the others have said its not banditting persay im against,. its the fact that 99.9% of all Day Z community kill on Sight and have no respect, manners or an open mind

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Not likely, unless they enjoy murdering un-armed civilians. The Walking Dead is a great show for example if you watched recently you will see even people with weapons and who don't trust each other will band together to try and survive. its lone wolfs playing cowardly bandits that spoil this game for everyone. like the others have said its not banditting persay im against,. its the fact that 99.9% of all Day Z community kill on Sight and have no respect, manners or an open mind


I was on a coast walk. I see fresh spawns, they run for me. I tell them to back up or they will get fired upon. They then run at me yelling about how friendly they are.


Then after they die they abuse me.

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I love how people use The Walking Dead as a reference for what would actually happen in the zombie apocalypse.


It's not a documentary...

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So, in my 83 hours played, I've had to worry very little about zombies, even when they aggro in groups from 3 miles away; as long as I have a melee weapon (preferably a fire axe), I'm relatively safe from them. Bandits, on the other hand, I tend to die to as soon as I see them. Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that they have guns and DO NOT have any remorse. I know that the game is still in early alpha, and is still evolving, but it seems very odd to me that, in a game built around surviving a zombie apocalypse, one has to actually survive against other players, and not the zombies. I'm really hoping that there eventually be some sort of deterrent to running around blowing away every person you see.

There are some severs that say no kos and if you do you just kicked, why not join one of these?

Edited by Drothe

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I love how people use The Walking Dead as a reference for what would actually happen in the zombie apocalypse.


It's not a documentary...

Its a good example to throw at the aggressive people who think everyone will automatically become murdering pyschopaths in the event of a real apocalyptic situation. Lots of people would in fact work together, after much discussion with like minded friends and talkign to people who have been in a survival situation. People will band together and work as a team, if their life depends on it.


Other notable films and works of fiction that take a more realistic and believable accounts of how humans MIGHT react. The books: World War Z, and Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse are very good too. Films/TV: contagion, Blackout. There is also some documents from FEMA and other organisations which i have researched. The Walking Dead is a good example to throw at people who think everyone would be aggressive inthis situation. Obviously if the world threat from zombies was more dangerous, people are forced to work together, or die apart. I think that is the way the game should do. Sure you can be a lone wolf but your chances of survival should be reduced drastically. It shouldnt be 'balanced' for a lone wolf, the balance should force co-operation, and fire-ing a gun should be an almost suicidal, dinner bell.


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There are some severs that say no kos and if you do you just kicked, why not join one of these?

Servers arent allowed to put in a rule like that yet, and unfortunately many bandits from these forums not only join these servers specifically to troll friendly players, they also 'snitch' and report such servers getting them shut down.

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Well, personally yes, stil since the update. I usually leave my player logged in a small town and it was the same as usual when I logged in, a faster zombie but still just one or two, 5 tops for the whole village. each zombie dies of one hit to the fire axe (still too easy) . IMO should be a direct head hit, aimed for head for one hit kill, anywhere else should take several strikes. One zombie strike should always bleed and carry infection chance. I think their getting there, but still too easy, not really a threat if u have the axe is it

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Its a good example to throw at the aggressive people who think everyone will automatically become murdering pyschopaths in the event of a real apocalyptic situation. Lots of people would in fact work together, after much discussion with like minded friends and talkign to people who have been in a survival situation. People will band together and work as a team, if their life depends on it.


Other notable films and works of fiction that take a more realistic and believable accounts of how humans MIGHT react. The books: World War Z, and Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse are very good too. Films/TV: contagion, Blackout. There is also some documents from FEMA and other organisations which i have researched. The Walking Dead is a good example to throw at people who think everyone would be aggressive inthis situation. Obviously if the world threat from zombies was more dangerous, people are forced to work together, or die apart. I think that is the way the game should do. Sure you can be a lone wolf but your chances of survival should be reduced drastically. It shouldnt be 'balanced' for a lone wolf, the balance should force co-operation, and fire-ing a gun should be an almost suicidal, dinner bell.



I wasn't exactly disputing your idea, its just funny how a lot of people will reference the Walking Dead as an example for how DayZ should be as though it were gospel.


I think you would get a mix. I mean if society breaks down, we no longer have those convenient little places for keeping all the criminals and the criminally insane locked away up and running. There is no doubt in my mind at least that society's worst would wreak havoc in a lawless world. Not to mention the amount of people who would be broken by the things they'd seen and gone through. Sure there would be cooperation in a genuine friendly manner, but to address the OP coercion and banditry would also prevail.


I also do not think that the game should punish lone wolf players. I mean I have 1 other friend that I occasionally play with. I really do not want a game that punishes me for my lack of knowing other people who own it. 

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Basically what I think is that DayZ should build in mechanics that force players to either cooperate or coerce other players, rather than just forcing cooperation in a friendly manner.


Taking fresh spawns hostage in order to force them to do something for you and then killing them afterwards should be just as valid as asking them to help you.

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Still whining huh



Are you addressing me? Because I honestly don't see what I posted as "whining"; simply contributing to the conversation, something you apparently have difficulty doing.



There are some severs that say no kos and if you do you just kicked, why not join one of these?



Well, basically, the reply that was already made to this pretty much sums up my thoughts:


Servers arent allowed to put in a rule like that yet, and unfortunately many bandits from these forums not only join these servers specifically to troll friendly players, they also 'snitch' and report such servers getting them shut down.



Just because a server claims to have a "No KoS" or "No Bandits" rules doesn't mean it won't happen on that server; though, I don't really get why those rules wouldn't be allowed, considering that the servers are likely being paid for and hosted by 3rd parties. Shouldn't someone have the ability to place any restrictions they want (within reason) on a server that THEY are paying for and running? That's how most other game servers work. I think it would be a bit ridiculous for the developer or publisher to come in and say that someone can't run THEIR server the way THEY want to.

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If you don't understand why people bandit and why you should be more scared of players you do not understand the game and the point of it. Go look up the old teaser trailer that will tell you all you need to know. This game is a PVE game there is just Players in your Environment. The whole point is to evolve ourselves first we start off as Waring tribes slowly we will build better communities and society.

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The Z in the title,means Day Zero,

Rocket,the team and the community always

know for a fact that the no:1 adversary in the game would

be other people.This is one of the most controversial topics in

zombie movies and novels as well.The fact that there has been excessive

improvements on the zombies lately,should make you happy,when the zombie

pathfinding,numbers and damage are configured,people are gonna count to one another

a lot more,than now.The only reason we have excessive Kos (not banditry/steal for gear) is because

the lack of content and the lack of danger as you correctly stated.By the time basebuilding is in all will change ;)

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The Z in the title,means Day Zero,

Rocket,the team and the community always

know for a fact that the no:1 adversary in the game would

be other people.This is one of the most controversial topics in

zombie movies and novels as well.The fact that there has been excessive

improvements on the zombies lately,should make you happy,when the zombie

pathfinding,numbers and damage are configured,people are gonna count to one another

a lot more,than now.The only reason we have excessive Kos (not banditry/steal for gear) is because

the lack of content and the lack of danger as you correctly stated.By the time basebuilding is in all will change ;)

The Z is Zombies.. I don't know where you get this from. But I believe it's zombies,....obviously


The player attitude is to blame..people who get shot and then proceed to bandit others...the circle of bandits..All selfish and cowardly in my opinion, it takes more balls to risk your stuff and communicate...Also think people with bad social skills are to blame for this...To scared to turn on their mic and talk to an actual human., much easier to just shoot and keep your mic off.


If you don't understand why people bandit and why you should be more scared of players you do not understand the game and the point of it. Go look up the old teaser trailer that will tell you all you need to know. This game is a PVE game there is just Players in your Environment. The whole point is to evolve ourselves first we start off as Waring tribes slowly we will build better communities and society.

Also rubbish. The game is supposed to be a SURVIVAL APOCALYPSE Game. It is definetly not designed to be a strictly PVP Game! The point of the game is to give the PLAYER the option and choice to roam Chernarus and do as they please, to survive the zombie apocalypse. It is not designed as a PVP 'game mode' which would be your team deathmatch, domination, etc. It is a free-roam survival game. More than anything it is PVE. The whole point is to do whatever you want, and If i think about humanity, and how to survive in an apocalypse, we wouldn't be Waring tribes.,,, that is so stupid. We would be a rising revolution of free-minded people building a self-sustaining community and no longer relying on the government. Obviosly there are those who bandit and steal but you are missing the point. It is not a PVP game or is it designed to be co-op. The game is unique and open and gives the players the options. So stop trying to force people to play this stupid way of shooting everything.

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"Just because a server claims to have a "No KoS" or "No Bandits" rules doesn't mean it won't happen on that server; though, I don't really get why those rules wouldn't be allowed, considering that the servers are likely being paid for and hosted by 3rd parties. Shouldn't someone have the ability to place any restrictions they want (within reason) on a server that THEY are paying for and running? That's how most other game servers work. I think it would be a bit ridiculous for the developer or publisher to come in and say that someone can't run THEIR server the way THEY want to."

Thats harsh i wondered why the sever i was playing on got changed (which was no KoS)
i agree that if you are paying for your own server then you shoud be able to make up the rules for your server
i mean i do KoS now as i have to other wise the other person is just going to try and kill me anyway, well bar a "few". But i dont kill any new player who is under geared than me unless they attack frist and i have no option.
I would rather play a "bandit" and handcuff and nick the stuff i want than kill

Edited by Drothe
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