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Can anyone justify the low price of this game anymore ?

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I was just thinking about other ways to deter hackers and i started thinking about the price tag of this game. Don't you think it is time to increase the price now, i mean anyone with a moderate interest in the development of dayz has surely already bought the game and with over a million copies sold you already have enough alpha/beta testers.


So why is this game still only 20/40 sterling/dollars, i think it should be put up to 30/60 pounds/dollars at least, this way anyone who gets banned is going to have to start forking out a lot more money for their cheap thrills and if they have another BI game like arma 3 it really is going to start having an impact on the cheaters in this game because of how expensive it's going to be to start again.


So any devs if you happen to read this put the price up on this game already you have earned it. Also if anyone disagrees please tell me why as i can't think of single reason why this would have a negative impact on the future of this title.

So you think the way to deal with hackers is to increase the price of the game? Really?? No, they haven't earned it. In my opinion the price is too high for an alpha. I don't think there will be a price increase before beta and there shouldn't be. What are you trying to achieve with this post? 

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So you think the way to deal with hackers is to increase the price of the game? Really?? No, they haven't earned it. In my opinion the price is too high for an alpha. I don't think there will be a price increase before beta and there shouldn't be. What are you trying to achieve with this post? 

What ???


It's called a discussion you buffoon if you don't want to have any without being rude you should probably not be on a FORUM. As someone has said earlier on who used to be a hacker that having to pay too much is what caused him to quit hacking, they have sold over a million copies so they have enough alpha.... Do you know what, read the OP because it is all in there and if you do not have anything to say to it then please don't.

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techincally the player skins and the weapon ballistics are new


but seriously now that i think about it


zombie skins = same but slighlty updated

zombie ai = same but slighlty updated

zombie gltiching = same but worse

zombie ghosting = even worse than the mod

world textures = same but slightly updated

vehicles = ported from arma 3

item textures = mostly ported from arma 3

weapon textures = mostly ported from arma 3

animations = mostly same but updated



physics = being copied from arma 3

hunting = virtually the same as the mod but simpler


a lot of stuff WILL be original content, but right now not so much

Pacific although i do agree with you it does not have much to do with the original post.


If i was hacking and i got global banned from say dayz SA and arma 3 that would cost me about 80 pounds, i would not fork that money out willy nilly so i think the time is right to raise the price tag of the game. Anyone who is interested in helping with the development should already have the game by now so the only 'extra' copies it is selling now is to hackers imo.

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Pacific although i do agree with you it does not have much to do with the original post.


If i was hacking and i got global banned from say dayz SA and arma 3 that would cost me about 80 pounds, i would not fork that money out willy nilly so i think the time is right to raise the price tag of the game. Anyone who is interested in helping with the development should already have the game by now so the only 'extra' copies it is selling now is to hackers imo.

The game is still selling at almost the same speed as it has been all along. There are not 10's of thousands of hackers rebuying the game every day.

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Are you just kissing ass, acoastalhero? In its current state I would feel bad asking friends to pay the same for this as a full retail game, they would soon ask me why I made them do that. £20 seems fine until the full release, or at the very least until alpha is over.

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In its current state I would feel bad asking friends to pay the same for this as a full retail game, they would soon ask me why I made them do that. £20 seems fine until the full release, or at the very least until alpha is over.

Why did you have to be rude at the start, what the fuck is with the people on this forum.


Bunch of fucking negative idiots, i think i might start turning into pacific at this rate.

Edited by acoastalhero

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If I were a game developer, I'd have an anti-hack engine searching all your games for hacks, if it finds anything, your steam is banned from buying the game, unless it is not that bad, that case, u can re-buy your game or get suspended for a period. If you can make the engine sophisticated enough, DAYZ could track the website and inform them of it.

Technically, If they have any security, they could send them the hacks, web addresses so it could search for them!

FYI: I have no experience in this, some of it could be illegal, or beyond their control.

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If I were a game developer, I'd have an anti-hack engine searching all your games for hacks, if it finds anything, your steam is banned from buying the game, unless it is not that bad, that case, u can re-buy your game or get suspended for a period. If you can make the engine sophisticated enough, DAYZ could track the website and inform them of it.

Technically, If they have any security, they could send them the hacks, web addresses so it could search for them!

FYI: I have no experience in this, some of it could be illegal, or beyond their control.


There would be legal liability issues with extending the scope of any enforcement beyond their own EULA.

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BF3 was over a hundred dollars and hacks were everywhere.


I know very little about scripts but from my observations cheating is in every online game and will be for a very long time.


The dev's do their best to limit it but nothing is unhackable at least for the foreseeable future. You can either let it ruin your experience or get over it, it is you choice.

Edited by NexVentor
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How would people respond to a monthly subscription on top of the initial price? I.E. £20/$30 for the game, plus say...£3/$5 per month thereafter. Prices are up for discussion

Obviously this subscription fee should only be applicable after full release, but to maintain/improve server quality and encourage regular updates & content etc. etc.

I don't think DayZ could command the £12+ p/m other leading MMO's require, but an affordable sum which could act as a deterrent nonetheless.

Personally I'm a fan of subscription-based games, and loathe the F2P models out there - or rather, 'Play to Win'... And subscriptions do tend to bring a more mature audience. If this is a genuine attempt at creating a game which could evolve over time, I'd be happy for fork over X amount per month for an excellent gaming experience.

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How would people respond to a monthly subscription on top of the initial price? I.E. £20/$30 for the game, plus say...£3/$5 per month thereafter. Prices are up for discussion

Obviously this subscription fee should only be applicable after full release, but to maintain/improve server quality and encourage regular updates & content etc. etc.

I don't think DayZ could command the £12+ p/m other leading MMO's require, but an affordable sum which could act as a deterrent nonetheless.

Personally I'm a fan of subscription-based games, and loathe the F2P models out there - or rather, 'Play to Win'... And subscriptions do tend to bring a more mature audience. If this is a genuine attempt at creating a game which could evolve over time, I'd be happy for fork over X amount per month for an excellent gaming experience.

If I had to pay a subscription I'd fuck right the hell off.

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How would people respond to a monthly subscription on top of the initial price? I.E. £20/$30 for the game, plus say...£3/$5 per month thereafter. Prices are up for discussion

Obviously this subscription fee should only be applicable after full release, but to maintain/improve server quality and encourage regular updates & content etc. etc.

I don't think DayZ could command the £12+ p/m other leading MMO's require, but an affordable sum which could act as a deterrent nonetheless.

Personally I'm a fan of subscription-based games, and loathe the F2P models out there - or rather, 'Play to Win'... And subscriptions do tend to bring a more mature audience. If this is a genuine attempt at creating a game which could evolve over time, I'd be happy for fork over X amount per month for an excellent gaming experience.


Whoa, I didn't know John Riccitiello had a DayZ forum account. Don't you have some beloved game series you're supposed to be ruining or something?

Edited by Weedz
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Increase the price of this game?  There is nothing in this game.  Its still basically a running simulator with some guns, clothes, and broken stupid AI. 


There is so little content in the game it barely justifies $20 let alone an increase in price.  Remember we are paying to alpha test this game.  Most of the software companies out there have to PAY a QA team to test for them.  SA can get away with taking advantage of their customers like this because of the massive love of the mod and hype but there is a limit, even for DayZ.


The fact is the MOD is currently a much better overall game than SA as It actually has content and there is no way that anyone can justify SA in its current state out pricing the cost of buying Arma II and getting the MOD

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Increase the price of this game?  There is nothing in this game.  Its still basically a running simulator with some guns, clothes, and broken stupid AI. 


There is so little content in the game it barely justifies $20 let alone an increase in price.  Remember we are paying to alpha test this game.  Most of the software companies out there have to PAY a QA team to test for them.  SA can get away with taking advantage of their customers like this because of the massive love of the mod and hype but there is a limit, even for DayZ.


The fact is the MOD is currently a much better overall game than SA as It actually has content and there is no way that anyone can justify SA in its current state out pricing the cost of buying Arma II and getting the MOD

$30*. Rust is the one that's $20 and worth a damn.

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I've been saying it since this game started.


RAISE THE PRICE TO 70 bucks + introduce permanent skill trees. This way not only do scripters lose a lunch *at a semi good restaurant*, but they also lose the time it took them to level their character to use special weapon attachments, hunting and crafting skills and much much more. Hundreds and hundreds of hours invested before they are caught , down the drain

Edited by Highlander007

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Wait, I don't get it. Do we have a couple of devs in disguise here or just some people that are totally new to PC gaming?


"Increase the price + add a subscription - it will fix it." xD

Have you EVER played a game with subscription? Probably not, but let me tell you: there are hackers playing them aswell.


Increasing price? For what? The alpha is in super early stage, especially if you realize how much ideas and designs are copy-pasted from the mod and ArmA series. It even looks bad compared to other alphas out there. It kills me to say it but early versions of Infestation (WarZ) were better than this.

So did we at least get nice progress when it comes to releasing new content and patching gazillion of bugs in those last months? Nope.

Just more of the usuall talk about ideas they have.



tl;dr version

It won't fix a thing and in current state games isn't worth even 5$.






introduce permanent skill trees.


Go back to Skyrim and never come back.

Edited by Alsmir

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BF3 was over a hundred dollars and hacks were everywhere.


There are far less hackers in BF3/BF4 than in DayZ SA/Mod. I have hundreds (>300) of hours in each and every one of these games. I can count on one hand the number of times I have faced hackers in Battlefield. In the last two weeks I have seen multiple GROUPS of hackers in DayZ. We won't even start talking about mod. It seems like they just aren't scared of getting banned.

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Wait, I don't get it. Do we have a couple of devs in disguise here or just some people that are totally new to PC gaming?


"Increase the price + add a subscription - it will fix it." xD

Have you EVER played a game with subscription? Probably not, but let me tell you: there are hackers playing them aswell.


Increasing price? For what? The alpha is in super early stage, especially if you realize how much ideas and designs are copy-pasted from the mod and ArmA series. It even looks bad compared to other alphas out there. It kills me to say it but early versions of Infestation (WarZ) were better than this.

So did we at least get nice progress when it comes to releasing new content and patching gazillion of bugs in those last months? Nope.

Just more of the usuall talk about ideas they have.



tl;dr version

It won't fix a thing and in current state games isn't worth even 5$.





Go back to Skyrim and never come back.

Anyone lobbying for lower price of the game whilst already owning it is a scripting prodigy in my eyes. There is no other motive to push for lower prices since already a2 million people bought this game.

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Anyone lobbying for lower price of the game whilst already owning it is a scripting prodigy in my eyes. There is no other motive to push for lower prices since already a2 million people bought this game.

I can't get my friends to buy it even now, not when Rust is only $20.

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Rocket quitting the game after this year is just an omission of inevitable defeat under hackers. And so is turning keys of the car over to modders and private hives.

Edited by Highlander007
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I can't get my friends to buy it even now, not when Rust is only $20.

Rust is a bigger hack fest than Dayz mod and Cs 1.6 combined. They wasted their allowance money

Edited by Highlander007

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Rust is a bigger hack fest than Dayz mod and Cs 1.6 combined. They wasted their allowance money

They seem to be having fun over there.


Edit: And thanks for, you know, assuming my friends are children


Edited by Publik

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 For instance loot doesn't respawn, so many many servers are cleared of loot, yet there is a long timer to switching servers. So if you're a new spawn and actually need loot, log on a server that is empty in your area, you can safely assume the rest of the map has been looted as well. You're forced to server hop and endure the server switching timer to play.


You cant assume that, there is always loot. Specially now when every server is restarting like every 2 hours. After like 6+ hours the basic loot may get hard to find.

Thats just an excuse made for yourself to make server hopping "ok"... ofcourse every spawn area is clear of loot after like 10 minutes after server restart if the server is high pop, go inland. You are just ruining the game for yourself if you keep hopping when there is no loot when you get spawned in. The timer is not problem, problem is in players mindset.

Edited by Zeppa

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They seem to be having fun over there.


Edit: And thanks for, you know, assuming my friends are children


It was a safe bet and you're welcome

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I've been saying it since this game started.



Wait, wut.

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