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Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

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The way the zombie spawns are to random and breaks the immersion. We should be able to scout an area, count how many zombies, and decide if we want to conserve ammo and sneak around, or waste ammo and risk our life to clear the area for a few minutes(give the zombies a 5 minute revival timer).

example of what i experienced.

-My buddy and I were checking out this hospital when we saw 2 armed players. So we decided to take them out, Knowing their was a few zombies around, we scouted and decided it was possible to do this. We managed to kill one of the players, but the other took off running. As this was happening zombies came sprinting at us(as we expected) so we started to fire and kill them. But zombies were spawning everywhere, 4 zombies turned into 20 zombies. They kept spawning until we ran out of ammo and were dead.

So basically guns are useless again zombies, because they will just keep spawning until you are out of ammo. You cant rely on scouting, they will just spawn more. Game is great, but this is really the only gripe i have with it. This also happens in small areas as well.

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Yes. This is a ridiculous problem to have, but it IS a problem.

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relog with zombies on you is the only way to deal with this problem at the moment

if they fix relog with zombies on you the game will break

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This is something that definitely needs addressing, one barn three zombies, on killing the last zombie, about twenty or so spawn from nowhere and completely fuck us!

Closing doors did no good as the newly spawned magic zombies just teleported right through them :D

Yes yes i know alpha blah blah :P

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That's ok, but the problem is that static Zeds, or spawning Zeds from further distance is that it will increase a lot the Zed count and that will decrease the server performance.

Probably a lot

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I thought this was supposed to be fixed, I guess not because our groups are having the same problems although we do manage to kill all the zombies off, it probably has something to do with the SAW we have on our team, damn that gun is loud.

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Given the limited zombies available in 1 server this is the only way to make zombies an actual threat.

If you wanted to get more realistic, then Cherno would have 100's of zombies, not just a few stumbling around.

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This is like the only thing that I don't like about the current version.

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You wanted to PvP and the zombies in the zombie game got in the way.... how terrible.

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Hmm, I'm not too sure. I was at the NWAF yesterday and I was picking off zombies from the control tower to waste my enfield ammo so I could take the AKM, then around 30 of them just swarmed the control tower. After I'd killed them all, none respawned for a good 5 minutes.

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How many times in zombie films/TV programs will an empty street/building suddenly become full of zombies once the character does something? The answer is a lot because that is where the tension comes from, the unexpected (albeit expected by the viewer) appearance of a deadly zombie at close quarters.

Also game limitations mean you can't have thousands of zombies at a time thus more spawn when needed, plus since there are almost always players in cherno/elecktro they could kill of all the zombies in minutes and with your suggestion they wouldn't be replaced by new spawns. Thus there would be no zombies and only deathmatch how is that for immersion breaking.

I can understand people annoyed by mass zombie spawns at barns but at the hospital in the major cities, give me a break, that should be zombie central.

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Too often i've seen zombies in towns instantly re-spawning after taking bullets to the head. With 2-3 other mates of mine, we fight off a small group of zombies, then a larger group comes, and alright fair enough we just aggro-ed the entire town, we'll just camp in this building and pick em off one by one. After that ofcourse, we find our selves facing another horde of about 20-30 zeds after clearing the first lot and think ok so they just respawned, great. Starting to get low on ammo popping theses zombies off one by one seems to bee creating a chain reaction of zombie spawns around the town and find that for every zombie we kill another 1 or 2 spawns instantly until we get swarmed from all angles by another load of 30 zeds. I'm talking small scale towns towards the middle-ish. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the number of people near-by, as it may being taking into account number of zombies according to number of players in area, or a respawn cycle for how many players are in the area. For example: 1 person in the area, clear town and no respawn after killing remaining zeds. 2 people in the area, clear town and 1 respawn cycle directly after to simulate 2 lots of groups for 2 people. Not sure if thats by any length true or accurate, and sorry if i made no sense at all. This is based off personal experience.

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well I'll add a small story on this thread.

3 guys well armed go into a barn.....

we kill 2 zombies....there were 4 outside.

Suddenly all hell breaks loose...

when we escaped into the forest with 4-5 of em behind us we had already killed more than 60-70 zeds.....

gimme a break here...it was just a freaking almost empty barn with 4 zombies how did it turn out this way.

anyway twas fun though :p

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You wanted to PvP and the zombies in the zombie game got in the way.... how terrible.

Read harder..... I dont mind zombies getting in the way.

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I think that zombies should populate as they do now (when you get near town) but should not spawn after the initial until you leave the town and it is unoccupied. Loot should do the same. Theoretically you could clear a town to loot it (though you'd use a lot of ammo) or at least not have to worry about Zeds spawning all up in your business all day...

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You wanted to PvP and the zombies in the zombie game got in the way.... how terrible.

Raiding a barn isn't PvP.

Unless nobody told me you can start as a barn upon character creation. Can we get that added to the game? I've played enough of Male and Female. I want to try some time playing as a Barn. Just to see how it is.

(In all seriousness, though, I haven't actually run into this problem yet. But I have seen it happen to others first hand, and it's a pretty cheese'd way to go. Infini-spawns are never fun.)

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Agreed. Increase spawned zombies as a solution when initially entering a town to keep it challenging, but having more spawn out of nowhere is unrealistic. Zombies in the town should only be pulled to the shooter and give a decent cool down after all are dead. Clearing a town for 10 mins should be hard but possible. I refuse to think 1 barn had 30 farmers working it. Edit- make zombies more powerful but only to the amount of them first spawned. No pop ups 30m away- trust me they will still be feared. I wish there was wandering hordes in the woods from time to time. They just aimlessly walk in a pack looking for survivors.

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Agreed. Increase spawned zombies as a solution when initially entering a town to keep it challenging' date=' but having more spawn out of nowhere is unrealistic. Zombies in the town should only be pulled to the shooter and give a decent cool down after all are dead. Clearing a town for 10 mins should be hard but possible. I refuse to think 1 barn had 30 farmers working it.


I read somewhere that the village type / small town areas spawn way more zombies that intended. A bug turned feature that is being evaluated.

I hope to see a HUGE increase of zeds in the city areas, and some zed speed reductions / new types of zeds to make the cities unforgiving and claustrophobic as hell (In my opinion they should be that way)

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Ahhh good to see our experience (as posted in the patch thread in Announcements) is NOT the normal. Getting really old to go into towns that should have had a MAX population of 50 people, and have have to fight off a city like horde of zed

Seems like Zed spawing is still off. Me and 2 friends raided Gorka and Dubrovka.

Dubrovka was fine... got some zed aggro in Long Wood barn...shot them and then about 10 more came to check out the noise. Then all was clear for us to check out log barn and stable. That seemed right...

But Gorka...we snuck into Stable with no aggro. Zeds spawned in while there. Went into log barn and shot two zed in barn... about 10 buddies came to check out the noise...fine. Went to the thrid Big two floor barn and shot two zed.... then about 20-30 zed came to check out noise... we looted the bodies and one zed outside aggro... 20-30 MORE zed came in. Then we went outside and zed had respawned again...20-30 MORE zed. Jezze... finally we snuck down to big Log barn just across the street. Killed two zed in barn.... 20-30 MORE zed came... as we left 20-30 more zed came...

Seems some towns the spawn rate is good...and others its just fucking insane!!! I mean really... Gorka was a bit much.

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the engine is limited and the game cannot just spawn 6.000 zombies around.

If there was no limit, they would spawn about 150+zeds PER town. Since they cannot do it, they spawn in parts.

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Ahhh good to see our experience (as posted in the patch thread in Announcements) is NOT the normal. Getting really old to go into towns that should have had a MAX population of 50 people' date=' and have have to fight off a city like horde of zed

But Gorka...

Seems some towns the spawn rate is good...and others its just fucking insane!!! I mean really... Gorka was a bit much.


Pusta is the same kind of HELLHOLE zombie factory as Gorka haha.

One of my favorite towns is Vybor (because I found a bicycle there).

In the center, a street between a school and general store, there is little to no activity from the zeds. The area around it filled with small houses... it absolutely crawls with zeds...kind of odd but a nice shell of hostile player detection.

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Ahhh good to see our experience (as posted in the patch thread in Announcements) is NOT the normal. Getting really old to go into towns that should have had a MAX population of 50 people' date=' and have have to fight off a city like horde of zed

But Gorka...

Seems some towns the spawn rate is good...and others its just fucking insane!!! I mean really... Gorka was a bit much.


Pusta is the same kind of HELLHOLE zombie factory as Gorka haha.

One of my favorite towns is Vybor (because I found a bicycle there).

In the center, a street between a school and general store, there is little to no activity from the zeds. The area around it filled with small houses... it absolutely crawls with zeds...kind of odd but a nice shell of hostile player detection.

LOL Yep.... me and one other mate got cornered in the Orange apartment in Pusta Saturday ....took out wave after wave of Zed. The hallway was literally waist deep with Dead (finally) Zed.... wish I woulda taken a screenie!

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I dont mind it in huge towns, but the really small towns and isolated buildings is a bit much.

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Ive noticed that the radius of the aggro is inconsistent. Sometimes the rifles wont aggro zombies 30 feet away, but other times it gets aggro 125 feet away.

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This is the alpha, I'm certain they'll have different methods developed in later versions. Zed population relative to area / survivors. Maybe some progressive levels of threat (i.e ridiculous amounts of noise and sudden drop in zombie population results in server spawning excess zombies outside the area where no players are and sent way-point into the town, base, etc. Audible queues maybe... distracted by game, nvm.

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