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Unlimited zombies, limited ammo.

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I think it is okay as it is right now. In any kind of town, when you shot a zombie a horde should spawn (come out of their hiding spots/come into town from the outskirts) and come after you. Does not mean you have to try to kill this horde. You should not be able to 'see' every single zombie IMHO, you should feel like you are getting swarmed in a town.

It is fairly easy to lose zombies now so having them spawn when your in a town makes sense to me. Run and hide in a building or fight off the horde as you see fit, always remembering to leave a back way out.

When you are done fighting zombies in the middle of a town run into the woods where the zombies are not flocking too. Once in the woods any zombies you have not lost can be shot without fear of aggro-ing another horde as you are no longer in the area where zombies are swarming to in large numbers.

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Use a combination of stealth and speed, always aim for the head, and your problem should be resolved. Of course their going to come back, that's why you don't squat for long on a loot location you just cleared.

I both sneak, and run between buildings in major cities, such as Elektro, and Cherno. Provided you find a weapon with a few mags, you should be able to play pretty much however you want. You'll probably never going to have more than 30 zombies swarming you alone, which also happens to be a popular magazine bullet count. Aim for the head with your iron sights.

I have dumped too many hours into this mod, and I have come close to dieing a lot, every time I think I'm going to die I normally end up rebounding with lucky loot, and coming back even stronger. For example, this morning I was down to three rounds in a crummy pistol.. and was served up an MP5 with one mag, which was like Christmas, that's 30 zombies i can kill, which should mean your good to go for awhile, in less of course your just not doing it right. :)

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I don't like zombies spawning out of no where, but I don't mind them spawning out of sight. It's creepy as hell when a zombie just comes out of a shed or something and you didn't see it so you have to adjust your strategy.

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1. According to the 1.7.2 forthcoming release notes, item clean-up/server performance is suppose to be dramatically improved (50%), which could afford more zombies/players/whatever.

2. If you are with a group and inside a building, try having one or two players use a hatchet to take out the Zed's while the rest cover them with fire arms. We do that and find we can take out all/most Zed's with the hatchet and reserve our ammo that way. Since the Zeds only walk in buildings careful use of the hatchet can clear them out without getting hit by the Zeds. Of course, one of your team mates needs to be standing ready with medical assistance in the event a swing is mistimed, but such are the risks during the Zombie apocalypse...

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Agree with point that you shouldnt see all zeds in a town...and firing will bring the horde...

But really....120-150 zeds a some small farming town? And in Wave after wave (we would get 30 killed, go to walk outside and 30 more zeds would already be around the barn).

I also have to agree with the poster that said that the aggro range is HIGHLY inconsistent. In Soli my bud was using the Zed Trumpet (Enfield)...and I watched as zeds a street away didnt aggro to the sound. But in Gorka One shot with the enfield brought the whole town in on us (as it should be).

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Fire gun in one of 3 largest cities in game. Rage when zombies from other parts of the town come check out the noise.

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agree with Op

Z respawn cooldown timer needs to be pushed out to at leat double whatever it is now

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try shooting the last few Z's with your pistol/less sound(shooting in buildings also) less distance aggro. or flee into the woods or were they not spawn. kill the rest there.

i managed pretty good so far with this methods..

the respawn timer is still too short, agree with that.

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spawn more zeds in big cities ie cherno and electro, decrease the spawn rate and amount in small towns and villages. Have hordes of zombies in the country side that might be moving to a new city because there is no food or what ever. random single zombies in forests that might have got lost. if zombies get alerted by you they are quicker so there is no chance of running from them unless you lose them by losing them ie trees, hills, buildings. make crouch running quieter so they have to be with in 2 metres or so to hear it. having a ghillie suit makes you impossible to see prone in grass so if a horde walks past you even over you you can hide. this might help the zombies be a bit more threatening making them harder to get away from but if you are smart you can get away. ability to lock doors or baricade them could give time to devise a plan of excape/attack. barricades get dammaged by zeds but last long enough depending on how many zeds are at the barricade.... blah blah blah i have heaps of ideas now lets hear all the troll dis my ideas because its not realistic or what ever.

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Just so people are aware, Zombie spawns are triggerd by the players proximity to buildings. The Building type is what dictates the zombie spawn amount. Also afaik, Zombies are client side, being spawned by the first player to enter the spawn zone around a building.

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>go into a barn with a friend

>kill 5 zombies inside and a few that aggro from the outside

>continue your journey

>50 meters away from the barn, accidentally aggro a few zombies

>run back into the barn; its fully occupied by zombies

>they spawned back in ~1 minute

>kill over 9000 zombies


>in a cowshed at the edge of Novy Sobor

>kill a few zombies at the end of the building

>go to the other end of the building to loot stuff

>go back the the other side

>all the zombies are back in less than a minute

>shoot the zombies

>the whole place aggroes onto us

>shoot massive amounts of zombies because they spawn 30m+ away from us, still hear the gunshots, and spawn as fast as we can kill them

So yeah, the zombie spawns are not very logical at the moment. Unless you have a silent weapon with you the looting can be a real pain in the ass... Its not really fun to loot a building for a few new mags just to discover that you just shot zombies worth of 10 mags at the door. Nor is it fun to kill hell lot of zombies just so they can spawn back when you walk to the other end of a building.

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I agree, personally, that this is an issue.

I feel zombies should only respawn once the people in that area have left the vicinity, and not when someone approaches randomly

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Yeah, the zed spawn rate seems a bit unbalanced. They seem to pop up within a minute and they just keep coming if you do end up shooting a zed.

I watched a survivor through my binoculars yesterday agro ~4 zeds outside the barn north of Zelenogorosk. I literally watched this guy do nothing but shoot zeds one after another with his shotgun for about 10 minutes. He probably dropped about 25-35 of them before he took off running from a mob. I mean, really? This was a barn in the countryside! The stupid thing is, immediately after he ran off, I approached the barn and guess what. 3 zeds outside + 2 inside. This was less than a minute after this dude went on a shooting spree less than 100m outside in the feild. Where are these zeds coming from?

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A buddy and I scouted a grocery store, saw only about 10 zeds in the surrounding area and decided that we'd be able to take all of em on inside the store since we both had AK's with 4 mags each.


60 zeds, two blood transfusions, a morphine, and a still broken leg later we learned that zeds simply give no fucks about walls, doors, nor barbed wire since they just sauntered right through all of em. If realism is the goal of this game, the zeds need a serious amount of work to meet that goal.

My complaint isn't that we got swarmed by zeds because we fired our guns, but rather that the zeds walk through walls and surfaces like fucking jesus.

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Cause I think the concept is to kill enough to clear a path out, and then guess what.....GTFO!!!

Remember, you can shake the infected off your tail now.

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