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Anyone else hide weapons to prevent others from looting them?

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Today I logged into Svetlo on Experimental and the town was unlooted. Knowing how bone dry experimental servers are for loot, I proceeded to loot the whole town. I found two mosins, an SKS, and a sportster, and hid all but one in some bushes, solely so others couldn't get them and use them against me. I felt guilty doing it, but if someone picks up that other mosin, they're going to compete with me for finding ammo, or they're going to shoot me in the head with it. Also, if no one picks it up, they are visibly less of a danger to me since I can easily see they don't have a gun (whether they have ammo for it or not).


I also do the same at military bases. I'm just wondering how common this tactic is.


I always hid weapons that i find, if i have already one but i always check bushes near houses already looted :D

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Tonight, I hid every garden hoe I could find.. Because


5_bIcC3o1t4Uzehn.jpg  5_bIcC3o1t4Uzehn.jpg  5_bIcC3o1t4Uzehn.jpg  5_bIcC3o1t4Uzehn.jpg  5_bIcC3o1t4Uzehn.jpg



Edited by lrish
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It doesn't make any sense (except maybe on the coastline with lots of fresh spawns, at least if there weren't other equipped players out there). The chances of other players already having guns to begin with are high, as they obviously aren't all fresh spawns and you can't hide all the weapons out there. It probably doesn't even stop them from finding weapons. Also, you're exposing yourself greatly when picking up every gun or military loot you see rather than just a quick glance to pick out the stuff you need. You're WAY better off just trying to be as aware of your surroundings as possible and looting as efficiently as you can. That and it's extremely dickish...

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I never hide weapons. First of all, I don't bother to do it, and secondly, I think other players have the right to survive too. I don't leave ammo hanging around though. Yesterday I saw a guy in Rify, and asked does he need anything. Then we went to the deck and I saw Amphibia S. I called that guy over there and pointed the weapon. Then I gave him some ammo.

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I hide weapons in the no-loot houses. Maybe someone new who searches everything has found one of them. Never know.

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If I have time, I try to hide weapons too. It's a good tactic. Dickish is killing freshspawns, not minding your own business.

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Anyone else hide weapons to prevent others from looting them



No, but I do shoot on sight all geared people I see close to military and now police bases

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So why are you playing DayZ? To socialise? The core mechanics are about a grim Fight for survival, not hello zombie online.


Some people play to survive the zombie apocalypse, for some people it means something different than others.  I like the thrill of encountering other people, hell just seeing someone in the distance gets the blood flowing.  Some people think everyone should group up and work together, others would rather solo, and others would rather build farms while dodging zombies.  There's no one right way to play the game.

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This is not only entirely pointless, but a pretty sad move.




I dont get it.. what makes him  using this tactic so "sad"?


Is it sad the fact that it is so HARD for you now to find a gun because some guy outsmarted you?





 By far the worst part of this is the way you screw others over at of fear.



Oh so now your agenda comes out....


Your mad that a player is smart enough to use a tactic like this and it makes it harder for little ol you to find a gun....


I'm just curious why you think he should be worried at all about whether he "screws over" some random survivor that would kill him in a sec?




Just as a side note, you shouldn't be scared to die,as eventually you will regardless of how careful you are. So don't go over board trying to do strategic stuff, it won't matter in the end when you break your legs on stairs or something.

Also sorry if I am a little harsh, but your actions just blow my mind.



Yeah the OP really shouldn't be worried about that little thing called perma-death...



He should probably just run up to you and let you head shot him  right? That would probably be a better tactic.

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its pretty sad because theres alot of places people don't look for weapons ammo but they are in fact there. It's not just military bases and piano houses.


And theres always something there in those places even in towns near the coast where everything has been looted (or so you'd think)

Edited by Duenan

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Nah its not a dick move, its a tactic.


I used to do it but cant be bothered anymore. Nowadays all i do is hide LRS and ACOG :)



Kind of pointless hiding the ACOG... The ACOG pretty much sucks.


RDS's are much better for the M4 in its current state.

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No you are a dick. Just saying.



So why are you playing DayZ? To socialise? The core mechanics are about a grim Fight for survival, not hello zombie online.



The game is whatever you make of it....


There is NO right or wrong way to play...



I'm really getting sick of all these elitist douchebags saying "no no no you cant KOS that is wrong" or "no no no you cant just socialize and kill zombies, that is not what the game is about"




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No you are a dick. Just saying.

So why are you playing DayZ? To socialise? The core mechanics are about a grim Fight for survival, not hello zombie online.

Says the guy named Massacre. Thanks for telling everyone how to play (or not play) a sandbox game, brah. Cool moves.

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I dont get it.. what makes him  using this tactic so "sad"?


Is it sad the fact that it is so HARD for you now to find a gun because some guy outsmarted you?







Oh so now your agenda comes out....


Your mad that a player is smart enough to use a tactic like this and it makes it harder for little ol you to find a gun....


I'm just curious why you think he should be worried at all about whether he "screws over" some random survivor that would kill him in a sec?






Yeah the OP really shouldn't be worried about that little thing called perma-death...



He should probably just run up to you and let you head shot him  right? That would probably be a better tactic.




I think it's sad because it's a waste of time... There are SO MANY weapon spawns on any given map, that finding and hiding any weapons is unlikely to have any impact at all on whether you're going to get shot or not. The only time I could see this tactic being viable is right after server start, if you're the first one in a busy town (like Elektro), and you happen to find a weapon before another fresh spawn does.. 


note: non-fresh spawns (geared players), already have weapons... So the only person you're hiding it from is someone who likely isn't a threat to you unless you already have a weapon.



It's also kind of sad because IF you already have a gun, then you shouldn't be afraid of people with guns.. Because you should be able to out-shoot them. Personally, when I show up in a busy town, I am kind of hoping there are people around and I kind of hope they have guns, since I avoid shooting fresh spawns unless it's necessary, and I do enjoy a good gun fight. Much more sporting when you're shooting someone who can shoot back.

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And who is to say that fight for survival doesn't involve making friends with other players instead of killing everyone you see?

because i'm more interested in looting your dead body, than being your friend :)


i wouldn't risk getting backstabbed by some random "friend".

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I think it's sad because it's a waste of time...



It's his waste of time not yours...



Not sure why you are so concerned about how he chooses to "waste" his time or why that makes you get emotional enough to feel sad about it.




note: non-fresh spawns (geared players), already have weapons... So the only person you're hiding it from is someone who likely isn't a threat to you unless you already have a weapon.









They arent a threat because they dont have a weapon yet, you know the thing the OP is hiding that you say is a waste of time....








It's also kind of sad because IF you already have a gun, then you shouldn't be afraid of people with guns.. Because you should be able to out-shoot them. Personally, when I show up in a busy town, I am kind of hoping there are people around and I kind of hope they have guns, since I avoid shooting fresh spawns unless it's necessary, and I do enjoy a good gun fight. Much more sporting when you're shooting someone who can shoot back.


What are you going on about now...



Seriously?  your telling the OP he shouldnt be afraid of people with guns? When did armed players start not being a threat?



So just having a gun means you can "outshoot" someone? Does that make even a little bit of sense to you?

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Today I logged into Svetlo on Experimental and the town was unlooted. Knowing how bone dry experimental servers are for loot, I proceeded to loot the whole town. I found two mosins, an SKS, and a sportster, and hid all but one in some bushes, solely so others couldn't get them and use them against me. I felt guilty doing it, but if someone picks up that other mosin, they're going to compete with me for finding ammo, or they're going to shoot me in the head with it. Also, if no one picks it up, they are visibly less of a danger to me since I can easily see they don't have a gun (whether they have ammo for it or not).


I also do the same at military bases. I'm just wondering how common this tactic is.

Well, we do hide our guns in certain locations if one of us do die we can go to the location and pick up a weapon and get back to the team, so yes it is common in a way.

Edited by Lhatton14

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  I don't do this with weapons, but I have picked up a LRS before and tossed it later in an area it probably wouldn't be found.  Leaving a gun is one thing, setting up a sniper? That's a different issue to me.  Plus the LRS fits easily in my bag till I find a place to drop it.

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For those who do think it is dickish, do you hide someone's corpse after you kill them? Or leave it there so others can have gear too?

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I went at Green Mountain on a full server, jailhouse was unoccupied. Since I had no more space left, I tossed one of the new pistols that I found inside into the grass by the fake barracks. Ho-ho.

Edited by DontGoToBalotaAlone

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Waste of time and effort why try to hide something that will reset every 2-4 hours? Shouldn't you be doing something more productive with your virtual life?

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Only thing I do to discourage/fool other players that's out of the ordinary is close doors to make it look like buildings haven't been looted... when I just cleaned them out.


Not sure if this works or not. Always been something I've done.

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Nah its not a dick move, its a tactic.


I used to do it but cant be bothered anymore. Nowadays all i do is hide LRS and ACOG :)

Yea, Kind of an dick move there bud

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Considering the number of people that server-hop and farm for those weapons? No, not a dickish move at all, really.

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