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Zombies not dying since i updated! 22/03/2014 + What is your opinion on the speed of zombies being increased!

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Hi Guys/Girls!


I just updated my Dayz Standalone.


For some reason now i can not kill zombies... THEY JUST WONT DIE. I have recently died because of this, and so when i restarted i tried to kill again with a 'machete' this time, i hit and hit, and still nothing..


is anyone else experiencing the same problem? if so do you have any advice


Also the speed of zombies has been increased,i personally think it is a great idea, it has made zombies more of a threat, because lets be honest, they were more of an annoyance before.



Thank you for the help, if i get any!


King Regards



Edited by Aiirr1

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The machete takes a metric ass ton of hits to kill a zombie.


Seriously, thing blows.

Edited by GrappleX
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I used the pitchfork on 1, and it took 2 hits to kill it.

 As the new speed on "The Running Dead" makes it far more difficult to get supplies when your being zerg-rushed by  5-10 zombies at once

Edited by The Lone Survivor

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i like the new speed.  what i don't like is i can sprint and never need to stop.  but hey its alpha.  i think we should be able to just keep ahead of the Zed, until we are too tired to run anymore. then your dead. but by then we should be able to sneak and not attract aggro and hopfuly make it so its safer to be stealthy then just run through

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:18 PM, KaidenOZ said:

i like the new speed.  what i don't like is i can sprint and never need to stop.  but hey its alpha.  i think we should be able to just keep ahead of the Zed, until we are too tired to run anymore. then your dead. but by then we should be able to sneak and not attract aggro and hopfuly make it so its safer to be stealthy then just run through

I find it easier to sneak around a group of 5+ zombies that to attack with a pitchfork

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:17 PM, GrappleX said:

The machete takes a metric ass ton of hits to kill a zombie.


Seriously, thing blows.

 Ok thanks man, 


i guess a thought technically in reality a machete would tear a zombie apart!

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:28 PM, Aiirr1 said:

 Ok thanks man, 


i guess a thought technically in reality a machete would tear a zombie apart!

I think it's going to be fixed. Hopefully sooner than later. As for now, the axes, the farming hoe, and the pitchfork seem to be the best. 

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:18 PM, KaidenOZ said:

i like the new speed.  what i don't like is i can sprint and never need to stop.  but hey its alpha.  i think we should be able to just keep ahead of the Zed, until we are too tired to run anymore. then your dead. but by then we should be able to sneak and not attract aggro and hopfuly make it so its safer to be stealthy then just run through



These are the best weaposn to use on Zombies and with the hit counts:


1 Hit = Fire Axe

2 Hits = Splitting Axe / Pitch Forks / Farming Hoe

3 hits + more = Sickle, Crow Bar, Wrench, Fire extinguisher ( might be 2 hits, but cant remember ) Machete does work but I counted like 6 hits to kill a Zombie, when it was on the Exp Server.


These are on my own encounter with a Zombie(s) in 0.43 Patch and I know that works.

Edited by w00kie

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Zeds are dying fine on my end. Actually, just lured 2 to the beach and they died on their own.


In the last hour I've fire-axed more than a dozen.


Maybe its the machete your using as well as a touch of desync. JMO.

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The .22 Sporter is OFFICIALLY a piece of shit gun now since they increased the running speed of the zombies even when you have a few banana clips there still extremely resilient to the hail of fire you give them plus since it can attract zombies easier the gun is more bait than an actual weapon now.


The zombies need to be toned down allot this isn't a game like Street Fighter 2 Turbo. That logic shouldn't apply to a game like this. Instead make fat zombies that explode or something along those creative lines not this ubber speed increase crap.


Because of this buff you now only have 30 seconds or less to react to the zombies which is an unrealistic speed even if zombies somehow were real.

Edited by Deathlove

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:34 PM, Weyland Yutani said:

Zeds are dying fine on my end. Actually, just lured 2 to the beach and they died on their own.


In the last hour I've fire-axed more than a dozen.


Maybe its the machete your using as well as a touch of desync. JMO.





I think you may be right, because zombies were attacking me and theyw eren't even near me!

I'll try restarting and starting again

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:34 PM, Weyland Yutani said:

Zeds are dying fine on my end. Actually, just lured 2 to the beach and they died on their own.


In the last hour I've fire-axed more than a dozen.


Maybe its the machete your using as well as a touch of desync. JMO.

Watched one fall off a crane, and died


Watched another try to run at me, then fall into the water (I was on a concrete dock)


The Rest...fell to my 2-hit pitchfork,


what killed me...was a "Session Lost"

Edited by The Lone Survivor

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:36 PM, Deathlove said:

The .22 Sporter is OFFICIALLY a piece of shit gun now since they increased the running speed of the zombies even when you have a few banana clips there still extremely resilient to the hail of fire you give they plus since it can attract zombies easier the gun is more bait than an actual weapon now.


The zombies need to be toned down allot this isn't a game like Street Fighter 2 Turbo. That logic shouldn't apply to a game like this. Instead make fat zombies that explode or something along those creative lines not this ubber speed increase crap.


Because of this buff there on you now in 30 seconds or less which is an unrealistic speed even if zombies somehow were real.



I disagree, this change makes the game a lot more challenging, it makes survival harder!


Exploding zombies aren't realistic at all, and i think thats what is great about dayz, how real they make a zombie apocalypse seem!


I think many would agree

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yeah the fire axe is still king,  works great still.  people just need to adjust there aim for the new killzone. instead of just wildly swining for the kill,  circle walk them and time your swing so when it reachs the end f the strike,  the zombie is right in front.

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I love the new zombie speed. I don't get why people complain about it... You can still easily outrun zombies


The new animations and the jumping looks pretty cool too. The problem is just that the zombies sometimes jump through you, without dealng damage.

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:36 PM, Deathlove said:

The .22 Sporter is OFFICIALLY a piece of shit gun now since they increased the running speed of the zombies even when you have a few banana clips there still extremely resilient to the hail of fire you give them plus since it can attract zombies easier the gun is more bait than an actual weapon now.




Theres a headshot, theres a headshot, theres a headshot.....

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:40 PM, Aiirr1 said:

I disagree, this change makes the game a lot more challenging, it makes survival harder!


Exploding zombies aren't realistic at all, and i think thats what is great about dayz, how real they make a zombie apocalypse seem!


I think many would agree

Nether is zombies with UNREALISTIC SPEEDS. How the fuck do you even justify that statement?

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:42 PM, GrappleX said:

Theres a headshot, theres a headshot, theres a headshot.....

Theres that if you can even react fast enough lol.

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:43 PM, Deathlove said:

Nether is zombies with UNREALISTIC SPEEDS. How the fuck do you even justify that state


Each to their own i guess,


you think the speed is unrealistic, but personally i think that a zombie running at you at that speed is more realistic and more exciting!

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:45 PM, Aiirr1 said:

Each to their own i guess,


you think the speed is unrealistic, but personally i think that a zombie running at you at that speed is more realistic and more exciting!

Zombies are not realistic period so any attempt to try to rashly and realistically place them as such is pretty much no.


I dont mind a speed increase but they need to be dialed back a shit tone. Maybe a tad faster than before but nothing this fucking radically game breaking.

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:47 PM, Deathlove said:

Zombies are not realistic period so any attempt to try to rashly and realistically place them as such is pretty much no.


I dont mind a speed increase but they need to be dialed back a shit tone. Maybe a tad faster than before but nothing this fucking radically game breaking.


Yeah i suppose so, fair comment

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  On 3/22/2014 at 9:47 PM, Deathlove said:

Zombies are not realistic period so any attempt to try to rashly and realistically place them as such is pretty much no.


I dont mind a speed increase but they need to be dialed back a shit tone. Maybe a tad faster than before but nothing this fucking radically game breaking.

The speed increase is fine, its way better, imo then how slow they used to be. You can still out run them....perhaps youre carrying 2 weapons? If so, its time to choose which one you actually need.

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Dude, the fact that they are zombies is already unrealistic....I don't see how you can bitch about !ZOMBIES! beeing not realistic -.-


Be a man. They die fine to axes, and bullets. The zombies are there to be a challenge, imo they should become even stronger/more.

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  On 3/22/2014 at 10:12 PM, Buffaloe said:

Dude, the fact that they are zombies is already unrealistic....I don't see how you can bitch about !ZOMBIES! beeing not realistic -.-


Be a man. They die fine to axes, and bullets. The zombies are there to be a challenge, imo they should become even stronger/more.

I think some of the zombies should be able to run fast like that but it should be completely RANDOM. So you will have the normal one like from previous patches than every once in a while you'll get a cracked out super version.

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