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TIL: Never ever trust anybody, no matter how nice they seem

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Lil' story time


So after getting all geared up at NWAF, I decided to roam around map for a bit and hunt bandits. Sadly I didn't encounter any bandit but unarmed/melee madmen who charged at me. After some time I was getting low on ammo so I decided to take a trip to NEAF and see upgraded Svetlo.


In Solnichy (I think it was it) it began. I've met two guys. One had a sporter with no ammo. I dropped him some rounds but they glitched thru floor. I then asked if they wanted to join me, they did. We ran off east, sadly the unarmed guy got lost. We looted a town or two, I gave him pretty much everything we found.


We arrived to Berezino and headed to construction site. As we entered, somebody shot at the guy. He said he was low on blood so I gave him saline bag. There we also found the lost guy who joined us. We went to office building and found B95. At the ground floor, I fought some zombies. Sadly, the lost guy ran into my axe and I killed him accidently. Then in piano house, I asked the guy that's left to guard me for a minute as I had to pee. The moment I stood up he quickly stabbed me few times with his hoe.


Lesson learned.



after saving some guy's ass, helping him out and answering questions I get paid with hoe in the back.

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This is old news if you've fought on the Chernarussian battefileld for long enough.

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after saving some guy's ass, helping him out and answering questions I get paid with hoe in the back.


Woah. Usually it's the ho who gets paid. That's deep.


I generally trust no one I meet, because most people are arseholes. Met this one guy when looting a firestation and, being friendly, I told him "think this place is cleared out, mate, I've not found anything". "Ah, right, cheers mate" he says.


Not 20 seconds later, when I'm leaving the firestation, he runs at me with a hatchet. I manage to kill him with my hatchet first, but not before taking a couple of hits.


That's the last time I consider anyone to be friendly, or even non-aggressive. 

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So you met 2 guys, killed one of them, and then are surprised when his friend kills you ...?

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So you met 2 guys, killed one of them, and then are surprised when his friend kills you ...?

He wasn't his friend, it was a random guy. And it was accident, he saw it.

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Next time when you say you're going to afk, have your gun up and wait for a few minutes with your back to a wall and if they come at you, shoot.

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I dont give anyone the time of day anymore. My cousin and I have both been tricked and killed. I KoS if you look armed. Bambies I'll let go. If you're really close to me then I'll fight but, if you are far off I'll sit and watch to see what's up before I make my move. It's a fun game.

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Day Z requires a different set of social skills. Some people can be trusted, others can't. It takes time to build up trust. You're first mistake was offering someone you didn't know ammo for a gun he was carrying. Even though it was a .22...that's putting a lot of trust into someone you had just met. I offer food and water to people I just meet that seem friendly, but never anything that can be used to put me in danger. Then there is a feeling out process. It takes time.


Treat others like a loaded gun. Keep a bit of distance, and always be cautious and on guard until you feel they can be trusted. If you run into someone and immediately trust them because they didn't outright try to hurt you then maybe you should reconsider your idea of trust.


Cheers and stay safe!

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Next time when you say you're going to afk, have your gun up and wait for a few minutes with your back to a wall and if they come at you, shoot.

this idea is genius. Why did i not think of this before.

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The same thread over and over. If you start mistrusting everyone because of one or even a few bad situations, you a) don't know shit about people, and b) are maybe a whiny, overly trusting idiot, and c) will become one of those KoS-assholes you did not trust in the first place.

All BS. Play the game as you see fit, mind that most other players are jerks, and move on.

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Lil' story time


So after getting all geared up at NWAF, I decided to roam around map for a bit and hunt bandits. Sadly I didn't encounter any bandit but unarmed/melee madmen who charged at me. After some time I was getting low on ammo so I decided to take a trip to NEAF and see upgraded Svetlo.


In Solnichy (I think it was it) it began. I've met two guys. One had a sporter with no ammo. I dropped him some rounds but they glitched thru floor. I then asked if they wanted to join me, they did. We ran off east, sadly the unarmed guy got lost. We looted a town or two, I gave him pretty much everything we found.


We arrived to Berezino and headed to construction site. As we entered, somebody shot at the guy. He said he was low on blood so I gave him saline bag. There we also found the lost guy who joined us. We went to office building and found B95. At the ground floor, I fought some zombies. Sadly, the lost guy ran into my axe and I killed him accidently. Then in piano house, I asked the guy that's left to guard me for a minute as I had to pee. The moment I stood up he quickly stabbed me few times with his hoe.


Lesson learned.



after saving some guy's ass, helping him out and answering questions I get paid with hoe in the back.

Not everyone is like this. Yesterday i met a guy that got scared and hid behind some stuff at one of the supermarkets. Offered if he needed any ammo or guns. But he didnt reply so i assumed he was in combat mode so i said im not in the mood to fight and im just going to head out on my way. I left him and never had the problem of backstabing or anything like that. Its best just to offer food or items and than leave. Sometimes when you have ppl stay is when things can go wrong.

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