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One word

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I recently posted with the same title. The text was one word "sewers". Now I thought that was all that needed to be said but apparently certain moderators (who will remain un-named) require more verbiage. So here you go and I hope that the additional verbiage is satisfactory. I thought that I would save some time and simply state the idea with the one word "sewers", allowing the imagination of the readers to fill in the rest...my bad. 


Sewers that run under the cities. Dark grimy tunnels that may or may not harbor zombies. Pitch black caves that will give your character some use for that flashlight they foist into everyone's hands when they spawn. I thought one word would sum all of this up and save time but clearly the imaginations of some require prodding.

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This is a slightly better post.  I mean seriously,


'Wtf is he talking about?'  I want soysauce to be used with my cooked rice (I'd love it to be my particular brand but don't think I'd find Aloha Shoyu in a post Soviet Republic, which is why I'm looking into purchasing 55 gallon drums to take with me when I travel, and Kikumon just sucks, It. Just. Sucks.  It's the crap we give to tourists that don't know any better.)  If I don't have my Aloha Shoyu (sometimes I just straight up drink it, which might be one of the reasons for my high blood pressure) I get more Kill on Sightish.


Alright back on track, I mean what do you expect from just saying 'sewers'.  There's open ditches on the side of the road in some places that are considered a 'sewer'.  Hell we have sewers in Hawaii and they're not exactly made for people to pass through them.  Not all sewers are going to be the large labyrinths that are under New York or Paris.  Hell they might even have septic systems in the major cities instead of a dedicated sewer system, after all there's no water treatment plants that I can discern in the part of Chenarus that we play in and there are a lot of outhouses, even in the cities.


That aside, Rocket in the past has mentioned about wanting to add in exploreable sewers or some kind of underground, but that's down the road (if at all).

Edited by BigMike

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It's not a case of "Hurr we can't imagine what a sewer would be like", it's more like "Is this guy going to suggest something new related to sewers or is it just another thread that would contribute nothing to previous suggestions" like others have pointed out.


Anyway, sewers would be an interesting idea especially when/if bacterial infections become a big thing.

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Sewers would actually be really neat, maybe it will serve as another way of entering a city? Crazy mole-sewer people, coming up next!

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I think I may have posted in a thread about Sewers before, but oh well:


I like the idea of a sewer system. If you've ever played Resident Evil 2 on the PS1, a part of the game plays in the sewers - albeit a little short. I could imagine a few manholes around the city with some being wide open, and some requiring you to open it with certain objects or have an abandoned sewer treatment plant a little far away from the said city, where you can access the sewers from there. 


The sewers would require a flashlight, but I could imagine how startling it would be slowly exploring the sewers, hearing nothing but the sound of your footsteps, with the limited sight of what your flashlight will reveal. When you would hear the sound of screeching, turning and seeing a Zed sprinting full speed at you, or even worse, a group of survivors.

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So a high-risk (in terms of disease) alternate route through a city? I like it. 


I'd like to see a load of underground areas. Perhaps an old Soviet missile bunker full of military loot?

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