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Realistic Equipment

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I'd like a Ghille Suit that's realistic I.E. you can change the camo by collecting leaves or debris and adding it on so if you come across a dump.....oh hey trash ghille! this would also help in making camo for the mountains coast etc. If you're taking out a bandit or Hero depending on your style. But these Ghilles should be rare (the ones that you can change camo for) the other realistic ghille that'll be plentiful is green but the leaves and that sway in the wind look like actual plant matter etc. what do you guys think and should anything else be added?

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I think someone made a similar post, I think it would be cool to make your own camo (Adding branches/leaves to your balistic helmet and spray painting it etc).

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i've read the same topic just few hours ago  :o


It's probably the same topic, but with more branches and leaves.

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Oh I didn't know :O I haven't been on in a while sorry  :blush:

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Sounds like an awesome idea , I'd always rock the garbage camo, berry bush camo and sometimes the ever badass concrete camo,. Imagine standing up against a wall minding

Your own business and then getting knocked the fuck out by a man in wall camo? Dunno how one would make concrete camo but hell props on the garbage one at least haha.

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How about craftable ghillie suits , using hoodies and leaves from trees.

Some people might be wondering how will the leave stick to the clothes?

Implement tree sap. mining tree sap like collecting berries but you need certain items to mine it and other items to contain the sap once harvested.( pots could be used.) and a simple knife will allow you to get the sap.


The rain could cause the leaves to fall off same with ponds, lakes, rivers and the ocean.

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