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baird (DayZ)

love the aggresive zombies!

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i know right now there is a few bugs with zombies like bleeding every hit which kinda makes it hard to use a melee weapon and zombies chasing you down after you die and repawn but i think people should be more afrfaid of zombies then bandits...im even ready for hordes of zombies being backup to a wall fighting off tons of them with your friends....cant wait till they even add more zombies with all bugs fixed! but thats probably a ways off at least until we can build barricades and fortifie buildings

Edited by baird
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we can dream of a day when zombies cant teleport through walls lol

Edited by baird

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we can dream of a day when zombies can teleport through walls lol

so you haven't actually been playing?

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I love aggressive Zombies as well, but how can one loot to find food if Zombies are walking through walls and up stairs after you. If you run from them, you lose any chance of finding food, and with the new health system, you either die of starvation, or have a heart attack because you are not healthy. Not to mention all the damn zombies trying to kill you. Now you have zero protection from them. Fully geared guys are dying left and right because of Zombie wounds. Yeah, that's fun and all but, fix the glitches first then add 100 re-spawnable Zombies to each major town. Then we can all have fun.

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ya with all the bugs cleaned up with the zombies things will get better...i also hate how the respawn zombies can hear your bullets from 5 miles away

Edited by baird

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evade and lose the zombies or do loops to loot

I prefer zombies hearing you shoot it makes sense axes are great that way 8P

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its fine when zombies hear your bullets from like 400 yards but im not kidding i seen zombies running from miles

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Agreed! I <3 the respawn rate. I honestly would like more! But at the moment with the basic problems of Zeds walking threw walls and floors etc it needs a little more love on the quicker side for me to really enjoy it. It's more a frustration atm lol. The axe is your friend again!

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