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Spunkey Doodle

Modding Dayz

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i find it very funny how we started with a mod it got big now to make it better we make a standalone and then open it up to modding which will then return all the things we were supposed to be having the standalone for in the first place,


just makes the whole thing other than the mod a sales opportunity cash in and nothing else.


as soon as mods are out


first thing 1000 vehicle servers, pay to win donations yet again and super admin tools ftw ! so glad i back this sa its turned out just as i wanted :(



what majority of dayz players brought the SA for is to play the SA not the mod. we wanted the experience of survival without the exploits, the silly admin tools and all those things i listed above.


just a load sales talk to further the cash register.



best thing is next few replies will be dont play on those servers :lol:


well as with mod once those become more popular server owners then see money generated from buy as you win gear abd swop vanilla servers to them. so in the end you have 95 percent pay to win cause i need to cover my server costs :rolleyes: and 5 percent vanilla servers.


thus defying the whole point of making a standalone game in the first part.


You can't have it both ways, either most of the players want vanilla SA or most of the players want private modded servers. If the market is there for public-hive vanilla servers, this makes a clear place for BI or a third party to start up a subscription model, providing these servers to the people.


If, on the other hand, most of the players want more access to guns and vehicles... well... things aren't going to work out the way you want them to.

Edited by Valadain

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This is what you sound like :

I went to subway today to get my favorite sandwich. The man infront of me ordered a different sub. I got really pïssed because he didn't get the same thing as me, even though it didn't affect me in any way.

Yes, I went to the subway to get my favorite sandwich only to find out that they got rid of it because of those stupid teenage kids on their skateboards riding by and pickup the crappy kind of sandwichs.

Edited by Beck
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