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Patch 42.116181

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We can only hope that one day they start removing lag instead of adding more.


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They seem to have broken blood bags.  When my friends or I goto draw blood it says there's nothing left.

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yeah, zombies are a lot more dangerous.

also  saline bags are broken, it says, its empty or something like that.

Edited by DMentMan

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Zombie aggro is random. 

I had a zombie spot me from 100m when i was crouched and not moving. Few minutes later 2 zeds ~10m from me kept ignoring me even when I fired SKS next to them.

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I also seem to get worse FPS in big cities now... I know its ALPHA and hopefully in some time the game will run much smoother. Its a very important thing (optimization), not all of us have a monster PC and in system requirements it says that my PC should run this quite good. Its a slideshow in cities at the moment 12-20 fps...

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A new problem I found was a really odd one involving an animation bug. 
The server I was on lagged a moment for me and my friend, and then all of a sudden on our respective computers the other appeared to glide instead of walk, and be constantly switching weapons. 

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I also seem to get worse FPS in big cities now... I know its ALPHA and hopefully in some time the game will run much smoother. Its a very important thing (optimization), not all of us have a monster PC and in system requirements it says that my PC should run this quite good. Its a slideshow in cities at the moment 12-20 fps...


Sadly even users with quite good PC's have problems getting good frames in cities. I have i-7 4770K, 8GB ram, Radeon 7870 which I believe is far from weak PC and I struggle in Cherno / Elektro or Berezino. Have to put object details to low or very low to remain around 30 FPS which I hate, because game looks bad when I do so.


So yeah, I keep waiting for more optimalisations for better FPS. Rocket said something about "proxies" being problem in tows so I hope fixing that will yield more FPS.

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I also seem to get worse FPS in big cities now... I know its ALPHA ...


you might know ist called Alpha but...anyways...


Wont happen too soon. Optimizations like thins are useally happen at the end of alpha/start of beta. and or during those stages gradually on serverside/clientside.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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It was a bit of a shock, logging on and getting swamped by about 5 or 6 Zeds, only to not be able to swing my axe....

Luckily I had two sets of bandages and a shirt to rip up to stem the blood loss, plus a pistol and a hastily grabbed m4 with a 40 round clip.

It'll make the airfields a lot more interesting as they are so open so the Zeds can see you plus the seemingly rapid Respawning rate....

You'd think the great outdoors would be the best place to head to in a zombie apocalypse, it looks like the towns would actually be better... ;).

Also, I've either only just noticed this or are the airfield lights now lit up?


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Can't join any servers, get session lost then time penalties wtf lol

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I just tried (again) now on 21/40 server (most pop i could find), "wait for host" lasted 2 min, then ingame i saw 10 people get "signature check...." (aka sesion lost), tried to check my inventory "receiving..." on all items, 1 min passed then i get "sesion lost".

Edited by belphegor_goatzombie

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@BadAsh - Try reading the topics on troubleshooting section, there was some good info :)



I have been following and participating in all of those. Nothing has helped. It is obviously not a client side problem.

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