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I would like to see single player/co-op, but I would want it to be fairly simple (No roaming NPCs, just you (your friend) and zombies).  Can't really think of an objective, just spawn at the west edge of Kamenka and pretty much free form.  Maybe have it so that if you find a radio or repair a stationary one you might hear a broadcast saying 'We will be picking up survivors at Svetlo Harbor in (5 in game days from when you start).  This will be the last pick up for Chenarus."  If you want to 'win' you have to survive the 5 days (1:1 ratio time, with the possibility to sleep) and be at the Docks when the heli/boat shows up (would be the ONLY NPCs in game other than zombies).  If you just want to see how long you can survive you can ignore the boat pick up and just play.  There would be no loot respawn and limited Zombie respawn (just pulling numbers out of my ass here, but say 10k zombies spawn from start, only 50k more zombies would spawn in, and they would only spawn in outside of your bubble, so no clearing the map by setting up a machine gun in Cherno with a shit tonne of ammo).

I would make it so that you could (and possibly even NEED to) sleep in game, be more of a fast forward but could be interrupted (IE a zombie is smacking the shit out of you in your sleep or you hear a growl in the night), and you can't just run to Svetlo and 'sleep' for 3 days till the boat arrives.

Those ideas would make DayZ singleplayer one of the best zombie apocalypse game out there. I love Project Zomboid, DayZ, State of Decay, The Dead Linger, 7 Days to Die, etc. , but this makes me want to play it right now... :D


Thanks for sharing those ideas! :thumbsup:

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My Idea for single player is to make tutorial missions that give background to the apocalypse:


             The Tutorials are set right after the infection hit. Driving tutorial could involve the early days of the infection and driving to get to the airport in time(NPC in passenger seat to "teach you"), Firearm tutorial could involve finding a dead officer in the Chaos(you spawn on same street you don't actually have to find him) and grabbing his weapons and ammo. This could also be a "looting" tutorial. This would continue to actually shooting a zombie in the head.



            Moving ahead a lot, the final tutorial mission would be flying(if of course planes are implemented). It is now late infection, and a Cessna has been repaired at the Northwest Airfield. Your NPC buddy who has been teaching you how to survive is with you in this final mission.You slowly learn the mechanics of the plane and all it's features as you fly towards the coast, back to civilization and out of this hellish country. You finally get towards the water when *CRACK* a gunshot sounds from below. suddenly it is as if a hail-fire of bullets are coming to you. The plane starts heading towards the water.....everything goes quiet....you take one last look at your friend before you hit the water, and he does the same. *Darkness*. Your eyes slowly open. Finally you realized you have washed up back on the beach. Your friend is dead and now you are here to stay. *cut to DayZ logo*


So whatcha think?


First good single player suggestion I have seen. I've been here a while.


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Once the game itself is actaully difficult, then i'de be all for this. But no NPCs, just to useless to be anything but free gear.  They should lower loot spawn for it, though, and delete your body after death.


Why? Becuase there are times i want to play legit without having to worry about not being able to see the guy who is punching me becuase i Don't have my Gamma up, or not worry about using a flashlight becuase its going through walls, and don't mention hackers.

And then there are times i don't have internet connection.


Once zeds are done, the game won't be such a Pvp-only type anymore, anyway. Zeds will be your main threat, aslong as your in cities. It will be hard enough.

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Suggested before, but this just isn't the right type of game.


NPC interaction isn't the same as the unpredictability of a human.


"Hi I'm friendly"




So unpredictable...

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i would like to see a little evac scenario that explains why all freshspawns start on the coast.

its why they have to meet a evac ship on the coast. but this ship is crashed on the cliff( the ship wreck)

and the way to the coast could be the tutorial


rainy night, burning cars, helicopters, megaphone-repeats, zombies and a ship that never arrives.

cool intro i think^^

Edited by Kenny Kyle

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i would like to see a little evac scenario that explains why all freshspawns start on the coast.

its why they have to meet a evac ship on the coast. but this ship is crashed on the cliff( the ship wreck)

and the way to the coast could be the tutorial


rainy night, burning cars, helicopters, megaphone-repeats, zombies and a ship that never arrives.

cool intro i think^^

Look at my earlier post in the thread 

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i would like to see a little evac scenario that explains why all freshspawns start on the coast.

its why they have to meet a evac ship on the coast. but this ship is crashed on the cliff( the ship wreck)

and the way to the coast could be the tutorial


rainy night, burning cars, helicopters, megaphone-repeats, zombies and a ship that never arrives.

cool intro i think^^


Have you read the stories of DayZ called Survivors and Bandits? It's an e-book, sold on amazon. Well, I read the preview of 135 pages and it was freaking awesome. I want single player to be like that if anything.

Edited by SGT. Kalme

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Im just hoping they release dedicated server files to the public or atleast through steam.

I dont need a official singleplayer mode but it would be nice to host a game on my own server for me and my friends to fool arround. Dont want to pay for a server if i have one running that should be more than capable to handle the game for up to 10 players i guess.


I also heard modding will be available in the future as well, my guess would be there we will be single/mulitplayer quest stuff coming then from homebrew developers...

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Look at my earlier post in the thread 


nice. but this is the backstory of one survivor that have learn to fly and all stuff what he need...apocalypse? no big deal=boring. the players want thier own charackter in this scenario. the freshspawns are civilians and have not expect a zombieapocalypse. the first hours of an outbreak are the most dramatic.

and you cant sit in a plain when you will see the action part of this story. you must wake up in the middle of this apocalypse and have no idea what to do.

...my opinion. you must think like a new player of dayz and how awesome the first hours of the gameplay was.and how horrible a real zombieapocalypse would be when you will tell a story. and a intro can increase this feeling and work with it. please not a tutorial that tells me how to have fun with the game. just a little intro with a soundtrack that force me to learn the basics.

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I know I can't be the only one thinking it, and since I can't find a post on it in the suggestion forums, does ANYONE have any ideas for a possible single player? Does anyone even want a single player? POST IDEAS!!!!!!!

Offline mode would be cool. Just you, a quarter of the map, zombies, and starvation.

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The new Alien game has unpredictable AI. #Rekt

I was going to mention this but I got distracted. On a side note i'm very excited for when that game comes out!


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This is what the rocket said on a Question and answer forum on single player 

Q: I have to ask: Will there be a single player option with DayZ standalone? If so, will there be roving NPCs that function on a need->get kind of mentality to prevent them from starving to death?

A: Probably. But I am unlikely to work on that. Later once this is successful we might get a team to do that or we will open it up to the community.

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I see people on here saying no because AI is predictable, well I hate to break this breaking development but so are the humans that play this game.  Hey you, friendly don't shoot, they shoot every time.  Kind of boring now.  lost interest in the game, now its Call of Duty with a 20 KM map.  All you have to do now is add in kill streaks and UAV bombings and BAM!!!  lol

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I see people on here saying no because AI is predictable, well I hate to break this breaking development but so are the humans that play this game.  Hey you, friendly don't shoot, they shoot every time.  Kind of boring now.  lost interest in the game, now its Call of Duty with a 20 KM map.  All you have to do now is add in kill streaks and UAV bombings and BAM!!!  lol


Sure stupid people are predictable.

So you yell friendly and get shot over and over again. Wait, what was the definition of insanity?

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