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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

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Now, I love the new update. Still had a problem clipping through a wall in a building in Elektro, breaking my legs, having only melee weapons and getting slashed by zombies, but hey, it's early access alpha, so, I get it.

Now one thing many of us probably want: could you just implement simple bicycles? Please! Nothing fancy, doesn't have to be repairable and can easily break. Just put them at the Bambi Coast and into cities and make them a quite common item!

The logic behind it: we can get around faster and find bugs more quickly. I get that cars are supposed to be more detailed but less complicated to interact compared to the DayZ Mod. Sure enough and well, but bicycles would really make this alpha fun! I read over and over that people come here - and even make the effort to post - and only say "not enough new stuff, I'm out, see you in a month or so" and with the current bugs like falling out of buildings through the wall, it can be quite frustrating. I lost a fully upgraded M4 with pristine everything: flashlight, suppressor (yea, I know, didn't work yet), 60mag, scope, because I dropped it under a tree and I could not pick it back up. Then, all my gear was lost when I clipped and fell. I don't alter textures - not that this would matter....

Now, all these short frustrations are not that annoying because they are part of getting this game fixed to beta and gold. The frustrating part is that you have to run by foot for excruciating hours to get geared again. Please, stop this. Give us bikes. May they be buggy, may they break the moment you run into a zombie, even a bunny. I don't care. Just give us bikes!

Amen bro,just a temporary fix for alpha to move faster,i dont care if its just a black square that travels at high speed,but something

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Could of been worse, could of said like the surface of Uranus. 


  LOL. I spewed coffee through my nose when I read this one ...  

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Anyone else notice the zeds can hit you from really far away and you have to be standing literally on top of them to hit them with anything?

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"Alright I'm here to stress test the Experimentals!"




all servers all full and private "come on!"



On other news, this game could use a blond player model, and that awesome hoodie wouldn't hurt either...

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I just come off the Exp server UK 1, with the new patch. Seems good so far, was playing for 45mins straight no lag/desync/rubber banding.

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Have played for many hours with the new patch and here is my opinion thus far: (Hardcore Stable)


1. Zombies - Great work, much more difficult! I like that I can actually weave between buildings to lose them. I also like that gunshots draw them near!


2. 2Hand Animations - Yikes!  I like where the developers went with this but check out these two bugs:

 bug1: A 2handed FireAxe for example will take a long time to swing, but only the first couple times.  Then it bugs out and does a quick swing; but during this quick swing you can't get close enough to the zombies for them to take any damage.

 bug2: Zombies can rarely be hit these days, even though you will be as close to them as you can AND you target their head ( all while in 1st person view ).  Even the FireAxe wont hit them if you miss the first time.  If you Target the head, and you swing a weapon..... You should hit the head, no?


3. Rain / Damp Clothes - Just fyi ; If you log out of your server and changes servers with wet clothes; your characters message of "Soaked" will dissappear. Though the clothing still appears to stay wet.


All in all, I liked the updates! Thanks!

Edited by karmalious
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I would like to hear a statement to Stabel Regular branche please. Hardcore is fine for me too.

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"Alright I'm here to stress test the Experimentals!"




all servers all full and private "come on!"



On other news, this game could use a blond player model, and that awesome hoodie wouldn't hurt either...

I agree totally on the need for a blonde character model! I'm feeling discriminated against. About the hoodie though, those are in game. Just fyi.

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yeah the exp server is working good, no desync, no rubber, no disconnects. very nice work devs! thank you <3

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I was wondering why no one mentioned it before ... YEAAAAH ! :lol:

Because noone had time to type while sprinting? :lol:

The difficulty of the Zeds on experimental is OK, but they don't need to speed arround you in circles like crazy...

 Played the experimental branch with a friend. It took 2 hours before we met. Could have something to do with the fact that we died about 7 times before ;).

Sadly I wasn't able to loose Zeds in bushes or villages. Always took me less than a minute before 6 of them were howling behind me (until I met some other players :P ). 

Edited by Agilov
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can someone explain me pls this sentence here


Fix for severe lag/desync issue is in experimental now. We will test overnight and consider stable rollout Saturday (discussing with GSPs)

does that mean, if the hotfix runs good at experimental server, they will hotfix the stable on saturday, or that they ll discuss on saturday to hotfix the stables? sorry my english vocabular is not that good

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I agree totally on the need for a blonde character model! I'm feeling discriminated against. About the hoodie though, those are in game. Just fyi.

His hoody is a lot darker than the current "black" one in game. His kind of hoody would actually give some kind of camo in dark places

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Doesn't remove the fact that they finish work at 17:30

Lucky them :D

But Hicks demostrated us that he's more DEVoted to the community than to his dinner.

I really appreciated (again, I admit) his commitment to the game...this is not the first time he does more than what he should just to do it better.

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i finally could catch a server on exp which had a free slot: played for 1h till i starved (no surprise, I expected this since the chars were wiped for everybody) so basically all i did was running actually. I experienced rubberbanding once, ca. 10m. the zombies were chasing me like hell. it really was fun. and not bleeding after 1st blow was nice. i experianced no lag/desync whatsoever, but then again, as i said, i nearly didnt' had to open doors or pick something up. i found the mouse acceleration surprisingly good. not sure if that was overhauled, but i liked it. and the biggest surprise was the solid performance. supersmooth in berenzino and the woods. good work devs. now get dat fix to regular!

Edited by Stonejackit

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new experimental is just amazing! everything smooth on a full server even while with 6 people in sight around and massive zeds .... its puuurrrrrfekt :) no lags, no rubberbanding, no lost connection, no timeouts .... only thing they didn't patched were these damn KoSler -.- xD

played 2h on UK exp Hardcore

good fu**in job devs!! 

Edited by SMoOoVEeR
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yeah the exp server is working good, no desync, no rubber, no disconnects. very nice work devs! thank you <3


I was on for a few hours and it was much better, lost some frames near the police station in Cherno and a few places catching me out where I hoped there are no zombies waiting to jump me as the screen slowed down....

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Signed up just so I could echo the praise for this exp. update. It feels like a completely different game, managed to run from electro to svet along the coast, checking houses and killing zombies along the way and I experienced absolutely no lag, no desync, no rubber banding. The game itself definitely felt like its running smoother performance wise too!


The only issue I had was that aside from the axe I managed to find immediately after spawning, I found absolutely ZERO loot right the way up the coast, meaning I died of starvation soon after reaching svet. Oh well! Hopefully with this issue *fingers crossed* fixed, the survival/content updates should begin to roll in far smoother!

Edited by philjksn

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I was on for a few hours and it was much better, lost some frames near the police station in Cherno and a few places catching me out where I hoped there are no zombies waiting to jump me as the screen slowed down....

yeah got some framedropps too. but this is much better, than getting disconnect on every server after 5 minutes :)

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I can only join in the chorus of praise, I just played 2.5 hours experimental and it was amazing, I ran straight to the north and found my first unopened door just as I was starving to death (screen completely black and white), found a drink, but then had to run away from about 8 zombies before I could drink it, it was very intense. The game played extremely smoothly with 40 people, I had not a single server issue.


This game version doesn't feel like early alpha anymore.


Seriously well done devs, have you guys even slept these last few dayz?

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 what do you mean, fail patch? It's an amazing patch! Just because it has some bugs, doesn't make it a fail ( bet your parents didn't ask for a do over, when you were born )

Wow... that is a priceless answer... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Very much lag, couldn't open doors, change weapons, jump. Zombies where running where they wanted, attacked the air. Sorry but DayZ in its current state is unplayable for me

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What does WET means? Like It doesnt work right now? Or I get wet but nothing happens... or if I get wet, how I can get dry and etc?

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Where is the change log for the new experimental?


I was just playing on a 40/40 server and i'm not sure but did they fix the phantom zombie/reloading/eating sounds?

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